Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1361 The Flame Emperor Army Appears!

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Chapter 1361 The Flame Emperor Army Appears!


The Flame Emperor didn't waste any time. He decided to destroy the entire mountain with a single, overwhelmingly powerful spell! His Divine Mana Core overflowed with Divine Power and Mana as he conjured the mighty Magic he had acquired through an Ancient Inheritance, The Flames of the End!

"[Flames of the End]"


A huge sphere of black flames emerged above the skies, as he pointed his right hand's index finger at the mountain.

"I'll end it all before all of you c.o.c.kroaches can come out from below the rocks, haha… HAHAHA!" He laughed manically. "PERIs.h.!.+ [Dark Sun]!"

The enormous sphere of flames descended from the skies, so large and vast that it was capable of blasting an entire mountain by itself! The powerful Spell exuding the mighty magic power that beings within Rank 10 exude.


The impact was almost instant, flames spread through the entire mountain, covering it all, the Flames of the End spread across the mountain's forest, burning the and instantly turning it all into ashes.


Black flames engulfed everything, as a few figures appeared around the Flame Palace where the Flame Emperor was standing in, four of them, overflowing with powerful Divine Energy and Mana.

"It looks like our Emperor was able to destroy everything much more easily than we imagined." Said a tall and muscular Fire Giant covered on many scars, holding a gigantic black axe, and missing an eye, while having two sharp black horns.

"What a pitiful display of weakness… They were not even capable of defending." Sighed a taller and slimmer young Fire Giant man, holding two longswords and wearing red armor, who possessed two sharp golden eyes.

"Emperor, you've left us with nothing to beat down now…" Sighed a young-looking Fire Giant girl, with fiery red eyes and fire instead of normal hair, wearing a dress made of flickering flames.

"Fufu, this is hilarious! So much destruction! Ahh~ My Emperor is simply the strongest!" Laughed a seductress fire giant woman with a big black horn growing from her forehead, wearing a seductive red dress, her long red hair reaching her legs as she smiled while blus.h.i.+ng, glancing the destruction occur.

These were the Flame Emperor's strongest servants, the strongest warriors, or sorcerers he found across his battle to conquer the entire Continent, which he defeated and then recruited into his "Empire".

He called them his Four Hounds, and they all were once the leaders of different tribes that instead of fighting to help their kin, decided to betray them and serve him faithfully.

Vulcan, the Warrior King. Sol, the Sunlight Hero. Fiera, the Infernal Princess. And lastly, Blaze, the Purgatory Witch. All four of them, after a long time serving their Emperor, exuded mighty Divine Auras of their own… By allying him, they had now attained strength they never thought they could on their own.

"Hmph, not so fast, my foolish hounds." The Flame Emperor smiled, pointing into the skies. "Look."

As the smoke dissipated, a large draconic figure appeared within, it wasn't Surtr, but a much larger, chimeric dragon whose scales and body appearance resembled the fusion between many types of elemental dragons together, with multiple heads, and an utterly t.i.tanic size.

"You'll have to do much more than that if you want to destroy this mountain, b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

It was n.o.body else than the Dragon King!

"Huh?! Who's that?!" Fiera asked angrily. "That chimeric hydra-like monster… Is it a dragon?!"

"S-So it is true…" Blaze muttered. "Fufufu… fufuahahahaha! Wonderful! The Dragon King himself has really come here! His multiple heads will be a wonderful display on our Flame Palace once our mighty Emperor beheads him."

"So the reason why his mighty magic wasn't able to completely flatten the mountain wad because of this being that.. completely took this attack head-on?!" Asked Vulcan.

"The Dragon King, huh? What sort of cringe name is that? He's just an oversized lizard." Sol sighed.

"So you've showed yourself, the pest that has ruined the plans of my siblings." The Flame Emperor said. "Unlike those weakling b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, I am not someone that you can go against so easily…"

"We'll see about that." Drake said, exuding a powerful aura from within his entire body, all four of his arms holding all four of his different Divine Weapons at once. "[Beginning Flames Cleansing Aura]!"


A shockwave of white flames covered the mountain, quickly destroy the Flames of the End that never stopped burning, and saving the mountain from melting by their might.

"Origin Flames?!" Asked the Flame Emperor. "No… those are a much weaker iteration of them. Hah! So you can even imitate the power that only the Last Fire Dragon should wield?!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Suddenly, around Drake, several other figures appeared, all of his allies that came to battle, alongside the last fire dragon, Surtr. The people inside the mountain were all evacuated inside of his Divine Realm by now too, including the Myconid, so n.o.body was burned by the emperors' flames.

"Looks like he got his cute little army~" Blaze laughed. "I wonder for how long will they hold on…"

"Heh, let's see their struggle." The Flame Emperor laughed. "My Army, destroy it all! Kill them all!!!"

The Flame Emperor roared, as his Divine Powers surged combined with the two Red Orb Fragments he possessed, this power quickly reached all of his Divine Beast Army, boosting their Stats greatly.


[The mighty [Flame Emperor's Blessing] has covered every Divine Beast serving him! All of their Stats have increased by +200% and their Damage Taken has been reduced by -25%.]




Huge Volcanic Gorillas, Infernal Snakes, Demonic Fire Wolves, and more t.i.tanic fire-attribute divine beasts charged forwards, beginning to burn everything in front of them, aiming to destroy the mountain and also to kill the ones within the sky! Wyverns and lesser fire dragons from dungeons quickly flew into the skies, firing their fireb.a.l.l.s and breath attacks, trying to aim at the flying targets.

"We can play the same game." Agni said, as his Red Orb Fragment shone brightly. "[Divine Primordial Fire G.o.d Blessing]!"


A powerful aura encompa.s.sed all allies, their bodies overflowing with new power! This was enhanced even more as Drake opened the gates to his own Divine Realm.

And brought Divine Beasts of his own!

"You're not the only b.a.s.t.a.r.d that has an army."


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1361 The Flame Emperor Army Appears!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1361 The Flame Emperor Army Appears! summary

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