Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 58: Pack Leader

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Chapter 58: Pack Leader




Benladann took a nap after the pain became lesser.

After around two hours and a half of sleeping, she slowly woke up, she wasn't feeling too bad this time.

Through these two hours, we ground some pears and made pulp with it, which we mixed with some more herbal tea and made into a fruit puree with herbal tea to fill up her belly a bit with something a bit more solid.

"Is this fruit puree? Ah, the bitter flavor is… not as bad as the sweetness of the fruit… T-Thank you so much for being so gentle with me… I… I really don't deserve this kindness…" sighed Benladann as she was about to break and cry again.

"Come on, don't cry again. If you want to repay me, repay it by not crying and accepting the things I give you, alright?" I asked.

"Ah… Mister Dragon… T-Thanks…" she said shyly, as she blushed a bit.

Why is she blus.h.i.+ng at me? I am an ugly dragon!

Anyways, I gave her a pet because she is rather cute, and I couldn't resist it.

After that, she finished the puree slowly and then rested over the fur and leather bed again.

"Mister Dragon… Thank you again…" she said.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," I said.

"…I am very fortunate… to have found someone so gentle like you… I will make sure to repay all these… favors… And… held your kindness deep within my heart…" she said.

Ahh, she's really grateful I guess.

"I-It's nothing, it was super easy to do everything, so I didn't even break a sweat! There was literally no effort put… So it didn't bother me," I said.

"I-Is that so…? Ah! …I am so sorry… I never asked you your name…" said Benladann.

Oh, my name…

"I don't want to be called by my previous life name, so call me Drake now," I said.

"Drake… did you named yourself like that?" she asked.

"Yeah… it fits, right? But it is also a bit dumb. But I don't care either way about such trivial stuff like names," I said.

Benladann chuckled a bit.

"Hehe… I see…" she said, I think she is smiling, but I am actually preparing her milk now, so I wasn't looking at her.

I mean, Yuki was preparing it, my claws are too big to do this stuff.

"You should also thank Yuki, she is doing a lot for you, her hands are useful," I said, giving some credit to my chinchilla.

"Kyuuu!" said Yuki, puffing her chest as she walked towards Benladann and gave her a cup of warm milk.

"T-Thanks to you too, Yuki… You're a very nice girl…" said Benladann, petting Yuki as she received the cup.

"Milk? H-How did you find milk in the wilderness?" asked Benladann.

"I tamed a wolf leader and got his whole pack to obey me, a mother wolf was feeding her pups with milk. I called her here and Yuki milked her a bit… So yeah, it's Ice Wolf milk, it is not as bad as cow milk, just a bit more acidic," I said.

"W-Wolf milk?! …That's something new…" she said.

"Drink it!" I said.

"O-Okay! I was doing it either way…" she said while nodding, she braced herself with a bit of courage and drank a good sip.

"Guh… Eh? It's not really that bad…" she said.

"What did I told you? Make sure to drink the whole cup," I said.

"O-Okay…" said Benladann.

After that, she went to sleep for the rest of the night, while I went hunting some rabbits and crows to eat for dinner with Yuki.

Now that Yuki learned how to put a fire, we roasted them, and they tasted way better.

Hmm… If Benladann gets better she could even make stuff like rabbit soup… Oh man, that would be so good.




[Day 35]




So today in the morning I began to practice more of my item creation through the use of my ice magic. By putting a lot of mana, I can more or less make hard ice that never melts and is probably way better than steel utensils.

Usually, ice created through magic dissipates after some time, going back to become magic and just dissipating into the world.

But when I put a lot of intent, imagination, and more importantly, Mana, I can create ice that doesn't disappear.

And as long as I shape them well, they will appear in all kinds of shapes and forms.

I already had made knives of large sizes for Benladann when she butchered those animals before, but now I began to make all sorts of utensils.

Forks, Spoon, Chairs, a Table, more Knives, and even a mattress for Benladann.

It takes around 300-500 Mana per item, but I just recover Mana and then make more, and as my Mana keeps growing bigger and bigger each day, spending this much is not becoming too much of a ha.s.sle.

And when I was making this stuff, I got the Crafting Skill out of nowhere.

A Dragon Crafter?! No way…

What if I make weapons and armor a c.r.a.p ton? Will I get Blacksmith Skill? Will my weapons and armor made of pure ice gain stats and new effects?

Wait, that sounds pretty awesome, but let's calm down.

Also when I got the Crafting Skill I gained a lot of sudden insights.

It was as if I suddenly had gained a lot of inspiration.

I now even considered making a breastplate for Benladann using my own scales, and a s.h.i.+eld too, maybe…

There was also the Apothecary Skill for some weird reason.

Maybe because I made some tea? Wait, really? That's it?

Well, whatever.

This Skill gave me a sudden inner understanding and insight into plants.

And lastly, I got a new t.i.tle named [Pack Leader].

[Pack Leader]

As the leader of your pack, you gain control over their actions, any order you give them will be obeyed promptly, even if it might go against their common sense.

This t.i.tle only included the wolves and Yuki, but not Benladann, and it was fairly useful, so I welcomed it with open arms.

"Hmm… Eh?!"

When Benladann woke up, she found herself inside a room filled with Ice furniture.




Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 58: Pack Leader

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 58: Pack Leader summary

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