Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1681 Demon Soul

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Chapter 1681 Demon Soul



The demon screamed in agony as the Divine Anti-Mold parasitized his flesh and body, this mold, unlike Miranda, was similar to liquid gold, and instead of turning its hosts into zombie-like aberrations, it gave them vitality and strength, healed them, helped them.

That is, if Benladra wanted that to happen. It indeed had controlling and parasitizing powers. She had never used it not a Demon though, beings born from pure evil and darkness, whose her Divine Anti-Mold, with the qualities of Light and Heaven Elements, could do a lot more than just "healing" them…


"W-What is this?! AAARRGGH! I can't get it off meeeee!"

The Demon continued struggling though, the Divine Anti-Mold wasn't as plentiful as Miranda's, Benladra could only produce as much within this perilous situation. Most of her Divine Power going into her transformation.

"He's resisting!" she thought. "I guess I'll have to tear him apart even more so he can go down!2

Without hesitating, and while transformed in her {Divine Starry Dragon Form}, Benladra moved through s.p.a.ce, becoming hundreds of tiny stars, and literally teleporting, appearing above the demon, her giant golden spear impaling his body not once, or twice, but several dozens of times within a split second.

"{Divine Valkyrie Spear Arts}: {Holy Starfall}!"

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Each of her attacks was like a falling star, not only it tore through her foe, but it exploded, dealing more and more damage, his regeneration could simply not keep up with it. The vicious Anti-Mold burning his insides as they took ahold of his existence.


The Demon, however, somehow continued fighting, his Demonic Aura surged like a t.i.tan made of darkness, eight ma.s.sive fists clashed against Benladra's spear, explosion of infernal fire and holy light erupted across the skies.


"B-Brother! Help me!" screamed the demon. "I cannot fight alone against an angel given the form of a dragon! This is ridiculous!"

The demons knew of angels, but Benladra didn't, she quickly asked him even as thye fought to the death.

"Angel? What is that?!" she roared furiously, slamming her tail against the demon.


However, the demon blocked the blow with his two bulging and muscular arms, an explosion of light and flames erupted as the impact shook the skies above.

"You fool! So you are one of them, one like master?! A soul from that world! Earth was it?! You are a reincarnated soul! You posses a Unique Skill that only Angels would have, the power to wield the might of the Heaven Element, which n.o.body else than them and their supreme father can use…!" laughed the demon. "Isn't it ironic?! The people my father had tried to free from their claws has now come against him! He used to fight for you, for the humans from Earth! For your souls!"

"What are you talking about?!" Benladra cried, her jaws opening and unleas.h.i.+ng a beam of holy light.


The explosion of holy light consumed the demon, the Anti-Mold continued parasitizing him a bit more as he regenerated rapidly, from skull to flesh, then red skin and his face, empty eye sockets, but eyes everywhere else.

"My master, my father, he's like you," the demon said. "A soul from Earth, cursed as he traveled into this world. Given the power of our creation. Our existence is merely the result of the power he was given! A power he did not want! We fight to destroy this cursed world! The world that the abomination loves so much!"

The demon rushed forwards, kicking the air as explosions of infernal flames surged from his foot, then, his bugling, muscular arms moved at lightning speed, a barrage of punches reached Benladra at once.


However, Benladra intercepted them with her tremendous body and power, countless miniature stars erupting and exploding as the demon's fists were being reduced to ashes.

"I don't care what he was or what he will become, I don't give a d.a.m.n!" Benladra rushed forwards, her legs kicking the demon down as her claws were suddenly covered on a liquid gold-like substance. "You're all evil monsters that want to kill innocent people! Your papa… Pandemonium is not like me! I am not like him either!"


Benladra's claws pierced the demon's chest, tearing through it, her liquid gold-like substance infecting him more and more.


He called for the help of his twin, his eyes lifting into the skies only to see him being torn to shreds by countless silver, metallic blades and gray lightning frying his body constantly.

Then, a black slime jumped over his body, infecting, and parasitizing him. He tried to fight, but the metallic dragon, Kate, grabbed him tightly until he became an immobile zombie.

"Haven't you realized yet who's the real monster here?!" roared the demon, furious. "You're all aberrations! I'll burn you all!!! GRAAAAHHH!!!"

The self-righteous and hypocrite demon screamed furiously, incapable of empathizing with the living beings of Yggdrasil, he thought he was right by killing and ma.s.sacring them because of how "monstrous" they were to him.

His entire body erupted as a giant made of black flames emerged, Benladra gasped in surprise slightly, but quickly regained her composure as the attacks rushed towards her.


t.i.tanic fists of over seventy meters of height rushed down, flaring with black flames, and hitting Benladra's body constantly, explosions of fire covering her completely with each blow.




Benladra roared back at the demon's screams, her entire body s.h.i.+ning with azure, gold, and cosmic light together, suddenly, gigantic claws emerged from her nebula-like domain, rus.h.i.+ng down and tearing through the demon's soul.

"{Divine Heavenly Magic}: {Demon Sealing Starlight Stakes}!"

His flames burned her soul, but she didn't care, as Benladra battled with everything she had. Her magic materializing seven stakes made of holy and starlight energies, piercing the demonic soul manifestation, and sealing his infernal powers.

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1681 Demon Soul

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1681 Demon Soul summary

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