Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 239: The Beautiful Interior Of A Dungeon Biome & Against An Ogre Giant!

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Chapter 239: The Beautiful Interior Of A Dungeon Biome & Against An Ogre Giant!


When we entered the dungeon, what we found was truly incredible.

We reached a place with an enormous sky, vast forests, gra.s.slands, and even a warm sun.

Yet it is an illusion?

I flew into the skies using wind magic to see by myself.

As I flew above, suddenly, a wall, invisible, blocked my path.

I touched it with my claws and slashed at it, but it was impossible to destroy.

The System inspected it for me.

So that's what it is.

"Drake, what are you doing?" asked Benladann curiously.

I flew down below.

"I was checking it, it appears the ceiling is an invisible s.p.a.ce wall that creates the illusion of a sky and a sun, it even makes up wind, light, and warmth," I said.

"That's crazy! Only G.o.ds can do that." Said Draugann.

"Indeed, this magic appears to be G.o.d-like," I said.

"Eh?! So Dungeons are so amazing…" said Draugann.


Suddenly, as we spoke and walked near the forest, Frost immediately spotted some enemies.

I guess we are already starting!

I took out Skadi and Uller.

"Come out guys, time to slaughter," I said.

"Finally…" muttered Skadi.

"I am not particularly excited, but I am a sword, so I guess that's what we do for a living." Said Uller.

The two weapons floated in midair, as our adversary came rus.h.i.+ng from the forest.


Boom! Boom!

Its footsteps were loud, and it was moving away from the trees with ease.

This roar, I recognize it.


A giant surged from the forest, it had clear green skin and a muscular yet fatty appearance, it was a wild and monster-variant of giants, a Mountain Giant, a monster that is not the same as the Ice Giants, Fire Giants, and Normal Giants born from Ymir.

However, they seem to also have been originated from him, there are several monster's that carry the giant blood with them because Ymir created them as an army to fight the G.o.ds' army, many of them were disposable, and after the chaos came when the G.o.ds died and the world reformed, it was said that these children of Ymir were corrupted and became monsters, they even sp.a.w.n inside dungeons, so it is already proven they're monsters.

This one big guy was around 12 meters tall; he carried a large wooden club with him.


They roared furiously.

I checked his status to find out he was a Rank 3 Initial Stage monster, right off the bat! And he was a variant known as Forest Ogre Giant.

"We are already starting with something nice right off the bat! Let's begin!"

Benladann and I rushed to the front right away, as we released our powerful magical auras.

Draugann, Yuki, Frost, Huginn, and Muninn, and Skadi, and Uller remained behind us as they prepared long-ranged attacks, although Skadi just wanted to slice it up, and went ahead of us.

"SLICEEE!" she roared like a complete maniac, as the Ogre Giant noticed her and swung his club at a surprising speed, throwing her away!




She was blown into the ground and shattered into three pieces.

She was fine, she began to slowly regenerate with her self-repair ability.

"I told you to be careful." I sighed.

"T-That's… Amazing! It can really fight!" laughed Skadi. Everything she fights always dies too fast. Something that can actually blow her away was surprising for her.

Indeed, this big guy was strong.

But we were also Rank 3.

I grabbed Uller as I infused him with my Aura of Ice and Death combined together, creating an icy cold and deathly aura that made even the Ogre step back!

I also generated several ice blades around me and fired them to test him out. Benladann on the other hand summoned three Mold Beasts, which resembled wolves and bears, which rushed towards it!


The Ogre Giant swung his club as he blocked the majority of my magic attacks, while some of the weapons of ice and icicles pierced his arms, the damage wasn't so enormous, they barely managed to penetrate the muscle! I have to put it more intent then.

Meanwhile, Benladann's Mold Beasts jumped over it with fury, extending their mold tentacles and aiming to infect it!


The Ogre roared in anger as he manipulated earth, this was his element and began to pierce the beasts with large blades made of rock surging from the soil below our feet.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

The mold beasts inflicted some damage by biting and infecting their mold into his wounds, but they died after the initial wave of attacks.

He's strong!

I smiled wickedly, as I raised my blade, I jumped over it and began to release several slicing attacks over it!

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+

Each slicing attack carried my Blade Technique and other abilities infused into it all combined together, the slices shaped as roaring dragons of ice and death mana aura!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ BOOOM!

The Ogre Giant roared in anger, he took all my blows and barely managed to stay standing, I moved my blade near its arm and sliced it off!



He roared angrily and kicked me!


He barely moved me, however, as he realized my weight wasn't how my body looked like.

Yeah, I weighed the same as an over 10-meter-tall dragon, you can't just kick me around…

"Chaos Ray!"

Benladann released a powerful long-ranged chaos attribute magic spell, as a ray of chaos reached the Ogre, the ray reached his stomach and penetrated it, leaving a deep hole within it!




I called upon the rest as they rained the monster with attacks, quickly weakening him into almost death!

"Let's see now…!"

Skadi came half-repaired for vengeance, as she pierced the Ogre's forehead!




The monster died, at long last.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 239: The Beautiful Interior Of A Dungeon Biome & Against An Ogre Giant!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 239: The Beautiful Interior Of A Dungeon Biome & Against An Ogre Giant! summary

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