Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 409: The Power Of Darkness

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Chapter 409: The Power Of Darkness


Jianyung and his two other retainers rushed forward using the strength of their tamed beasts, these powerful Lesser Shadow Jormungandr, or Giant Shadow Snakes for more simplicity, they were powerful monsters' descendants of the Legendary Snake Jormungandr. This mythical snake was said to be the children of Loki, a legendary G.o.d of ancient times, who had been adopted by Odin, the King of the Aesir, although he was in fact an Ancient Ice Giant…

Loki had three powerful children in these ancient times, which were pa.s.sed off as powerful ent.i.ties across the entirety of the land of Yggdrasil, even now after many years since the Ragnar?k and were recorded history about Aesir ends, the three children of Loki still remain in this world somehow, through their descendants. Although it is said that Hel is still "alive" as she is Death itself, living in the underworld, dwelling within Helheim, her domain.

However, her other two siblings were said to have been slain somehow, Jormungandr the giant world snake which bit into the world's tree roots had made many descendants, the children of Jormungandr, powerful and gigantic snakes, a race of t.i.tanic snakes of tremendous and terrifying power… And then there was Fenrir, who had been said to have the giant wolf race as well, powerful mythical beasts with tremendous strength and the ability to merge with shadows and more.

However, before the group, there was now three of the descendants of Jormungandr, although they were only lesser beings, they still held within them the bloodline of this monstrous ent.i.ty, and were unleas.h.i.+ng it completely in this very moment, as the power of their bloodlines and races were exuding from their bodies through shadow and darkness auras.

However, Pekora quickly rushed forward and utilized the power of her Rabbit Spirit and the fusion between her and her Beast Spirit, unleas.h.i.+ng three rays of light from her body, impacting into the three giant snakes!


The giant snakes were obviously weak against this element as they were shrouded on shadows and darkness, they were easily spooked by the light as their eyes were temporarily blinded!


The three snakes still had their sense of scent to look through the world around them, but they were weakened severely by the light, as it were impregnated into their bodies by some sort of strange way… their eyes closed tightly shut, as the three snakes jumped away from Pekora.

She easily scared the three tamers of the dark shadow sect, as they were so scared by the light they almost fell backwards, this was because their own power came from darkness as well, being confronted by such bright light made them innately fear it! Even more than normally, as the shadow and darkness attribute they acquired was not through normal means such as being born with it or acquiring a new mana core of it… no, it was different!

The power they had used to acquire their new affinities was through a special ritual used using the power of the inheritance named Shadow Embrace, where any Mana Core was forcefully corrupted by all the darkness of the user's heart, the more darkness there was, the stronger the power of the dark attribute would be as it tainted the color of their original mana core to pure darkness…

And a sect filled with criminals and unrighteous magus was perfect to abuse this power, after all they were all psychos and insane malicious people that were ruthless to the core, having done atrocities their entire lives, the darkness in their hearts was big! The more they had, the stronger their mana cores ended as they transformed into Dark/Shadow Attribute, losing their main attribute but gaining the powerful dark attribute…

However! There was single and simple problem, there was something that was kind of a weakness, the stronger the darkness in their hearts, the larger their weakness would become… Light was the biggest weakness, and even their very dark hearts felt shaken and fearful by being confronted by it! Pekora couldn't help but find it amusing as they ran away from her as if she were the apocalypse bringer or something!

The worst part was that this apprehension surprised even them! They didn't knew that such a thing was within them now, and Jianyung felt utterly frustrated, horrified, and surprised when he suddenly acted like a chicken against Pekora's light! He was quivering in fear due toa? tiny rabbit?! He, and ice giant?! It can't be! No… this cannot be! Jianyung couldn't believe it!

"Looks like you got a weakness against my light… you guys, take care of the other two, I'll kill the c.o.c.ky leader!" said Pekora, leading the other three as they nodded, Pekora had suddenly become something of a coordinator, although all four were innate leaders, perhaps her experience and older age made her a more natural leader and coordinator than even Tisha and Benladann's parents.

Tisha and Benladann's parents rushed towards their targets, as Pekora rushed forward like a flash of thunderlight, reaching Jianyung in an instant and unleas.h.i.+ng a barrage of kicks towards him, overcharging her legs with lightning and light and a lot of mana, and using her very powerful kicking power as rabbit to pummel down the giant snake!

B O O M! BO O M! B O O M! B O O M!


Being bathed on its deadly weakness made the snake cry in agony, while Jianyung gritted his teeth and unleashed a barrage of powerful shadow arrows against Pekora, which pierced through the air and reached her in an instant, some of them impacting over her but most of them ended being destroyed by her aura!


However, this was enough to push her back as she gritted her teeth, her ears twitched a bit, she realized Jianyung was a cunning b.a.s.t.a.r.d and didn't wasted any opportunity given! His snake rushed towards her once more from behind, opening its giant mouth and trying to swallow her whole, abusing her little size!


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 409: The Power Of Darkness

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 409: The Power Of Darkness summary

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