Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1509 Surtr's Mission

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Chapter 1509 Surtr's Mission


Surtr kept slas.h.i.+ng away Demons while his companions advanced through their army. The Demonic Beasts were the weakest, and with Surtr's magic, they were weakened enough for them to gang on the ones he wounded and kill them effectively.

At the same time, Nadia and Mina were unleas.h.i.+ng their strongest spells and techniques, advancing forwards with their ma.s.sive new sizes, awakened after they drank several Elixirs made of Ancient Fire t.i.tan Blood.

Jamar in the other case, was conjuring his mushrooms across the various enemies, capable now to spread it like a disease, these special mushrooms feed on the demon's demonic energy and exploded, dealing constant damage.

Alone they weren't much to care about, but as they spread like disease, the damage they caused became increasingly more impactful.

Jarma's physical techniques weren't the strongest out there, but he was able to compensate with his incredibly adaptable Mushroom Damage.

As hard as he was trying to become a swordsman, he was becoming better at this unique magic than anything else…

But that ended helping everyone, nonetheless.

"We're making progress, the east side of the barrier is cleared of demons!" Said Nadia.

"The west side is almost cleared too!" Mina said.

"Good! Now we have to- Huh?!"

Suddenly, Surtr heard the voice of someone echoing inside of his mind.

"Surtr, right?"

"Huh?! Who is it?!"

"It's me, one of Drake's companions. My name is Ruby. We've not had much time to talk with one another, but I'm glad you're back."

"Oh! You must be the one conjuring the barrier, right?"

"Indeed, there's something I need to tell you."


"To the west, near that huge, burned tree, I can sense a tremendous quant.i.ty of Demonic Energy, the Demons and Demonic Beasts also happen to come from that side."

"Don't you mean… Is there a h.e.l.l Gate coming from there?"

"That is most likely the case, I'm afraid."

Surtr quickly glanced into the distance, gritting his sharp teeth… he wanted to go right away, but at the same time, his help in here was essential.

If he left this area, the tides of war might end up being inclined to the demon's side again! And to make things worse, Marchosias was right in front of him.

He wanted to go help Rakasha and Tisha deal with him quickly, but there was a limit of how many places he could be at the same time!

"I know you must be thinking what to do in this situation, and my answer is simple. Go destroy the h.e.l.l Gate. We will hold things off until you come back."


"Surtr, you're the strongest amongst all of us right now, you're the only one that could destroy that Gate too, you did it before, right?"

"With Master Drake and everyone else's help… I don't know if I can do it on my own!"

"Then you'll have to find out if you can now."

Ruby's voice seemed slightly domineering, but she was as desperate as everyone was. If things continued as they were, even Surtr's army would eventually collapse due to all the acc.u.mulated exhaustion.

The demons were simply endless, Pandemonium's army wasn't something they could even realistically face. If even the Ancient G.o.ds were unable to stop him, there was no way they could right now.


Surtr quickly took a decision, nodding and immediately spreading out his wings… But before that, he devoured ten bottles filled with a golden and milky liquid.


[You've consumed [Divine Soul-Healing Elixir (S+++ Grade)] x10!]

[You have distributed the Soul Essence into the Souls of your fellow siblings instead of your own!]

[The exhausted Souls of your siblings have been restored to their maximum Soul Stamina.]

These were special Elixirs he got from Asmodeus as a reward from completing the trial. Asmodeus wanted him to use them on himself to strengthen his soul further.

But he ended repurposing their effects to heal the mighty Divine Souls of his Fire Dragon Siblings, who had collapsed of exhaustion after their last battle.

"What are you doing?! Don't you know how hard was to Refine those ten potions back when I was alive?!" Asmodeus reprimanded him. "They were supposed to make your Soul stronger!"

"Don't be greedy, Asmodeus. It is your fault that my siblings and even mother's soul became so exhausted. You forced them to help me defeat you." Sighed Surtr. "So shut up for once, big bro. I'm not in a good mood now."

"Ugh… I guess you're not wrong…" Asmodeus sighed.

"Now…" Asmodeus waved his hand, his magic and divinity shaping as the souls of his healed siblings surged one after another. "Like Master Drake taught me! {Divine Fire Dragon Soul Spirit Creation}!"


By using the almighty power of the Unique Skill: Heavenly Smith, Surtr combined Divine Materials taken out of his own body, such as scales, blood, claws, fangs, horns, and several other Spirit Materials Drake gifted to him to imitate his own Spirit Creation, by using the souls of his siblings as recipients.

FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+

Their souls flashed, transforming one after another. Instead of fusing their souls into his body to gain power, he summoned them into powerful dragons!

"W-What is this?!"

"We've been summoned?"

"Huh? I'm alive now?"

"Surtr! What have you done? This goes against the laws of fate; we cannot be revived!"

"Calm down… We are not revived; this is more like a temporary pa.s.s."

The Souls of the Fire Dragons were shocked, but one of their siblings, the largest and toughest of them, calmed them down.

"Indeed." Surtr nodded. "I've summoned you into Spirits! Please, take care of everyone while I'm gone!"

"W-Wait a second! I was never that good at fighting!"

"Okay, leave it to us then!"

"Go for it lil' bro!"

Some Dragons were a bit afraid, but the rest quickly nodded, letting Surtr go, as he told his companions that he would come back soon.

"Nadia, Mina, I'll leave everyone up to you two, please lead them while I'm away!" He said, flying. "I'll destroy the Demon Gate and stop them from continuously sp.a.w.ning!"

"Surtr!" Mina cried, seeing Surtr fly away as fast as possible. "And there he goes…"

"Leave him, he knows what he's doing." Nadia said. "He even left his siblings here for a bit…"

As Nadia spoke, Mina saw how a dozen giant Fire Dragons started ma.s.sacring the Demons one after another…


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1509 Surtr's Mission

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1509 Surtr's Mission summary

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