Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1517 Divine Lightning Anchor

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Chapter 1517 Divine Lightning Anchor


Crack, crack…!


Dozens of giant Demonic Beasts emerged from outside the barrier, their claws attempting to tear open the barrier.

Their appearances resembled enormous, demonic baboons, each one at least fifty meters of height. And there was a gigantic one that was at least thrice that size, commanding them from behind.

Their giant and dexterous hands, with sharp clawed nails, slowly began to exploit the cracks on the barrier and began to grind through it.

Ruby and the Vampires were at their limit, they were running low on Mana and Divine Power, and the barrier was "glitching" as its power was beginning to fade away.


Ruby suddenly fell to her knees, coughing blood as she tried to keep the entire Barrier up, even if it was costing her life now.


Her mother cried, trying to go to her help, but her daughter swiftly stopped her, rising her hand and telling her to stop.

"Don't move… Keep the barrier on, at all costs."

"But Ruby, the Demons keep on coming…!"

"Surtr will destroy the Gate! Once he does that, the Demons should stop coming as much! Drake and everyone else are coming back too… We have to just hold on for a bit longer- Agh!"

However, Ruby could not hold back much longer already, she was using her own Life Force to feed the powerful barrier.

If she overdid it, she could end up taking irreparable damage to her Divine Core, ending up being crippled from her own Cultivation Rank.

But there was no other option than gamble it.

Emerald, who was defending the barrier, quickly unleashed a storm of green colored winds, flapping his big wings against the baboon-like Demonic Beasts.

"You d.a.m.n monkeys! Stop at once! {Divine Heaven's Winds Magic}: {Eternal Tempest}!"


A powerful tempestuous attack reached the gigantic monsters, pus.h.i.+ng several of them away, only for an enormous anchor of lightning to descend from the skies right as they were about to jump back at Emerald!


One of the demonic beasts was. .h.i.t directly in the head, its skull shattering and the entire head blowing up!

Emerald looked flabbergasted into the skies, finding a gigantic ice castle, swarmed by hundreds of flying demons and demonic beasts.

"W-What is that?!"

The lightning anchor moved again, hitting as many demons as it could before pulling back into the skies where the castle was constantly electrifying and filling with hole as many flying monsters as possible.

The reason why the entire battle wasn't even more chaotic with these flying monsters was because Fuyu herself was taking on all of them on her own.

And this, was also the reason why she couldn't help them other than with this anchor created by the Dwarf Captain, Charlotte.


"Destroy the magic castle!"

"CRAAH! It's too d.a.m.n tough!"

"What the heck is this device the mortals have made now?!"

The Demons swarming Fuyu were constantly trying to breakthrough, but Fuyu has grown much stronger since the battle against the Flame Emperor's Four Hounds.

Drake, Surt, Benladann, and Drake's two daughters had made sure to upgrade her entire body, and the barriers she could produce were now fueled by the Essence of Drake's very Divine Realm.


It kept exuding a bright divine light, burning through the bodies of the Demons and freezing them temporarily, giving its attacking methods to reach them more easily.

Several cannons opened all across the flying fortress, firing beams of light of many colors. Many of Drake's allies were gathered here, infusing their Divinities into the cannons for a variety of elemental attacks.

Within Fuyu's cannons, strength was in numbers, even those people that disliked fighting, or younger ones that weren't as strong, helped, unifying their weaker divinities as once, and firing rainbow-colored beams from the cannons.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! "Hey, Fuyu! Can't we help them more down there?!" Charllotte asked Fuyu, using her Unique Skill's powers to modify the entire gigantic castle to add more cannons and other abilities.

"We can't!" Fuyu said. "We're already at our limit! We can only do so much when fighting literal HUNDREDS of Demons at once, Charlotte!"

Fuyu was already using all her power in this moment to unleash as much damage as possible. Because Demons were so tough, it took them multiple deadly ultimate attacks for them to actually die.

"If you go on your own, you're likely to die, so I hope you don't jump into danger." Fuyu sighed.

"Ugh, I know, I know!" Charlotte sighed. "The only thing I can do is support them from above…"

She continued harnessing her Lightning Divinity and combining it with her Unique Skills, anchors of lightning constantly falling down, helping Emerald relieve his burdens.

CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

The attacks continued hitting the demons, their heads didn't explode all times, but they were weakened enough for Emerald's winds to finish them off.

"I don't really know who you are, flying magic castle, but thanks for the help!" Emerald roared, his Heaven's Winds swirling around his claws and wings. "{Divine Heaven's Winds Magic}: {Heavenly Tempest Spears}!"

His winds shaped into gigantic spears rotating around him, which he used to impale the weakened Demons, making them fall down one after another.

CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ The screams of the falling monsters echoed across the village right next to them, Ruby noticed how strong Emerald had grown since they first saw him.

"Wait, is that the snotty bird dragon guy?!" Ruby was shocked. "H-He's gotten so strong! Or was he always this strong from the beginning?"

Amehia and Tyrannus also watched how Emerald bravely took down the monsters trying to widen the cracks, temporarily making some time for everyone to escape into Ruby's Divine Realm.

"Emerald is working so hard!" Amehia sighed. "He has gotten so strong… So this is how you truly are?" She couldn't help but feel overjoyed to see him grow this powerful.

But at the same time, she felt useless herself…

"But what can I do on my own?"

As she guided the last members of the village and her father and other warriors fended off the invading smaller lesser demons, suddenly…


Amehia felt a mysterious power calling her, within the flower left behind by Yuki when she revived.

"Is that… A Spirit?!"


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1517 Divine Lightning Anchor

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1517 Divine Lightning Anchor summary

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