Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 444: Crazy Ghost Woman

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Chapter 444: Crazy Ghost Woman


After the whole magical girl Benladann incident, we relaxed at long last. Benladann dispelled the charm she had accidentally used in the people, although it actually had little effect as they were still all surprised and amazed by her cuteness.

At the end, we finally reached the Takoyaki stand, and we sat down over a long chair, all of us enjoying Takoyaki with some sweet Takoyaki sauce accompanied with some green tea to go with it. It was indeed quite relaxing, and it hit the spot right away. Days like these are the ones that are worth it, man…

"This is so nice, nya…" sighed Ca.s.sim. I remember he had managed to eat some of the Takoyaki left, and he was fascinated by it, but since we couldn't find any more octopus since then, we were not able to make more. Other meat simply didn't do it.

"Indeed, been a while since we had Takoyaki…" said Benladann.

"Yep, its indeed pretty nice." Said Miranda.

"Ugh, I wish I could eat some!" sighed Yukihime.

"Well we can technically eat." Said Rose, as she was eating a Takoyaki.

"Wait we can?!" asked Yukihime in shock.

"Yes… Ghost can eat food, we convert it all into mana, so we never feel our bellies filled though, but it still nice to eat sometimes… Uwah, this is really good, sometimes something else than blood really hits the spot." Said Rose while drinking tea. I used illusion magic to cover her food so it wouldn't seem as if a Takoyaki box and a cup of green tea were floating in the middle of the air.

"d.a.m.n! Give me some, Rose-chan!" cried Yukihime.

"No way! I don't like you anyways! You're stealing my spot as master's personal ghost…! And I haven't forgotten how you grabbed me by the neck the other day, woman!" said Rose.

"B-But that was just some playing around! Come on, we are all friends now… Give me some!!!" cried Yukihime.

"Go buy some yourself!" said Rose.

"Not like you bought yours!" said Yukihime.

"W-Well… I didn't but still!" said Rose.

"You stop discussing already… Yukihime, here, have three. This is all I will give to you." I said.

"Ooohhooo! Drake you're such a nice gentleman! Please marry me!" cried Yukihime, as she hugged me and kissed my forehead grabbing the Takoyaki and slowly eating them. Of course she says all of that out of exaggeration. She's a crazy ghost woman.

"Y-You dare kiss my husband on his forehead?!" roared Benladann, a ray of chaos reached Yukihime and she barely evaded it however she could, jumping away.

"B-Benladann-sama, don't do that!" cried the people around, the ray almost hit a house rooftop.

"O-Oh… S-Sorry…" sighed Benladann. Of course, her charming smile is all everyone needed to forgive her. Benladann-chan is just the cutest in that regard, you can't really get angered at her. She'll grow on you and you always forgive her.

"W-Well, its nothing… just be careful!"


"You're dazzling as always!"

"Heheh, thank you everyone!" said Benladann.

"For real now, where did you get that amazing dress though?" asked Yuki, who was sitting over Benladann's shoulder.

"I got it from my husband! He gifted it to me." Said Benladann while puffing her chest pridefully of having a rich daddy like me that gifts her legendary-grade items.

"W-Where the heck did you got such an amazing set of equipment?!" asked Rakasha. The old man was euphoric. He had never seen such an amazing equipment before.

"Erm… It wouldn't be good to talk about it in here… But let's say that a little ghost helped me." I said.

"G-Ghost?" asked Rakasha.

Yukihime's ghost revealed herself to Rakasha, as she stole a Takoyaki from him.

"Yep, me!" she said.

"Uagh?! A ghost!" cried Rakasha.

The people looked at him while raising an eyebrow, they couldn't see anything.

"Haha, don't mind the old man, he got Alzheimer." Said Ruby.


"So that's it."

"What the heck is Alzheimer?"

The people continued walking away as Rakasha composed himself once more and sat down. He quickly learned stuff as I told him through Telepathy.

"I-I see! Benladann you're really a pickpocket sometimes! But I guess its already done, we can't do anything over it than embrace it… And indeed, this is amazing… So such a figure created it… I can already tell that its entire composition was made out carefully… the entire thing… wonderful work! I think you've even surpa.s.sed me, someone close to become a G.o.dsmith…" said Rakasha.

"Fufu, that's obvious! I was actually a high-leveled user of Forgery Magic." Said Yukihime.

"Eh?! S-So you're like a master! Please, take me in your care!" said Rakasha. The old man bowed down to the young-looking ghost woman. Yukihime suddenly blushed a bit out of nowhere, as she nodded.

"F-Fine! If you want it so much, I can't help it… You first have to offer me some more of your Takoyaki though." She said.

"S-Sure, take some." Said Rakasha.

"Y-You'll really give them to me?!" asked Yukihime.

"Yeah! Anything if you can teach me, master." Said Rakasha.

"W-Well, thank you then!" said Yukihime, eating them up at the side of Rakasha.

I don't know if she had a husband or if she loved him, but if she hasn't spoken about him, perhaps she didn't even loved a man before…. Maybe, just maybe, I could s.h.i.+p these two together. It would be indeed interesting. But better to leave it to come out naturally, if possible.

"You two actually make a cute couple!" said Benladann.

"W-What?!" asked Yukihime.

"Haha, I am too old!" said Rakasha.

"Well, isn't she like… even older?" asked Yuki while raising an eyebrow.

"Almost a thousand years old, to be precise." Said Miranda.

"I-Its that so?!" asked Rakasha in shock.

"Aha… ahahaha… Yeah…" said Yukihime.

"Amazing, you must have gathered even more knowledge then! I am on your care, master." Said Rakasha.

"O-Okay, okay! Stop talking to me or the people will think you're talking to the air." Said Yukihime.

"Fufu, maybe I got myself an auntie." Said Ruby with a sharp glare. Hansel at her side felt concerned about the things that might be inside the cute-looking vampire girl sometimes.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 444: Crazy Ghost Woman

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 444: Crazy Ghost Woman summary

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