Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1624 An Intense Battle Against A Sin!

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Chapter 1624 An Intense Battle Against A Sin!


I received Gluttony's relentless attacks by immediately activating my first Soul Gear's Ability. My Divine Power and Azure Ice Essence, which I've acc.u.mulated by a large amount were all unleashed at once.


[You have activated the Soul Gear Ability: [Soul Gear: Snow Forest Beasts Runes] by imbuing the Soul Gear with Divine Power and Azure Ice Essence, boosting your Physical Strength, Dexterity and Agility by +200%, while also being able to call out their {Snow Forest Beast Echoes} with each successful attack against a foe.]


I stepped forwards, activating the powers of my t.i.tan's Psyche as an Aura of Azure Ice Essence surged from my body. I quickly transformed into my largest form imaginable to clash against Gluttony. My nine heads opened their jaws, releasing a combination of elemental breaths, bombarding him and pus.h.i.+ng him back.

At the same time, my six arms quickly materialized the souls of all my weapons. Normal weapons might have not worked inside a Soul Realm made by a Sin, which would count as an Ethereal Realm, but my weapons did. Not only were they divine artifacts, as that wouldn't count, but each one of them had a soul of their own.

Skadi, Uller, Ariel, Hephaestus, and the two Marchosias Summons, turned into Demonic Spirit Weapons of their own. All of them were quickly encompa.s.sed by a veil of my own Soul Ether, fused with all my divinities, forming a rainbow-colored frost over their blades, and then further covering it with Heavenly Demon Flames.

"Again with those d.a.m.ned weapons!"

Gluttony quickly rushed back towards me, swinging all his tails against me, each one with sharp weapon-like tips made of hard bone. I intercepted his attacks with all six of my weapons. Each weapon activated their unique elemental effects and abilities. Ariel released swirling explosions of oceanic water transformed into giant sea dragon jaws. Hephaestus unleashed explosions of Origin Flames that burned through Gluttony. And Skadi and Uller did what they usually did best, cut and slash everything while covering it with blood, frost, and darkness.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

As I unleashed all my attacks, I felt something odd. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d's attacks were much harder and heavier. Even as I attempted to slash, crush, and hack through his limbs, I was only leaving wounds and not cutting through it all as I desired.

"Hah! Did you thought a barrage of such basic attacks would work now?!"

Gluttony opened his jaws as he gathered demonic energy, unleas.h.i.+ng a blast of black and red demonic flames, which hit me directly.



My body was lunged away, I fell to the floor and shattered it, finding myself inside yet another realm of the same form and shape. This place went in endlessly.

Crack, crack…!

My soul gained another crack already! "Your efforts will be futile, Dragon King! Your body and soul are mine to feast on!"

Gluttony surged from above, rus.h.i.+ng down through the hole open in the ceiling. His entire body shapes.h.i.+fted, opening his jaws again. This time not to blast me with a beam, but to eat me whole.

"Yeah, keep it wide open, just like that!"

As I smiled, my Soul Gear Ability activated. I had hit him at least a hundred times. Each hit had a 30% chance to trigger {Snow Forest Beast Echoes}, and now I activated all the runes left behind across his body, with each attack that triggered the ability.

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+


Gluttony's eyes opened wide as he saw his entire body flaring with blue colored runes of frost and spiritual energy. A second later, and before he could even reach me, his entire body was attacked by dozens after dozens of Snow Forest Beast Echoes.


Snow Forest Beast Echoes}: There's a 30% chance with each physical attack against a foe to summon a random Snow Forest Beast Spirit Soul to attack the foe, dealing up to +500% Damage that can ignore up to 50% of their defenses, and also deal Direct Soul Damage of the Ice, Beast, and War Element.


Giant Snow Gorillas, Yetis, Frost Wyverns, Ice Horned Rabbits, and the almighty Frost Mammoth appeared, many times over, slamming his entire body countless times and pus.h.i.+ng him down into the floor.


"Argh! This d.a.m.ned trick again! Do you think it'll work twice?!"

As he roared, he started tearing apart the Snow Spirit Echoes with ease with his many tendrils, foolishly giving me a chance to attack. I charged my Divine Power and Demonic Energy into my weapons and body, activating several Divine Abilities at once.

"Burn! {Primordial Black Flames of Demise}! {Jormungandr's World Ending Miasmic Flames}! {Mind-Consuming Dream Flames}! {Divine Flames of Beginning}! {Divine Windstorm Domain}!" I conjured several Flame related Divine Abilities at once, as a storm of countless colorful flames bombarded Gluttony constantly, turning his entire domain into an endless inferno. I used the Divine Windstorm Domain to control and combine all the flames into a spiraling circle around him, which I kept reinforcing by repeatedly conjuring the same circle over and over and over again.



However, Gluttony as he burned, started devouring through my flames even as I conjured dozens of blazing circles, which consumed his flesh, mind, and soul, yet he kept restoring himself back together, tearing through it all relentlessly.

"I told you it wasn't going to work!"

He lunged his entire body towards me, feeling his weight over my body approaching, I conjured a huge s.h.i.+eld combining the Essence of hundreds of temporary Divine Spirits and Gabriel. A giant golden s.h.i.+eld appeared, Aegis.


His entire body slammed against me with tremendous force, yet Gabriel's s.h.i.+eld form held off just fine. Fine enough for me to quickly slash apart his already wounded limbs, one after another, they fell into the floor.

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+


Gluttony kicked me away again, and then caught up to me as I flew away. His jaws opening wide, biting through my armor and breaking Gabriel's s.h.i.+eld instantly.

Crack, crack…!


"Gabriel! Come back!"

Gabriel barely managed to save himself from being devoured as he flew back towards me while the components of the s.h.i.+eld shattered into countless fragments.

"Your s.h.i.+eld is of no use!"

Gluttony spun his body around, as he slammed my nine heads with his gigantic tail, a combination of all hundred tails he had at once.



Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1624 An Intense Battle Against A Sin!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1624 An Intense Battle Against A Sin! summary

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