Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1250 End Of The Second Trial

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Chapter 1250 End Of The Second Trial


"Now Attack, Aquarius! I'll keep the monster from escaping!" I roared, manipulating the waters and conjuring ice around he giant beast, while Aquarius swam forward.


Aquarius gathered the power of the oceans within the sword made out of Gabriel's body, and quickly managed to slash through the powerful defenses of the ent.i.ty possessing the Sea King we were fighting.



The ent.i.ty panicked and tried to fight back, only for Aquarius slas.h.i.+ng attacks to become even more intense. Countless of slas.h.i.+ng attacks rained over the beast's Veil of Chaos, slicing it apart and revealing the monster below.

"I've got you! [Ocean Compression]! [Sea of Destruction]!"


The entire ocean started compressing around the gigantic fish, as it began exploding and draining away the energy of the monster, while the ent.i.ty dwelling within the monster started to suffer in agony.



This time, it didn't managed to escape, but was destroyed right there! A ma.s.s of darkness slowly dissipated into nothingness, as the Sharp Toothed Abyssal Piranha Queen suddenly came back to its senses, all weakened and beaten down, she quickly bowed her head to Aquarius.

"Ah… Hahhh… W-We did it…!" Aquarius was surprised. "However, we have to hurry, Tyrant, we need to go see mom and my siblings! I have the bad feeling something's going on there!"

"RAAAARR!" Tyrant roared.

"GRYYYYHH…" The Sharp Toothed Abyssal Piranha Queen became submissive to Aquarius, and the young dragon decided to instantly tame her too.

"Alright, if you want to join us and help, come!" Aquarius said.

The battle scenario immediately ended, as we were once more on "spectator mode". Aquarius swam through the seas, finally reaching home, only to find destruction everywhere.

"W-Wha… What is happening?!"

The entire Castle of the Primordial Dragon of the Seas was destroyed. The other houses and temples his siblings had constructed were in ruins. And many of his siblings' bodies laid over the sea floor, dead.

"No… E-Everyone… Mother… MOTHEEEER!!!"

The same darkness that had possessed the Sea Kings was lurking here. We could feel it. The shadows were moving around, countless red eyes were glaring at him.

As Aquarius tried to go look for his mother, he was suddenly ambushed by dozens of them. Sea Monsters possessed by the same darkness, their eyes were red and their bodies overflowing with black auras.

They were distorted and looked eldritch and aberrant.

"Fate's p.a.w.n…!"

"You are unfortunately late!"

"You were unable to change the Fate of your family, Sea Dragon Aquarius!"

"Gehehe… GEHAHAHAH!"

"All Dragons must be eradicated!"

"So the Dragon King may not be born ever again!"

"The only one that will destroy our Demon King must not be born!"

The Sea Monsters began talking and laughing evilly, as Aquarius face started to distort in pure fury. He seemed to clearly not understand a thing they were talking about, and his sadness became frustration, and then pure wrath.

And when Aquarius realized there was a small dragon egg shattered into pieces over the floor, with its small and undeveloped dragon fetus dead, he snapped.

"YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.dS…. YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.dS…! RAAAAAHHHH!!! I WON'T FORGIVE YOUUUUUUU…!"


His chest began s.h.i.+ning brightly with blue light, as a gigantic shockwave was unleashed from his body. His eyes began glowing with bright blue light, and his form suddenly transformed, now resembling a gigantic sea snake without limbs and one enormous jaw, he started to devastate everything around him, the monsters, and his ruined city in a fit of mindless wrath.



As he roared and destroyed the hundreds of monsters coming for him, his soul was crying on frustration and desperation to not have been able to change a thing.

Once he regained his calm, he quickly swam towards the castle, finding his mother almost dead. She was covered on deadly wounds, and she seemed to have been overpowered as she fought to protect her egg.



"Mother… Are you okay?!"

"I… I might not be able to live much longer…"

"But without you… without you the seas…! Mother… Please, don't leave me.


Ran started to cry in frustration, an ancient Primordial Dragon G.o.ddess was crying.

"They killed the child… they killed it… my child…" She cried.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry for not being here…!" Aquarius cried.

Her mother caressed Aquarius' face with her large hand, her big golden eyes looking into her son with care and love.

"Aquarius… you must escape. Swim as fast as you can, and as far as you can from this place…" She muttered. "I feel them, they're coming. They're still here… HURRY! I'll… hold them back for you."

"No… What are you talking about?!" Aquarius cried.

"Please… You must live. You're my last hope." She said, suddenly conjuring a bubble and encapsulating her son.

Because he was so weak and tired after his rampage, he was unable to fight back against his mother's magic and was quickly sent away right as he saw an enormous ma.s.s of monsters unified together, resembling an utterly aberrant monster land over the castle and destroy it all.

"Live… Aquarius…"



The Dream ended right there, as we were all sent back to the beginning of the Dream Dungeon. Honestly speaking, what we just saw right now was… A bit too much. It felt so shocking we couldn't even move once it all ended.

Sapphire suddenly fell to her knees, beginning to cry desperately.

"Aquarius… So this is what you never wanted to tell me. Was this the past you were so afraid to tell me? Was this… the suffering you went through in your younger years?" Cried Sapphire.

The little Rose walked to Sapphire's said and hugged her.


"Auntie, don't cry… It was a dream. We have yet to finish this."

"Ah, right…"

"There's still another Trial left and… we also must face him at the end, right? So it might sound rude but… It is too soon to begin crying."

Rose's pink eyes shone brightly, even the little girl was moved by what she saw and was holding her own tears.

"So, sniff… Please, just… Let's just bear with it… For now."

[The [Second Trial] has been completed successfully.]


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1250 End Of The Second Trial

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1250 End Of The Second Trial summary

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