Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1414 The Mighty Dragon Sisters' Teamwork

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Chapter 1414 The Mighty Dragon Sisters’ Teamwork


The reason behind Kate's powerful mechanized dragon fists being so strong wasn't just because of her powers alone, as much like it happened with Benladra, Agni concentrated his powers and imbued them into Kate, boosting one of her Divine Abilities to its limits!


[Through the powers of [Oracle of the Primordial G.o.d of Fire, Agni], your [Divine Technomancy] Divine Ability has temporarily evolved into its strongest form [Divine Mechanical Creation (SSS)]!]

[Temporarily, you're capable of reinforcing the materials that make up your Mechanical Creations, enhancing their Durability, Power, Flying Speed, and Weight by +200%!]

Kate's entire draconic body exuded a powerful gray and blue-colored aura, as her Divine Ability evolved towards a completely new level, not only was she able to create new kinds of stronger metals, but even enhance her creations Stats by up to +200%!


The four-headed hydra Demonic Beast roared, exuding a strong aura, much mightier than the other Demonic Beasts so far, even surpa.s.sing slightly those of the strongest ones, the Onis!

After having almost sealed Benladra's powers completely with those strange chains it summoned, the hydra was pummeled over a hundred times by Kate's metallic dragon fists, yet it was still standing, unleas.h.i.+ng its chains, and wrapping them around the mechanical claws, until they lost their energy and dropped like inert pieces of metal.

"Those chains: dangerous." Kate said, glaring at the hydra, which quickly pounced into the skies, even without the ability to fly at all, it simply leaped towards the dragon girls!


Its four jaws opened wide, unleas.h.i.+ng an acidic venom of an even deadlier composition than the Demonic Beast's blood, attempting to weaken the two dragons by melting their entire bodies with it!


However, the only thing the venom hit was a barrier of light which Benladra summoned in that very second, followed by three enormous stakes made of holy light.

"[Celestial Heavenly Magic]: [Sealing Stakes of Heavenly Light]!"

CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAa.s.ss.h.!.+

The stakes reached the gigantic hydra and pierced its entire body three times, the holy light beginning to make its flesh burn and its blood boil, as its strength seemed to weaken slightly.


However, the hydra quickly swung its huge tail, with the sharp tip of a spear-like bone, and pierced Benladra's s.h.i.+elds, reaching her only for Benladra to quickly disappear the moment the hydra pierced her with its gigantic tail!




The four-headed beast was shocked that Benladra fooled it, seeing how it had four heads, it was looking everywhere! When did it miss her making an illusion of herself?

Little did it knew that Benladra had not made an illusion of herself and had simply moved at so incredibly fast that it seemed as if she had left behind an illusion made of light!

This was thanks to her newly created spell, a spell she could only use while her Unique Skill was awakened to its fullest potential.

And that Spell was… [Celestial Speed]!

"I-I moved so fast…!" Benladra was shocked, she had even brought Kate with her, appearing much higher into the skies.

"Amazing, big sis." Kate smiled. "Now, let's use that advantage to evade attacks, and then, let's kill it!"

"Okay!" Benladra nodded, gathering her energies into both of her claws, while Kate summoned more portals leading to her Divine Realm, where Mechanized Divine Monsters kept emerging.


The hydra frustratedly screamed, as it was attacked by over fifty Mechanized Divine Monsters Kate had captured and transformed beforehand!

The hydra furiously swung its tail, piercing their bodies and impale their cores, while its chains wrapped around some of them, weakening them and sealing their energies.

While it was busy fighting so many enemies, even if it was easily overwhelming them, Benladra and Kate rushed down!

"[Divine Mechanical Blade: Andromeda]!"

Kate combined several mechanical beasts she had summoned over with her Divinity, materializing them into a gigantic blade overflowing with divinity!

"[Divine Celestial Spear: Oblivion]!"

At the same time, Benladra did something similar, combining and materializing her divinities, divine ability, magic powers, and her scale creation abilities to summon a beautiful spear of light!


The two sisters roared at the same time, their weapons rus.h.i.+ng down and piercing the Hydra's heads, Benladra impaled two of them while Kate only one, as her blade kept piercing through the Hydra's chest!



The Hydra screamed in agony, vomiting blood, and shaking its entire body wildly. Benladra gritted her sharp teeth and imbued her divine powers into her spear!

"[s.h.i.+ning Heaven]!"


Her spear erupted with enormous quant.i.ties of light, burning the hydra's insides, and suddenly blowing up the two heads she was impaling, while burning down their necks, inhibiting their rapid regeneration!


The Hydra groaned furiously, using its only last head, it summoned several Demonic Chains and wrapped them around Benladra's spear, suddenly negating its energies and shattering it into pieces!

Crack, crack… CRAAAs.h.!.+

The chains then moved directly towards Benladra, wrapping one of her legs!

"URGH…! It got me again!"

Benladra was too concentrated, incapable of moving away in time! However, she had her reliable little sister right besides her, and Kate wouldn't let her big sis alone in this situation either.

"[Andromeda: Self-Destruct]!"



Kate's divine weapon was nothing but a way to get inside the hydra's body, thanks to her weapon being so strong after she reinforced them, she was able to make it survive the acidic, melting blood of the beast quite easily.


Her sword was loaded with all its divine energy, and exploded right inside of the hydra's chest, blowing up half of its entire body!


However, unexpectedly, the Hydra had yet to die! Its very demonic soul surging from within its half-destroyed body, roaring furiously as it opened its monstrous jaws, attempting to take down the girls with it!

"Oh no, you won't!"

However, Benladra, now freed from the chains, channeled her powers into her throat, inhaled oxygen, and then unleashed her most devastating dragon breath to date!

"[Celestial Heavenly Dragon Breath]!"

A beam of pure, celestial light reached the hydra's demonic phantom, piercing it and completely engulfing whatever it had left behind, turning it all into pure ashes!


"W-We did it…!" Benladra sighed in relief.

"Well done." Kate smiled. "But we're not done here yet…! Let's go!"


The two sisters quickly flew into the skies, clas.h.i.+ng against the flying Demonic Beasts, and stopping them from spreading into the rest of the continent.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1414 The Mighty Dragon Sisters' Teamwork

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1414 The Mighty Dragon Sisters' Teamwork summary

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