Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 494: A Special Event?

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Chapter 494: A Special Event?


So I moved near the Rank 3 Dungeon and decided to take a trip inside with the monsters.

k.u.mo quickly came out, Kuro too, Frost reached here too, then the pair of crows, and I also brought the army of Ice Golems and Snow Beasts I had, which had the souls of people willing to help me. Rose, Yukihime, and Mikoto also joined. I wanted to bring s.h.i.+ro, Benladann's spirit, so it could get some field experience, but it was better to just leave it for now.

Aside from that, Yuki was busy eating, so we swiftly got inside the dungeon at a fast pace.

The Ice Golems and Snow Beasts walked behind the large black spider and the giant black snake, k.u.mo and Kuro, while I rode my loyal steed, Frost.

I had also brought Skadi and Uller with me, of course, they were floating around me while inspecting the area.

We crossed the corridor leading to the interior of the dungeon in an instant, and we reached its depths, in there, we were greeted by an interesting sight, a lot of purple flora everywhere, purple gra.s.s, trees, flowers, and more.

There were also other colors, mostly blue and yellow mixed together, mostly as flowers. Other monsters were very rare, but we found a lot of spiderwebs everywhere.

A few seconds after having reached here, an army of Rank 2 and 3 Black Spiders quickly greeted us… and the rest was history.



The ma.s.sive Spider Queen fell before the almighty power of k.u.mo after a rather short battle where I helped in the back.

The two spiders absorbing each other's mana was funny to see, as if they were trying to cancel each other's effects.

I abused this moment to kill the enemy Spider Queen with the swift help of k.u.mo.

How can I differentiate them? Well, k.u.mo is bigger and has a few other patterns over her exoskeleton, so she's prettier overall.

Meanwhile, the other Spider Queen was black with some red markings, looking quite generic overall.

After the arduous exploration which only took an hour and a half, we saved all the corpses inside my inventory, and we decided to move over to the surface.

We made sure to retrieve all the corpses of the spiders and also the spiderweb, and after that, it was mostly done. I had also taken over the dungeon's core and fused the dungeon with the other dungeons. The combined dungeon gained a bit more of power this time, but I require more dungeons to make it stronger… nonetheless, the bonus dungeon points was welcome, we'll be able to make more teleportation traps now.

When we came out of the dungeon, we were greeted by Thaletus and his wife, alongside Zephyr and his granddaughter. Most of the sect was also present, bowing their heads to me.

"Excellent work, Lord Drake!" he said.

"We were not able to clear this place due to our lack of resources…" sighed his wife.

"I thought those that you brought back alive were long dead… I am so happy they were still kicking!" said sect elder.

"Thank you, Lord Emperor!"

"We are forever grateful!"


Many people began kneeling before me. They were even more formal than the winter lotus sect.

And also, more devoted too.

Maybe Zephyr's incident has a lot to do with that.

"Okay, guys, calm down, don't bow, it is okay, I did it because it was easy, see? I did it in like less than two hours… I am hungry, how about we go make some lunch?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me with surprise over my very carefree way of speech.

But really, why do they have to be so formal? Let's have some fun together and let's relax, no point in being like this.

Everyone nodded faintly as they smiled a bit.

"Lord Drake is such a benevolent man…."

"Ooh, I have never meet someone so good-hearted before."

"He is already a Saint that can revive people, but he's also someone so humble!"

"We'll make sure to talk very well of you in the future Righteous Sect Meeting this year!"

"Huh? The what?" I asked.

"Oh right… I guess you didn't knew this, my lord? In three months, at the last month of this year, there will be a meeting between all major righteous sects of this continent, led by the Primeval Frost Soul Court, the greatest righteous sect of this continent founded by our Venerable, the Ice Queen!" said Thaletus.

"Oh?! So such a thing will happen! Haha, I will gladly join then, it will be interesting to get to know the big shots of the continent right away." I said.

"We will make sure to support you as much as we can, lord Drake." Said Thaletus wife.

"Yeah! I remember going there when I was little, it was a ma.s.sive meeting." Said Zephyr.

"There's a lot of creepy people there though, so be careful…" said Thaletus granddaughter.

"I don't think I am someone easily intimidated, so don't worry about it." I said while giggling.

Interesting. This was some interesting news at long last…

So there is a special and incredibly strong court that controls all sects in this continent named the Primeval Frost Soul Court, founded by n.o.body else than the freaking Ice Queen?!

I see, so that's why it is so important I suppose, I guess there's a lot to do in this regard.

By just thinking about the possibilities of joining there and learning about the other sects around the continent and the strongest people, I grow excited.

Although it might also seem quite dangerous to go…

What if there's someone that figures out, I am not really an ice giant?

It would be troublesome indeed.

A part of me is telling me to not go there.

But another part is telling me to get there and potentially forge and alliance with many other sects. But I think that it might be dangerous if I am too rash, it is something I must be very careful about.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 494: A Special Event?

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 494: A Special Event? summary

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