Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1456 A Relentless And Strong Foe

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Chapter 1456 A Relentless And Strong Foe


FLAAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+

The monstrous plant creature slowly separated its own body into several new bodies, the previous body that was completely destroyed by my weapons suddenly started glowing brightly as it stopped moving.

"Move away from there!" I cried desperately.


An enormous explosion sent all my weapons flying away from the area, I quickly caught them with my Telekinesis and my Divine Auras before they were to sustain much damage, as I a.n.a.lyzed what was happening.


[The [Test Subject-02] has activated their Special Divine Abilities [Plant Mitosis] and [Corpse Explosion]!]

[It will continue to divide itself when it is about to die, detonating its previous corpse!]

"What kind of bulls.h.i.+t ability is this?!"


Its two clones quickly reached me, looking completely unscathed from their wounds. Thankfully they didn't knew how to use magic nor splashed me with demonic blood, but they had a really f.u.c.king strong bite!

"f.u.c.k OFF!" I roared. "[Divine Dragon King's Aura]!"

I combined all my Divinities together and made them exude from my body as two gigantic arms made of pure energy, punching both b.a.s.t.a.r.ds away as hard as I could!


"[Soul Freezing Curse]!"

I attempted to curse their souls to weaken their power, but it barely worked. Even as their bodies were being covered on rainbow frost and black flames…!

Crack, crack…!


Both of them broke free and then divided, there were now four, the last two corpses beginning to glow brightly right in front of my face!



I was pushed away, the flames made of demonic energy melting my scales, flesh, and even bones. It felt like I was falling apart into pieces! Is this really just a Dream Dungeon?!

"[Immortal Body]!"

I imbued Divine Power into the Unique Skill, my bones, tendrils, muscles, skin, and scales regrew anew in a matter of seconds, the four gigantic plant beasts reaching me!

Two of them tore apart my arms, the other two started biting my back, tearing apart my scales and flesh. I kept regenerating rapidly, but this was getting ridiculous.

"[Primordial Divine Ice Magic]: [Time Freeze]!"


I desperately conjured my trump card, the ability to temporarily freeze time around my surroundings for a couple of seconds.

As expected, they were stopped. I quickly used these last seconds to move away, take control of my weapons again and grab them with my regrown limbs.

All while I grew nine heads and charged them with all the power I had.

"[Dragon King's Divine Breath]!"

I unleashed a bombardment of explosive breath attacks when time just went back to normal, their bodies exploded into pieces in that very moment, but they kept regenerating!


I didn't gave up, quickly diving into the multi-colored flames and frost provoked by my breath attack, slas.h.i.+ng and hacking through them one after another!

SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+



Their corpses, as I hacked them to bits, glowed once more, bombarding me with huge explosions. No matter how many layers of armor and barriers I conjured, they broke through them and blew me away every time.



I quickly stood back up, gasping for air. I realized the difficulty ramped up a little bit too much there. It feels like the Dungeon itself doesn't want me to complete it.

That b.a.s.t.a.r.d controlling the Dungeon Core must have done something, surely.


There were now eight of them, they ran towards me, dragging their aberrant bodies, I conjured all matter of colorful spells, Stars of Light, Spears of Frost, Swords of Black Flames, Tempestuous Winds, Distorting Voids, anything!


Amidst a bombardment of magical explosions, I had dived towards them once more, trying to think what to even do! I keep killing them and they keep coming back endlessly!

Do I have to completely disintegrate them? But they multiply before I can do that! The Black Flames are effective, but too slow on destroying their flesh.



I need some d.a.m.n time to think but they keep on coming! My weapons were unleas.h.i.+ng all matter of abilities and techniques, but just when I killed some, they blew up on my face!


"f.u.c.k! I can't keep up with this s.h.i.+t!"

I was growing frustrated, but in that moment, a green colored tempest descended from the skies.



A gigantic tornado filled with golden lightning engulfed six of them in a mere second, as I noticed the green winds s.h.i.+ning with a golden l.u.s.ter.

"Uncle! Are you alright?!"

Emerald appeared, conjuring all the magic he could to restrain the beasts!

"Emerald, good timing!"

I quickly ran towards the skies, moving my winds rapidly and cutting down to pieces the creatures. Emerald manipulated the winds to restrain them and constantly cut through their surface.

"[Divine Heaven's Wind Magic]: [Sylphid's Heavenly Cages]!"


The tornados transformed into literal cages! It somehow stopped them from dividing! Is it because he trapped them on winds? It seems to be the only d.a.m.n element they cannot easily ignore or overpower with sheer strength.

I used to be really good at wind magic, but as I grew stronger, I further specialized on ice and acquired too many elements to continue my specialization on it.

Quite honestly, I'm a bit jealous of how good he's with this element!

"Incredible, well done, Emerald! Keep it going!"

"Uncle…!" Emerald somehow felt embarra.s.sed of being praised this much. "I'll keep doing my best!"

He was also lifting himself off the ground with wind magic and levitating, that's something he couldn't do before! Did he grew stronger from getting all that divine power rewards?


As he kept them restrained, I quickly swung my weapons once more, imbuing them with as many elements as I could, encompa.s.sing them with my primary one, ice.

An aura of pure rainbow frost emerged from my weapons, erupting with draconic energy I added right after.

"[Divine Dragon King's Battle Arts]: [Divine Weapon Barrage]!"

CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

As I clashed against the restrained plant-like monsters and crushed them one after another. Some regenerated, while others… didn't!

And then I noticed it, small green beads inside of them.

"A core?! That's it!" I smiled. "You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were hiding those pretty well!"


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1456 A Relentless And Strong Foe

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1456 A Relentless And Strong Foe summary

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