Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 633 - A Mother's Thoughts 1

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Chapter 633 - A Mother’s Thoughts 1


(Benladann's POV I)

Since my daughter was born that my life and that of Drake had changed a lot…

Well, it changed since I got pregnant, it was honestly very difficult to navigate with such a big belly all the time.

I remember that before my belly got big, I didn't felt any complications, but in the last months, my belly began to grow bigger and bigger to the point it was weighing so much and broke my own balance.

I always thought that my belly would never grow that big, and that it was just going to stay small because babies are small, but that's not really true… Benladra ended being born like a very big girl, my mother said she weighted over five kilograms…

Perhaps she was a bit fat, maybe because Drake spoils me too much with his delicious food… Sigh.

Well, if it wasn't because anything he cooks is always so tasty, I might had not grown so fat! I… No, it is also my fault, and my mother and father's fault as well, partially.

After all it was those two that always told me to eat a lot so the baby could come strong. So I ended becoming a glutton.

However, Drake also incentivized that! Although… I think Benladra was a very abnormal child because she was half-dragon, and Drake theorized that she was draining my energy and magic very fast for her development, so I needed to eat a lot.

After all an Ice Giant's baby takes several months to be born but she only took a couple of months since I got pregnant, so she had a quick development, just like dragons, I think.

Although it is said that dragons take ages to be born, but who knows? I am not the dragon here, Drake should know that stuff, not me.

To be honest we were all in the blue all that time in my pregnancy, but I did felt that sometimes I woke up very weakened, so I ended spending all those last days sleeping in my bed without moving as much, as I had to eat and regain energies for the baby who was draining all of it from me.

That last month of pregnancy was truly difficult… Ugh. I had to sleep most of the time because I felt so weakened, I really wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the fight, but I could not. At the end Drake still won easily with the help of everyone, especially Fuyu who was the star of the entire fight.

I think the last fight I had was against one of those Dark Shadow Sect guys, after that I felt way too tired and I could not fight any longer, even though I wanted, but Drake never let me. I guess I understand him now, it would had risked the baby if I were to get any more damaged, even though I am pretty strong myself!

…Though, I have grown a bit rusty. I really need some practice.

Ah, but I still enjoyed those days with my Drake. He spoiled me a lot… He's such a considerate man at taking care of me… Well, he had always spoiled me and taken care of me, since the moment we met with one another, honestly…

I-I always feel like I am always the one at the receiving end, it often makes me feel bad. I really want to gift and give him things as well. I wish I could spoil him too and give him all the things he always gives to me.

s.e.x alone won't do, even when he's so shy with it because he really doesn't want to bother me… I mean, I do enjoy s.e.x even when I was pregnant, but it was also a way to give him "something" like… pleasure, perhaps? Heh, at the end he really enjoyed it anyways, although we haven't done anything since Benladra was born…

We seem way too busy with our daughter to think about doing anything lewd, especially if that might cause another kid to come, he doesn't really want me to get pregnant again, and ice giants can sadly become pregnant right away after giving birth… So yeah, I guess he just want to be prudent.

I also spoil him in other ways, such as loving him, cuddling with him, and giving him everything I can possibly give to him… Maybe I should go one day to buy something with my own money and craft some little accessory for him, he can make amazing equipment with his ice and scales, but maybe I could make something of my own using my own magic… Chaos Magic is very unique after all!

It can do a lot of cool things, perhaps I can enhance an accessory with it and gift it to him, who knows? It could be the ideal gift for him. He really finds my Chaos Magic interesting, so maybe letting him use a bit of its power would be a nice gift for him, although he keeps telling me really doesn't want to involve himself in fights anymore now that he's a father, and I understand him.

It was a been quite the ride since we met with one another, and ever since then, I still love him dearly, he's my treasure as well, and I cannot imagine my daily life without his presence now… I am glad he's presumably immortal, so he'll never leave my side.

It was quite a while but, at the end, I finally gave birth. It was an arduous job, it was really painful, Benladra was very big, and I could barely get her out, and that's without counting the hard scales she had, the pointy tail, and everything else… Ah, it was indeed very hard to get her out.

I think Drake said I almost didn't made it… But it was thanks to the healing spells he had and everyone else could conjure on me that I made it out to see my daughter in my arms… I am glad I was able to survive and see this precious treasure.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 633 - A Mother's Thoughts 1

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 633 - A Mother's Thoughts 1 summary

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