Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 18: Its Eat Or Be Eaten!

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Chapter 18: It's Eat Or Be Eaten!




It's kill or be killed!

Eat or be eaten!

This is the law of the jungle.

I glance at my mana, it is about to reach zero.

I can't run faster than the wolves anymore, but I have managed to somehow get rid of four of them.

However, two more are left.

Without mana, I cannot create gusts of wind nor ice knives.

Yes, ten mana regenerate every minute, but their attacks are fast, and I am sure they could finish me in less than a minute.

I have the immortal body for regeneration and still got some calories stockpiled.

I have my claws, my jaws, and my dragon breath.

I have to fight ad kill them both, there is no other way.

Especially because they are already near me!

I am still running, by the way, but the two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are already like… a few meters at my side.

Their bloodthirsty eyes are furious, I feel like they are glancing directly at my very soul!

This is terrifying!

Especially seeing how insane they are!

Didn't you saw 5 of your friends getting killed?!

Why are you still following me around?!

They seem to be filled in rage and vengeful instincts, I suppose wolves are like this in this world?

Maybe they are like this on Earth too?

Agh, this is not the time to think about that!


One of the wolves at my right pounces towards me! Even without mana just like me, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d has way higher stats than me (except magic) and quickly reaches my side!

I quickly roll to the side, evading his jaws from crus.h.i.+ng my head!

Then, I open my mouth and release a burst of ice winds from my mouth!



The Ice Wolf seems mostly unaffected, but it gets confused a bit as the ice hits its eyes.

My chance!

I run towards its legs and munch one of its front legs, I put all of my strength into it, until I hear the cracking noise of its bones, and the warm blood fills my mouth.

The beast releases an agonizing growl as it aims its jaws towards my head.

I quickly let go of its front leg and evade it somehow, but it quickly catches up to me once more and bites my stomach!


The powerful fangs pierce my scales with ease and then tears apart a chunk of my flesh mercilessly.

However, as it bites me, I twist my body and use my claws to slash its eyes!


The wolf howls as it steps back, its eyes began to bleed and it probably won't be able to see anymore!

However, the other wolf finally catches up to us, and pounces on my back!

I cannot evade in time due to the pain and exhaustion, and it bites my back, grasping my flesh tightly with its strong fangs.


It hurts like h.e.l.l!

I do not want to die!

No, I am not going to die!

I am going to kill it!

I am going to f.u.c.kin kill this son of a b.i.t.c.h!

I roar as if I were an actual big dragon, and suddenly use all of my strength, hitting one of the pine trees at my side, the wolf hits right into it, and some of the branches of the pine tree manage to get through its skin and leave a few wounds!



The wolf groans in agony as it lets go of my back, which is all covered in horrible wounds and bleeding intensively.

My Immortal Body kicks in, but it is already getting slower!

I begin to feel dizzy, I am going to pa.s.s out?!

f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k! I am not going to let these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have me for their night dinner!

I frantically roar once more, as I pounce towards the blinded wolf who begins to sniff me around, covered in its own blood, it quickly senses my presence and jumps towards me as well!

However, because it is f.u.c.king blind, he aims horribly and trips over a rock, as I swiftly evade in time.

Suddenly, I begin to feel the adrenaline rus.h.i.+ng through my body once more… this is my last chance!

All the pain in my body becomes dulled due to the effect of the adrenaline, my senses become sharper, and I can smell the flesh and the blood of the wolf!


I roar monstrously as I leap over the blinded wolf's back, using my claws and my jaws, I begin ravaging the b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

I am hungry as h.e.l.l!

I tear apart its flesh with fur and everything and begin to eat it while the wolf struggles, roaring in agony as it tries to get me off his wide back, it even aims its jaws towards me, but I slash his face every time he tries to get me out!

I am going to eat him alive!


The blinded wolf roars in agony, as the other one that I hit into the pine tree suddenly jumps to its rescue, munching my back and tearing apart a large piece of my fles.h.!.+

I do not feel any pain whatsoever, but I know this is horrible news!

I see my Vitality quickly decrease, as my Immortal Body tries to fight back against it through my regeneration, but I need to ingest calories to get it going!

I also realize that two minutes have pa.s.sed, and I got around 23 mana!

The wolf quickly aims at me again while I am stuck to the blinded wolf's back, and then… ICE KNIFE!


An Ice Knife flies right into its open jaws, piercing its throat and making the wolf groans agonizingly, falling over the ground and beginning to choke on the ice and its own blood!

Serves you right, you f.u.c.ker!

I quickly aim the last knife into the wolf I am biting, piercing his head!


The wolf groans the last time as it dies and falls over the snow.

The other wolf… is also dead.

Silence takes hold of this chaotic battlefield.

My entire body is shrouded in wounds, I am on the verge of dying.

I cannot rest yet…

I am about to die, I need calories to kick in Immortal Body…



The pain quickly begins to come back, and I am being shrouded on it.

Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain.

I have to eat, to eat….

Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.

I tear apart the flesh and eat, I keep eating and eating, I eat the bones, the stomach, the internal organs…


I keep eating and eating…

And then I fall unconscious.




Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 18: Its Eat Or Be Eaten!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 18: Its Eat Or Be Eaten! summary

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