Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1305 Fully Awakening The Sea Dragon Bloodline!

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Chapter 1305 Fully Awakening The Sea Dragon Bloodline!


"Mooch!" After Ran's disgusting kiss, I felt a surge of draconic energy and divine power.

Indeed, this kiss was the way the Primordial Dragons awakened bloodlines and powers. Usually, just touching me is good, but for whatever reason Ran wanted to kiss me…



[Your Sea Dragon Bloodline has been fully awakened!]

[All of your Sea Dragon Bloodline-related Divine Abilities and Divinities have been strengthened.]

[You've been recognized as a Sea Dragon by the mother of all Sea Dragons, Ran!]

I had already awakened it, but now I "fully" awakened it? Isn't it more like just a boost? Oh well.

"Oh? I feel much stronger, so that's what you were trying to do." I said in surprise.

"Fufufu, you usually don't get the chance of kissing such a handsome young man either." Ran giggled, giving me a wink.

"Ran, don't flirt with my son…" Nifl sighed.

"A-Ah, well, anyways!" Ran sighed. "I a.s.sume you came here not just for this, yes?"

"Indeed." I nodded. "Now that it's good to know that you're well… I am worried, what… exactly happened with Aquarius? Why is he not manifesting in here?"

"My son Aquarius?" Ran wondered, her cheerful and slightly childish personality quickly became much more serious. "Well, it is quite hard to explain, so let's just relax for a bit. How about we have something to eat while we talk? My children, can you bring us a good feast?"

"Of course mother!"

"Let's make the delicious flavors of the sea then!"

"On it!"

The sea dragons swiftly started to gather fish, shrimps, clams, and all sorts of other sea life, but because they were underwater, it wasn't as if they could cook them, they just brought them to eat raw.

"Hmmmm, how about we move to the surface for a bit? I think I can cook you something even better than the raw flavors alone." I smiled confidently. "Let's put it as a thanks for awakening my bloodline."

"Oooh! Young man, you seem to really know how to conquer a woman's heart." Ran giggled coquettishly. "Very well then, let's go to the surface!"

As we swam there, Benladann and Miranda were giving angered, jealous glares to Ran… I couldn't blame them, she was quite shameless in her way of speech, but most female dragons were like this anyways.

"Big aunt grandma is funny looking." Said Benladra while giggling.

"She's fat." Kate pointed out.

"E-EH? Geez! D-Do you have to be so blunt saying it like that?" Ran sighed.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, they're still young." I laughed.

After that, we arrived in the biggest island within the sea of the realm, and with a pile of living sea animals and monsters, I summoned hundreds of Cooking Spirits and started preparing a gigantic feast.

Fried fish, seafood stew, paella, and more were quickly being made one after the other, the smell attracted almost all sea dragons of all shapes and sizes. Some looked to have the appearance of manta rays, others had shark-like heads.

Some were slightly humanoid, resembling beautiful draconic mermen or mermaids, and others were the "cla.s.sic" design, similar to Aquarius. One of the things I've always been amazed about is that we are all dragons, yet I've never seen two dragons looking the same.

The range of appearances is staggering, even between the same sea dragons, everyone looks different and unique, and it is the same with every single other bloodline.

And as we feasted together as a big family, Ran began explaining what happened with Aquarius, she also spoke about the times when he was defending the seas, and the moment the Deep One showed up.

"Although he was summoned many years later, his presence resided within the seas because the Deep One had manifested himself before." Said Ran. "Much like other chaotic ent.i.ties, he had acquired the power to divide himself and a.s.similate other beings. I learned that a big fragment of his own soul was left in the seas after the Ragnar?k, while the rest of his body was trapped within the chaotic plane. His small fragment spread like a disease, devouring all life and a.s.similating it, taking over them… Like this, he plotted our defeat. Aquarius might not have been the last sea dragon, but he was the last of the tribe that inhabited the seas near that island."

"I see…" I nodded. "So that explains why he was there even without having been summoned yet… Is there other tribes? Or were you the only one?"

"We were the biggest tribe out there." She sighed. "It is a pity how everything ended… But at the same time, I am happy to hear that this conflict came to a satisfying conclusion, even after so many years. We've been avenged by you, your family, and friends, and we shall be eternally grateful."

"Are there other sea dragons?" Wondered Benladann. "Drake will need to meet at least another living one to fully awaken the bloodline."

"Yes, there are, dear." Ran smiled. "To the far south waters, and to the southwest, two small families reside, they are distant relatives of my children, offspring of those that wanted to explore the wide sea instead of remaining united as family. Such desires, which we once didn't really liked, was what saved our bloodline from fully peris.h.i.+ng. In the freezing waters of Niflheim, and to the warmer waters of Svartalfheim, they reside."

"I see." I nodded. "Noted, I'll visit them whenever I'm around there."

"I would be eternally grateful if you did! I really want to know how they're doing." Ran sighed. "Unlike my children here, they're very distant from us, and often don't engage nor enter the draconic records."

"It is a pity, we'll try to make them be a bit more sociable, if possible." I laughed a bit. "Nonetheless, about Aquarius…"

"Right." Ran nodded. "Aquarius… Well, it is not as if he had disappeared, nor that he died after dying either. His soul remains, and it exists. But he choose a different end to his life, a different path… Not the eternal rest of the Draconic Records, but to put his soul and everything else into another being, another life, a gift to his beloved wife…"


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1305 Fully Awakening The Sea Dragon Bloodline!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1305 Fully Awakening The Sea Dragon Bloodline! summary

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