Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1549 Benladra's Anti-Mold Powers

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Chapter 1549 Benladra's Anti-Mold Powers


I saw that the Anti-Mold started to burn Miranda's hand, most likely holding a similar power to Holy Magic, which can purify and burn through Miasma or Chaos. I panicked, quickly telling Benladra to stop.


"Hahah, that tickles!" Miranda laughed. "Don't worry! Calm down, I'm fine. It only barely gives me a feeling of burn. Benladra's controlling its intensity, right?"

"A bit!" Benladra said. "It doesn't hurt?"

"Nah, nothing to sweat over." Miranda shrugged.

"Seriously, do you have to scare us like this?" Benladann sighed. "Drake, it's fine…"

"O-Okay… I guess it's fine then." I felt slightly relieved, and at the same time rather angered at myself for losing my composure so quickly. "So this golden thing is the Anti-Mold?"

"Yeah… B-But aside from controlling its intensity, I can't do much with it other than to bring it back to me…" Benladra sighed, the golden liquid, resembling molten liquid gold, swiftly went back to her hands and fused into her skin and scales, disappearing. "I can control the intensity because it depends on Mana spent."

"What happens if you use Divine Power?" Wondered Benladann.

"I haven't tried yet because I'm afraid I won't be able to even control its intensity…" Sighed Benladra.

"Well, this entire Realm is full of chaos and miasma, and it constantly regenerates more." Benladann said. "So it's the perfect place for you to control that power of yours, dear."

"Yeah, let's begin training right away." Miranda nodded.

"Should I do something?" I wondered.

My two wives and my daughter glanced at me.

"You stay there daddy." Benladra nodded.

"Be our bodyguard or something." Miranda added.

"You can take care of things if they get too out of control, right?" Benladann asked.

Ah, so they called me here just to observe and do… nothing else! I might have gone with Kate and the System. Both are inside of the System's Synapsis killing Bugs. But well, Kate's already strong enough to take care of them by herself.

"Then I will observe and a.n.a.lyze everything." I nodded. "How about we start with something first, if you let me suggest an idea."

"Yes?" Miranda wondered.

"We should first test what her Anti-Mold can do completely." I said. "What it strong against, and what its weak against."

"Right… Not wrong." Nodded Benladann. "Well, shall we begin with that then?"

"Sure!" Benladra nodded. "What should I do?"

"For starters, just let the Anti-Mold flow into the ground." Miranda said.

"Yeah, that should give us some insight." I agreed.

Benladra nodded, and pointed her hands into the ground, opening her palms. The golden, metallic liquid slowly fell from her fingers. It looked rather beautiful compared to the black and slimy mold. A few droplets. .h.i.t the black rocky ground of the Chaos Dragon Realm, and it seemed to take some effect.

The black rocks slowly started to burn, steam coming out of them upon the Anti-Mold contact. Slowly, they lost their black color and turned completely white and gray, l.u.s.trous. Probably the cleanest rocks we've ever seen.

We silently a.n.a.lyzed it as Benladra used different quant.i.ties. We came to the quick conclusion that her Anti-Mold can burn and purify through Miasma incredibly well.

Usually, that's the case. But when targeting beings made of Miasma or that possess such essence within them that are strong enough, they can resist the Anti-Mold really well. Like it happened to Miranda.

"Hmm, alright. What else can we find out about this?" I wondered. "Oh, I know. Target me with it! We can see what it can do pretty quickly like that."

"W-What?! Are you sure daddy? But if you get hurt…" Benladra got worried for no reason.

"Hahaha, no worries. I have an inmortal body. Come on." I said. "Do your worst."

"Hmm… O-Okay…" Benladra still doubted a bit, but quickly gathered her mold in her hands and tried to control it more now. "Hmmm… T-There!"

Suddenly, she managed to fire a small ball of this golden liquid into my exposed arms. It was very cold upon contact, very much like normal Mold. However, once it touched me, I felt something else. Unlike the other Mold, which would try to infect me and take over me on its wild state. The Anti-Mold simply caressed me and cleaned my arms from anything it could find.

Aside from that, I felt a strangely soothing feeling, it was constantly trying to heal any wound or imperfection it could find. I see why it's called Anti-Mold now. And it's incredible what it can do!

"I'm completely fine, see?" I laughed. "In fact, I think I've finally figured out why this is called Anti-Mold. It does not only purify miasma or chaos. It can also clean things and heal upon contact. And unlike Mold on its natural state, it doesn't try to infect me, but… look."

I quickly summoned an arrow made of ice and fired it back to my arms, trying to arm myself. In that moment, the golden mold moved into my arms and protected me from the impact, before freezing and falling into pieces, dying in the process.


"W-Woah, it protected you!" Benladra gasped. "S-So this is my power? The power I was so afraid of using for so long…"

"It truly is like the opposite of Mold." Miranda said. "If it can truly heal things, then we should test it more in that regard… Let's hunt some animals in your divine realm, Drake."

"Sure." I nodded.

After a couple of minutes, we hunted a deer, some rabbits, and a large mountain lion. They were left barely alive. Benladra then fired tiny bullets of golden anti-mold into their bodies, several times. The golden ma.s.s covered their bodies, pulsating and releasing strange, squirming and slimy sounds.

However, the animals slowly felt much better, standing up. Their wounds were healed incredibly quickly. And as it healed wounds, the Anti-Mold's ma.s.s slowly decreased. Until they were completely healed and no more Anti-Mold was left.

Not only that, but those also that were healed by it, these simple Mortal-Rank Animals, evolved, their eyes glowing with golden light. And they emanated Auras of Holiness. They ended becoming Rank 4 Holy Monsters. I'm not even kidding!

"W-Woah, they're my friends now?" Benladra asked, petting the animals that walked to her side.

"This Anti-Mold… It's fantastic!" Benladann clapped.

"It sure is something else." Miranda agreed.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1549 Benladra's Anti-Mold Powers

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1549 Benladra's Anti-Mold Powers summary

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