Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 834 The Venerable's Schemes

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Chapter 834 The Venerable's Schemes


Due to the knowing I won't be there always for the people, I've begun to create special spirits named Harvest Spirits, they're not divine spirits, just normal spirits that last a lot and multiply by absorbing dirt and nutrients, and in exchange they enchant the soil with even more nutrients and the plants grow faster and healthier. They can also hunt pests and eat them. They are cutely shaped as fruits, flowers, vegetables, and even dirt, so they can camouflage from the people's eyes. They can self-duplicate by eating pests and absorbing nutrients, and they give it back by x10. They're ideal, and if I could even offer such a service to other countries, everyone would have amazing harvests. Of course, I won't distribute it recklessly. I will only give them harvest as long as they pray to me when they give it for granted and stop praying- no harvest for them! My spirits will simply not aid them.

I've already distributed millions of tiny Harvest Spirits I created with ease thanks to the Divine Ability [Spirit Creation] I got from the Dream Venerable, it is amazingly convenient, I know, hehe. I've also been thinking about fusing Spirit Creation with Slime Creation. My own body can self-divide into slimes which I can control, each slime is a Divine Slime too and are rather strong, probably at around Rank 5 in level of power, if not higher. If I can fuse them with the power of Spirit Creation, I could create Spirit Slimes or something! Wouldn't that be amazing? Although as of now, I've gotten no results, it seems very hard to merge Spirit Creation with anything else, unless I increase the Grade of the Divine Ability… but there's better things to prioritize, such as Ranking Up and-


Suddenly, I was interrupted from my thoughts, as Fuyu spoke into my mind, I quickly jumped off the bed and silently walked into the outside of the room.

"What is it?"

"This is bad… Ruby… she just disappeared!"





It happened too suddenly, and completely out of nowhere. Fuyu told me that she saw everything. Ruby was simply having a bad dream and then suddenly woke up, she began to cry and suddenly touched the pendant she carries around, disappearing into a flash of red light… Fuyu described this red light as something frighteningly powerful, and the lingering divine energy still remains in the room, which I quickly went to investigate. Rakasha was obviously devastated, as the closest to her, he was like her adoptive father. The two were very close, and it could said she was like his daughter at this point. The children who were all her friends were not any better either, many were concerned and very worried, Benladann helped me calm down the children while I gathered with Rakasha and Fuyu inside the room, a.n.a.lyzing it in silence.

"Ruby… Why did she disappeared… C-Could this had been the vampire's doing?!" Asked Rakasha.

"I-It shouldn't be possible, Vampires don't have the power to traverse through my divine realm, and Fuyu didn't saw anybody bringing Ruby away, if anything, this was something that happened by her own powers…" I lamented.

"B-By her own? She left us all by her own? But why? She was always so happy here… She said she missed her mother and father, but she said that we were all her family at this point…" Cried Rakasha.

"Calm down, you're crying as if she died." Sighed Fuyu. "She merely teleported away, wherever she is, she's still alive, right, Drake?"

"Indeed. Thanks to my Divine Dragon Mark put into her body, I can detect her. She's still alive and healthy, and there's nothing threatening as of now, I would know immediately…" I said as I began to look around, stopping in front of Ruby's bed.

"I-I see… I hope so…" Sighed Rakasha, being tired of worrying so much, he sighed, sitting over a chair.

"But the real mystery is why she left…" Said Fuyu.

"Indeed, this bed… there's a strong stench of blood here… Rose, come out." I said, summoning the Blood Vampire Ghost, Rose, who had grown rather big and strong lately.

"Yes my lord?" She wondered, a gorgeous red-haired phantasmal woman emerged, with pale white skin and wearing a red dress, her legs turning slowly into phantasmal essence. She looked like a queen of the underworld, she was by far my strongest Undead. She's most of the time kept inside my Shadows alongside other ghosts and souls.

"Can you detect this energy floating in the surroundings?" I asked her.

"Hmm…? Oh! This stench! This is… odd… Wait, the girl… she's gone?" Wondered Rose. If she wasn't listening, she was probably in a slumber until I called her.

"Indeed…" I quickly gave her a quick summary of what happened.

"I see… This is bad, this is most likely… the Venerable's doing!" She said.

"I had imagined it… But how?" I wondered. "And why now from all times?"

"Remember that I came to the Ice Moon Sect to kidnap Ruby because of my Lady- I mean, my former Lady? Well, she wanted her because her pendant was a part of the Venerable of Blood's soul, and also she wanted her. Ruby was a girl designed to become the ideal vessel of the venerable, she holds incredible potential and immense talent amongst all vampires, as she is born between two vampires as well, she is a pure vampire, as purest as they can be." Said Rose.

"We know as much…" I said.

"Well, perhaps the Venerable has grown desperate and dislikes being here, or perhaps.. something related with the [Fate] you spoke about before?" She wondered.

"Fate? …But that guy is sliced into pieces, how come he can just regain consciousness or not at his own accord! This is ridiculous… Ah, he's a Venerable, logic simply doesn't apply here." I sighed.

"Nonetheless. We should had a.n.a.lyzed that pendant beforehand, it held mysterious powers, one of them even capable of teleporting someone away… that's the doing of the {Bloodline Seeker} Ability that True Vampires can develop." Said Rose.

"{Blood Seeker}…?"


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 834 The Venerable's Schemes

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 834 The Venerable's Schemes summary

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