Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1497 Devouring Emerald's Curse

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Chapter 1497 Devouring Emerald's Curse

"So pathetic, can't even take some of that Demonic Energy? Did you had to seal it away?!"

Suddenly, I heard a very annoyed voice echoing inside of my mind. It was without a doubt, the voice of Gluttony, the Sin within my Demon King Seed.

"You could had digested that energy a bit better then! If I die, don't you think you'll die too?"

The voice went silent after I said that, and then it quickly and angrily refuted me.

"Do you think you have the authority or right to tell me what should I do, pathetic little vessel? If you die or not is not my concern. I will simply find another vessel, eventually!"

And then he stopped talking…

I can tell this is one of Pandemonium's creations, it does carry his teenager's angst.

More importantly, I had to quickly calm down everyone around me, they were all just as exhausted as I was.

It wouldn't be good for them to get even more tired by looking up for me.

"Thank you, I'm feeling alright now…" I sighed in relief, hugging my family. "I felt some pain because of the demonic energy, it ended being too much for what I could take, and it almost destroyed my whole soul. Thankfully, I was able to seal it away."

"Ah, thank goodness!" Benladann hugged me tightly. "You worried me so much again!"

"Drake, you're truly a handful sometimes, why did you had to try to eat all of that power?!" Miranda started to adorably reprimand me.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I'll make up for it later. I'll reward you and do anything you want." I said to the two, slowly turning back to my Draconid Humanoid form.

"A-Anything?!" Miranda quickly blushed.

"Hahaha, well, if you say so." Benladann was also quite excited.

"Papa, you're fine?" Benladra asked, resting on my back and hugging my head from behind.

"I'm fine, yes. It is alright now." I caressed her little hands.

"Really?" Kate asked me, flying in front of me.

"Yes." I held her in my arms and gave her a kiss in her forehead. "I'm fine now."

Emerald and Tyrannus squad had not reacted to what was happening to me because they had all pa.s.sed out on the spot after the fight.

Their whole combined form was something I never thought the Heaven's Winds could accomplish, but it was incredible, nonetheless.

It felt like Emerald had used the armor and weapons he blessed with the Heaven's Winds as catalyst to combine their power with him.

Like simply calling back the power that already belonged to him, but merging with those that were now carrying it…

It was quite an incredible ability.

"Emerald's unconscious! He pa.s.sed out right after he finished fighting." Said Benladann.

"We should heal them and wake them up, I don't think we have time to slack off." Miranda said. "Benladra, can you help?"

"Sure auntie!"

Benladra flew over Emerald and the rest, using her magic to heal them. I also helped her, as the wind dragon and the warriors slowly opened their eyes.


Emerald opened his eyes after what had happened, slowly standing up amidst the rubble left behind by the entire building collapsing on the battle.

"What happened?! Did we win?!"

"We did."

I laughed as I patted his head.

"Well done! You surprised me there, I should probably apologize to you, Emerald. For looking down on you." I sighed. "I was simply prioritizing your safety, but we ended being saved by your strength. You're a strong dragon."

"A-Ah… M-Me? Strong?!" Emerald asked, shocked. "I-I am not that strong myself! I… Thanks."

He sighed, as he accepted my apology and bowed his head respectfully.

"Hmm, well, now that I have this power, it shouldn't be hard."

Pain rushed across my arm, but I ignored it as demonic energy surged, slowly taking the shape of monstrous draconic jaws.

"Let's try this Demonic Energy right away." I smiled. "{Curse Eating Demonic Jaws}"



Emerald was scared and surprised once he saw my power envelop his broken wings, beginning to devour the Curse left behind by that one b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"Eh? They're only targeting the curse- Oohhh?!"

With an energetic scream, Emerald realized his wings were back to normal!


[You have devoured a powerful Curse conjured by another Sin.]

[You gained +100.000 Demonic Energy.]

So I can gain Demonic Energy by devouring curses too, huh?

"Looks like that's it." I said. "Can you move your wings now?"

"I-I can!"

Emerald waved his wings, quickly flying off into the skies while happily celebrating.

"I can fly! I can fly again! Normally, without magic!"

He continued flying everywhere, making a bit of a fuss. Tyrannus and his warriors slowly woke up, in the perfect timing for Belle to bring the people Test Subject-04 had kidnaped.

"Here they are." Belle said. "I've stabilized the Dream Dungeon now; it is beginning to slowly turn back to the original shape it had before. I recommend absorbing it inside of your Divine Realm now, Drake."

"I know, I'll do so." I nodded.

At the same time, the people that had been healed slowly walked out of the Dream Portal, greeting Tyrannus and everyone else.

"W-What's going on- Ah! Dear?!"


Tyrannus ran towards his wife after seeing her, hugging her tightly and lifting her off the ground with his huge arms.

"Oh dear, I've missed you so much!"

"Nemed! Me too… I missed you so much, my love."

The two hugged lovingly, while the other warriors meet their loved ones that were taken away. They were all healthy and healed well, all thanks to Belle and her mom, the Venerable of Dreams who took care of them.

"You owe me a favor now."

She whispered to my mind a I watched the scene unfold…

"Hey, I'm already raising the egg where your new body will come from, what else do you want from me?! I'm feeding it my own blood and divine power every day!"

"Fufu, I suppose you're not wrong." She giggled. "Well, still, I'll think about what favor I will ask you later…"

I don't want to imagine what this vixen is planning…


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1497 Devouring Emerald's Curse

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1497 Devouring Emerald's Curse summary

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