Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1658 Abyssal Divine Beasts Attack

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Chapter 1658 Abyssal Divine Beasts Attack


The Abyssal Divine Beasts were imbued with the powers of the fourth Partic.i.p.ant, whose strange abilities seemed to defy anything Drake had ever faced before. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had managed to use his beasts to sneakily advance through the battlefield, smartly stealing kills from the demons and killing several dozen summoned monsters and undead, before reaching the walls of Drake's Territory.

There was an invisible barrier surrounding the entire area, so even if they came flying, they would still need to destroy the wall, the device creating the barrier itself, to advance and then destroy the castle.

"I see what you're trying to do, sneak while everything is happening and destroy me instantly… Well, that's not going to work," Drake's senses expanded as much as his Divine Domain could.

Although he sat down over his throne, thanks to his advancements in the comprehension of the Venerable's Enlightened Senses, he could now easily conjure all kinds of Divine Abilities and Divine Magic Spells outside of his own physical range.

How? Through his expanding Divine Soul Domain, fusing Divine Power with Soul Ether!

However, Drake wasn't going to waste his Soul Ether and Divine Power dealing with trash, deciding to leave this to his daughters, who had already ma.s.sacred over a hundred Demons themselves, and moved rapidly to stop the Abyssal beasts.


The chimeric monstrosities roared, swinging their giant black claws against the walls, yet before they could even hit the walls to decrease its Durability, two flashes of golden and silver light surged from the skies.

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Two dragon girls appeared, yet to even transform into their Dragon Forms, they rushed towards the Abyssal Divine Beasts before they could even react in time.

"Cheaters, get out!"

Benladra roared furiously, her Divine Holy Spear piercing through her target's entire body several times, explosions of Heavenly Light and Starlight surged, her movements precise and incredibly quick!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+


The Divine Abyssal Beast was caught off-guard, its entire body beginning to attempt to regenerate back, as it attacked back using a myriad tentacles and appendages. Benladra responded with her Spear and her s.h.i.+eld, boosting her defense and strength with Timat's s.h.i.+eld Aura of Protection, and swiftly parrying the blows before piercing the monster's body a dozen times agan.


"This is it!"

Benladra gathered her Divine Draconic Energies into her throat, opening her little mouth and unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating dragon breath.


The Divine Abyssal Beast was instantly vaporized into ashes. At the same time, Kate swung her enormous, silver-colored blade, countless blue neon beams surged from her mechanized armor, which was packed full of canons.

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+

"You're not messing with our territory."

As her eyes glowed with bright blue light, Kate overwhelmed the Divine Abyssal Beast with both explosive attacks and devastating slas.h.i.+ng attacks with her sword, cutting through its body and then decimating the monster until nothing was left.


As two of the three Divine Abyssal Beasts died, the third one had already ran away, the girls expanded their senses as they quickly noticed it was trying to go around the territory and attack it from the back.

"Should we chase it?" Benladra wondered.

"No, Drakda's there," Kate smiled.

And indeed, their little brother wasn't someone to underestimate.


A three-headed chaos dragon appeared out of nowhere right above the Abyssal Beast, its countless eyes opening wide in shock.


The Monster instantly attempted to dive into the sand and escape, but Drakda rushed down with his big wings, clas.h.i.+ng into the desert and creating a small tremor.


His three jaws opened, grabbing the Abyssal Beast before it could escape and tearing it apart with countless bites, the screams of the monster reverberating across the entire territory.

[You have slain an Enemy Unit, you gained +1000 Score Points.]

[You have slain an Enemy Unit, you gained +1000 Score Points.]

[You have slain an Enemy Unit, you gained +1000 Score Points.]


[Total Score Points: 19.520]

Drake smiled, it seemed that the difference between Summoned Monsters and Units that the Partic.i.p.ants themselves brought was like heaven and earth!

"Thanks for the points, dumba.s.s."

Drake's army continued advancing, the Undead Divine Monsters and Dracoliches, led by Rakasha, Hector, Kraxka, and Larzak, rapidly decimated any demon that dared to get in their way.

"Don't underestimate the chief of the Frost Fang Tribe!"

Kraxka roared, his body having already undergone Draconification, as he became a giant, muscular and humanoid draconic t.i.tan. His giant claws tore through the demons in front of him, freezing their bodies and weakening them.

At the same time, his staff, now a magic spear, swung rapidly, piercing the monsters on their frozen points, shattering them apart into pieces. Kraxka then proceeded to breathe air in, unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating breath attack, freezing blue flames engulfed dozens of demons, burning them and freezing them.

It wasn't as powerful as Rakasha's special move, but it could be used much more easily and without high Divine Power or Mana requirements!


And the best part was that by merely willing it, he could detonate any frozen area of a foe within a certain range from him, dealing constant damage.

"I would have never imagined that there was so much power dwelling within me!" Kraxka said. "That training that Lady Ice Queen and Lady Dream Fox taught us has been of tremendous help!"

Thanks to the intense training that everyone underwent, they were able to unleash their full Divinity Potential, and thanks to the Soul Tempering Cultivation Process, everyone's Souls had also become stronger.

The stronger their Souls and Divinities, the stronger their Divine Abilities would become, and the greater their powers and divine magic could continue to evolve.

This was something that would usually be attained by very old G.o.ds that had fully comprehended their divinities and tempered their souls for hundreds of years.

However, with the power, techniques, and knowledge of these two old Venerable women, the process was hastened tremendously.

From being able to use roughly 5% of their actual Divinity's full potential, everyone went to a full 100%!

This was the untapped potential that beings such as the Demons and Pandemonium had no idea the G.o.ds of Yggdrasil could develop.

"Yeah, keep celebrating…" Pandemonium smiled. "You're all dying now."

The Monster Wave and the three Generals arrived at Drake's territory.

Yet Drake could only smile at this.

"Benladra, Miranda, your turn."

"Let's do this."

"Alright~" -----

Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1658 Abyssal Divine Beasts Attack

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1658 Abyssal Divine Beasts Attack summary

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