Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 794 The Draconic Records

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Chapter 794 The Draconic Records


Fafnir had guided Drake to do something! He had told him that to see the true connection he was missing between his families, he had to infuse Divine Power directly into his blood. This was the power that Fafnir and Nifl used to "watch over him" even though they were never present on his life until now. It was a power that even allowed them to see their new descendants, and even notified them of Drake's newest daughter, the little Kate! Drake had quickly decided to go along with the instructions, as he was guided by Fafnir into doing something he had never done before on his life, infusing Divine Power into his bloodline, and awakening a power he never had thought he would have… But not only that, as he awakened his powers, as he had eaten and absorbed the power of Vampires, his bloodline had also absorbed such powers, and he was already exuding the Blood Aura of a powerful Vampire from the get-go, which in fact enhanced the strength of his bloodline powers!

Fafnir looked at his sone with his various eyes wide open, as Drake's entire aura began to combine the many divinities he possessed with the Blood Aura, making an incredibly frightening Divine Aura! His father was surprised, smiling rather malevolently as he admired the strength and power of his son. He had really grown up to this point in just almost a year after hatching! Even though Drake truly had over 130 years of age as he was laid that many years ago, he had just started his life in this world in less than a year yet… he had already reached such a level of power that he could even fight his own father, how high could he go now after some more time?

"Heh, my son is really something else."

While Fafnir admired his son, Drake's consciousness flew across a dark s.p.a.ce, only to find several blood red knots connecting to his hands, feet, face, or his entire body, in fact. When Drake a.n.a.lyzed this further, he found out that his entire blood was flowing out of his phantasmal body within this foreign s.p.a.ce, reaching further and further away… which led to many silhouettes of countless dragons! Each Dragon was differently shaped, there were some that resembled snakes, and others that were enormous and four-winged, others had multiple heads, even! And a few others were even small, like little fairies. There were all sort of dragons! And they were all connected to him. No matter how much Drake wanted to see them clearly though, it was impossible, and he could only see their silhouettes, sadly.

"W-What is… this?!" he asked in shock. He continued looking more and more, but he felt completely paralyzed while being in this place. And then, he felt as if a powerful presence, encompa.s.sing everything within this s.p.a.ce was oppressing him and putting a stop to him… as if it were afraid he could mess up something.

However, that presence was hostile though. It was firm yet comfortable for Drake, it felt as if it was someone important to him, somehow. As he reached this place, his Bloodline Power had begun to awaken further, and he could feel this connection to these various dragons as he could feel his connection with this strong presence, the strongest presence in this entire s.p.a.ce, which went all the way down through all these interconnected red lines. It was the roots of everything, the one at the very beginning… although even below such a presence, there was another, even bigger one yet dormant.

But what could this all be? Was this a dream within a dream? No! Drake quickly came out to his senses, realizing this "world" was the embodiment of the Bloodline Connections that Fafnir, his father, had told him about! Through such power, Fafnir was immediately capable of knowing the health of his family members and even when new ones were born, seeing down his own lineage. And now, Drake was able to access such a mysterious power that seemed innate to dragons themselves.

And then, Drake felt it, the presence that had been within this s.p.a.ce all this time began to loom towards him, glaring down at him as he felt two enormous, ice-cold eyes of blue color in the sky of this dark world. He looked upwards, feeling that these intimidating eyes were not… so intimidating? They didn't felt bloodthirsty at all. Drake felt a strange familiarity with it, but before he could even ask who this ent.i.ty was… it spoke, and with a few words, he quickly realized who this mysterious being truly was.

"Welcome to the Draconic Records, my son. You've grown well."

The chilling yet calming voice of a graceful woman resonated through Drake's entire soul… This voice was that of somebody very important he had yet to meet, it was someone he was dying to meet but that he never thought he would meet in such a mystical place such as this one! The voice came from a graceful dragon of ice, the woman that had given birth to him… the woman that was the mother of countless other Ice Dragons across the world. Although most of them had already perished, she still was alive, within her own Sanctuary… and since he hatched from his egg that she had been watching over him through this power.

"Y-You're…!" Said Drake in surprise. This night couldn't get any crazier, from the shock of Fafnir being his father to now meeting her! She was…

"I am Nifl, the Progenitor of all Ice Dragons, the mother of them all." She said with a graceful voice. "And you're my youngest but not least dearest son, Drake Fafnir."

Drake felt chills run down through his entire soul, the mere voice of this woman made his entire being freeze! But because it was somebody that meant no harm, this freezing chill… felt comfortable to him, it felt encompa.s.sing and good.

"You're my mother…" Said Drake.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 794 The Draconic Records

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 794 The Draconic Records summary

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