Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 323: Charm Doesnt Work In Benladann!

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Chapter 323: Charm Doesnt Work In Benladann!


Hey, wait a second. Where's my evolution option?

System! I demand it!



"Oh… and then how? How is this done?" I wondered.

I see… I guess we can save ourselves from the ha.s.sle of evolving… I am indeed quite strong as I am not, and I even grew stronger by just digesting some rocks with s.h.i.+ny colors, so my power is totally unfair. I get it. Let's just relax for now.

The System A.I. had offered me a great response which I didn't expect. I can now understand things better, I guess.

I see! So that means that it was like a rookie bonus while I was still young and weaker.

Are you calling me an idiot?

Okay, whatever. Thanks for the help though.

Now, into more important matters…

I must use this Vampiric Charm and see if it has any effects!

Vampiric Charm, activate!


Suddenly, I felt as if I was flas.h.i.+ng with bright light.

Hahh~ Is this what being super handsome feels like? I can already see, vampires are always seen to be the most handsome Undead, is this because of this? They're really showered with cheats, to be honest!

But one of their greatest cheats is being super handsome bishonen!

"Benladann, look at my eyes," I said handsomely.

"Huh? Drake? Ah…!"

Is it working?!

"You got a bit of sauce in your lips… Fufu." She took cleansed my lips with a handkerchief.


It didn't work! Why?!

System! Give me an answer!

Wait! So my handsome vampiric charm is a mental corruption attack?!

Wow, that's awful, they're not even trying, they just brainwash people by being pretty… Okay, time to take this thing out.

I quickly took out the Skill and deactivated it, deciding to perhaps never use it, and throwing it away into the stash of useless Skills.

Maybe one day I would fuse it together or something, though even considering such a thing, I don't think there's any skill that could go well with it unless I ultimately get a Skill that can help me brainwash people.

At that point… I don't know what would be of me. So I better stop wondering stupid things.

"What's wrong dear?" asked Benladann.

"Hahh… N-Nothing… never mind!" I said.


Benladann ended looking at me while raising an eyebrow. This is embarra.s.sing! I'll never try stupid things like this again.

"A-Anyways, are you stuffed yet? How's the baby?" I asked.

"Oh, it is certainly stuffed already, I want to go take a nap, we didn't sleep through all of the night after all." Said Benladann.

"You're right, let's go back to our room so we can take a nap for the time being. Let's relax for now and take it easy." I said.

We moved back to our room as in the way, I checked the Teleportation Room.

This is a special room that will have Teleportation Traps settled in. people can enter this place and teleport to the Dungeon, and from the dungeon to here. It has strict security, and it is guarded by some of my clones and, well, of course, Fuyu too, so no weirdo gets in easily.

The Teleportation Trap/Gate is set inside of the room of the Dungeon Core, but still, it might not work well…

For the time being, we cuddled over the bed, and we used the bedsheets to cover us. Benladann's belly was slowly getting a bit bigger now, and she honestly looked more beautiful every day. It was as if becoming a mommy made her even prettier than she already was.

"Fweh… We can finally rest and cuddle… I want to snuggle with you forever…" she sighed in relief, as we rested our heads over the soft cus.h.i.+ons.

"Same… Let's take a nap for now…" I sighed in relief.

Benladann rubbed her face over my chest and kissed me cutely. I kissed her forehead and caressed her long hair. Her body was warm and honestly, I didn't want to let it go from my arms.

We ended falling asleep right away, without a care about anything, at least for a few hours.


Author's Note:

And with this, Volume 3 is Ending, and onwards to Volume 4! Thank you all for the support you've given to this novel, I can't believe how popular it turned out to be, i would had never guessed it when i began writing it... Thank you all for your support, Golden Tickets, Power Stones, Comments, Reviews, and above all, you reading the novel itself.

Let's see what's on store for Drake in this new Volume 4, it will surely be filled with many surprises for all of you, so make sure to never miss out the daily chapters!

Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 323: Charm Doesnt Work In Benladann!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 323: Charm Doesnt Work In Benladann! summary

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