Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 151: Frightening Ancient Times

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Chapter 151: Frightening Ancient Times


This Vampire guy was seriously a sicko. I mean, I would have probably done the same in his place but maybe not as insane? I get it that he needed blood, but G.o.d lord calms down…

He was the one that brought Vampires into this world whose concept of Vampires didn't exist before. He had also brought a new Attribute in the Blood Attribute, which his Mana Core was.

He had used the power of his Unique Skill to devour the life essence of the living beings of this world while also drinking their blood for nourishment, through this method, this old b.a.s.t.a.r.d managed to turn the order of the world upside down, it was said that the population of people had been reduced to almost 70% due to his ma.s.sacres.

However, in the end, Fate never loses… he was defeated by the lifespan, and he died.

Not without leaving an enormous legacy, of course, he had terrorized the entire world and spread Vampiric Monsters and Vampires of all types across the entire world. The era afterward was often referred to as "the era of blood" as it wasn't nothing but something close to a vampire apocalypse.

The world was reigned by Vampire Houses, and they held great power… They dominated the world and used common folk as cattle, the Blood Attribute was spread through the entire world.

It was said that those that turned into Vampires would change their Mana Core into Blood Attribute and gain unprecedented regeneration, senses, and more powers, but they would also gain weakness to sunlight, light, and fire attribute, and also would need to drink fresh blood to remain sane and with their powers.

The Ice Queen finally put an end to the era of vampires, as she used everything she had to defeat them even when she was still Rank 9. She was a brave and strong warrior, and after raising to Rank 10, she used her power to make the Vampires go almost extinct, as she saw them as the pest of this world. It was said that she lost her family to a Vampire attack, and since then she had harbored tremendous hate against them.

After her efforts, the population of the world finally began to grow back to normal, Vampires that survived hid for many years, many died in the process but even up until now, it is said that there are some of them going around. It is said that they are spreading around the faraway lands of this region, and perhaps in many others.

But they are also being persecuted and killed by righteous sects, just as how technology users are being chased and imprisoned or even just outright killed…

It is also said that other Venerables were also otherworldly Demons, some of them having overpowered Unique Skills that helped them get where they got… But it is also said that even for all the catastrophes they bring, Demon Venerables were also chosen by Fate. Some call them a "necessary evil" or that "there can't be light where there is no darkness". I suppose for the good to be here, there is also the need for evil.

But each one also brought a revolution to the world, they brought the power of new attributes, new unique abilities that they spread, and more…

It was a lot of info to take in a single sip, but here I was, wondering more and more until the Ice Giants in front of me didn't know what else to say.

It seems that the tale of the Ice Queen is very popular, she is praised as a literal G.o.ddess by most sects, aside from Ymir himself… There is a tale regarding her flying ice castle, which usually emerged within the skies… I suppose we are doing the same here, huh?

I tried to ask about the other Venerables, but they didn't know much other than very basic stuff regarding their t.i.tles.

In the end, we decided to slowly move to that town where this family came from, it might take some days, so for those days I will try to see if we can slowly convince them to stay with us, I don't want to employ any type of violence against these people if possible, but I can't possibly let them go, if they go, they might end up spiting everything about us one way or another.

Even if they are good people in the end, if they get caught and tortured, they will reveal everything anyways… So better to simply not even let that happen to begin with.

If they refuse in the end and are desperate of moving into the town… Well, let's say I will force my way one way or another. Let's leave it at that. Call me whatever you want, I don't care.

Anyways, for the moment we decided to rest.

With so many people in the castle, things had gotten pretty lively, I gotta say… But Fuyu has been upgrading herself more and more as I produce more ice bricks for her, alongside bringing her wood, rocks, and giving her mined ores we find along the way.

Like this, many more floors had been made and she really just looks like an enormous medieval castle at this point. Due to this, whenever we want some time of peacefulness we just go upstairs with Benladann. Although to be honest, everyone is rather calm. Even the kids are learning and slowly doing things calmer, they had been good kids.

At the end of the day we checked on Benladann's parent's souls, and they seemed to be doing quite fine, they were recovering at a good pace. I used Death Magic to nourish their souls by giving them residual phantom essence from the souls I pick and eat often, and I am slowly making some spells with it to do it automatically, perhaps something like Phantom Heal might be a nice name for a soul-healing spell.

I still haven't talked about my Ice Giant form to anyone, not even Benladann… But I do plan to do it soon… I think.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 151: Frightening Ancient Times

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 151: Frightening Ancient Times summary

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