Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 724 - Legendary Weapons

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Chapter 724 - Legendary Weapons



50 Seconds, almost a minute has pa.s.sed since the creature descended from the skies out of nowhere, Hector was gasping for air after a fantastical thing happened after one another, his thinking process wasn't fast enough to process everything, and at this point he was going with the flow. Out of nowhere, Drake decided to reveal his ident.i.ty as a slime lurking inside of Hector's armor and used one of his Skills to aid the young and inspiring man in battle after he lost his original spear.

Drake has always been an emotional and empathic man. After having gone through many things on his previous life, and then being healed by his family, he had become someone that was able to easily relate with other people's emotions and feelings, but that also made him someone even more terrifying, because he was often ruthless with those that caused so much pain to others, more ruthless than even those that called themselves righteous would ever be…

He had grown fond on the promising young guard and wanted him to become his subordinate in the future, inspired by how he acted and his heroic personality, Drake couldn't help but cheer for the good guy! Relatively speaking, any edgy person would hate this kind of guy, but Drake kind of always rooted for the hero in a story, he was indeed, a very traditional reader!

So he gave him this one spear that was already taking dust on his Skill Sheet and put it to good use, giving it to Hector. He wielded it amazingly, his already gathered knowledge and technique with this weapon made it so Hector was the most fitting to utilize it to its fullest potential! By merely grasping the spear he suddenly gained knowledge about Drake's spear technique Skill, which fused with his natural knowledge, giving the guard an amazing ability over the spear!

However, as he was out of Mana, tired, and he was inherently rather weak to wield such a powerful weapon as this, that was summoned from a Level 10 Weapon Summoning Skill, utilizing the powerful legendary spear against the Miasmic Slime had tired his body, pus.h.i.+ng him almost to his limits… Hector was gasping for air while trying to recover, and he was doing his best to gather the courage to continue fighting… the pendant with the fang of the girl of his childhood was now wrapped around his wrist, acting as a bracelet.

Hector gasped for air, as his mind started to get numb, however, when he looked into his hand, and saw the fang of the little and adorable girl of his childhood, he couldn't help but fuel himself with courage once more!

"Miminga…!" He muttered, as smoke came out of his nose, making even Drake surprised.

"This guy is really into that girl, isn't he?!" Thought Drake's Slime Clone. "I wonder how Kraxka would react to a human being into his spoiled daughter…" Drake thought about Kraxka, the chief of the Pastoralists that was the father of the girl that Hector was in love with, Miminga…

"Hahh… Ungh…" Hector mustered strength as he pointed his spear towards the Miasmic Slime, which had already recovered its strength and rushed towards him!



Hector unleashed a loud war cry, as he pointed his spear at the beast and unleashed a strong piercing attack without any technique to it, just merely his movements and the raw power of the Miasmic Slime!


His attack hit the Miasmic Slime's body, destroying a big chunk of its slimy ma.s.s, however, the Miasmic Slime was still alive, twisting its body and shaping a part of its slime ma.s.s into a big fist, hitting Hector with all his strength!


"Uogh…!" Muttered Hector, as he was thrown away several meters, rolling into the ground…! His spear didn't left his hand though, and was glowing brightly, as if trying to cheer him up to stand and fight!

"Hahh… If I only had as s.h.i.+eld…" Muttered Hector, as he suddenly saw the Miasmic Slime jumping high into the sky and falling towards him, its entire body shaped into several fists, falling over him like meteors!

"D-d.a.m.n it…!" Muttered Hector, lacking the reflexes to counter with his spear while being in the floor, he tried to protect himself with his arm!

"I guess you're leaving me no choice!" Said Drake. "[Muspelheim Fire Giant Tower s.h.i.+eld]!"


Suddenly, flames erupted in front of Hector wondrously, as he saw a sight he never thought he would ever see on his life! An enormous tower s.h.i.+eld made of black and red metal with the big mark of flames that the Muspelheim continent prided itself emerged before his sight, he suddenly held into the incredibly heavy s.h.i.+eld, whose flames didn't hurt him, as the Miasmic Slime's blows began to catch him, falling over the s.h.i.+eld, big enough to protect his entire body? ? ? ? !

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

"Unngh…! It is resisting… this s.h.i.+eld is amazing…!" Said Hector in surprise. "H-How can you just summon legendary weapons like this, Talking Slime?!" Hector asked to Drake, as Drake felt a bit prideful. Although he barely used these Skills, he had made sure for them to reach Level 10 over training his skills like he always did! After he began cloning himself so much, he learned easy ways to ma.s.s level up his skills without him doing anything, he just left that work to his clones.

The Level 10 [Muspelheim Fire Giant Tower s.h.i.+eld] was of tremendous size and defense, and even more, it had a special ability within it!

"Now, say the magic words "Fire Barrier"!" Said Drake to Hector, ignoring that he called him "Talking Slime" although it was still an accurate nickname.

"F-Fire Barrier!" Roared Hector, without having any time to doubt the miraculous slime that saved his life, the powerful s.h.i.+eld suddenly glowed, absorbing all the damage it took from the blows of the Miasmic Slime and then, unleas.h.i.+ng them into a powerful and explosive flaring barrier!


Suddenly, an enormous explosion of flames engulfed the Miasmic Slime!



Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 724 - Legendary Weapons

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 724 - Legendary Weapons summary

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