Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 862 Planting The Lesser Yggdrasil Tree Branch

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Chapter 862 Planting The Lesser Yggdrasil Tree Branch


As I left my slimes preparing things for the cooking contest, I quickly went out to the backyard with my family to a.s.sess things out. Yeah, we wanted to plant all the seeds we bought in the market. There were a lot of special magical fruits that only grow in the Alfheim continent, but also there's something else, the branch of a Lesser Yggdrasil Tree. According to what I had appraised out of it, it said that it was totally possible to plant it with enough care and grow a tree.

After a bath, we were already in the fields, which now extended for over a kilometer, they covered a wide area of these near endless gra.s.s lands and all the plants were growing beautifully. People from the village took care of the harvest alongiside the a.s.sistance of my slimes and Harvest Spirits I've ma.s.s produced. However, we had our own little personal farm where we quickly began to modify the ground and enchant the soil. Benladra and Kate were both working hard for this.


Kate adorably pointed her little hands at the soil, as it suddenly began to change shape. This was also part of her [Matter Manipulation] ability, which obviously allowed her to manipulate matter and move it like telekinesis. She was able to move the old and dry dirt from the surface and reach the rich soil beneath, a practice done in farming a lot.

"Kate… Seed!" Benladra said, petting Kate's head and then giving her some seeds.

"Sweed?" Asked Kate while tilting her head.

"Sweed, plant!" Said Benladra. "Plant seed."

"Pwant…" Kate looked at the seeds and seemed to understand.

It's so cute to see both talking with their baby language… My heart is filled with bliss.

"Hehe, look at those two planting the seeds." Benladann said at my side. "They're so cute together…"

"Yeah, I always thought that Benladra wouldn't like Kate based in their first interaction, but it seems that I was completely wrong, they really get well along with one another… Well, they had three months to get along." Said Miranda.

"I'm glad Benladra can accept her little sister, even if she's not really Benladann's daughter." I sighed.

"Of course, we raised her to be a gentle mannered girl." Benladann said. "She's gentle and nice, and always thinks about what others might feel. She's going to grow into someone amazing."

"Haha… As my daughter I guess that's good. She's an inheritor of the dragon family, a good and gentle nature is a must if she wants to become a guardian of this world in the future…" I sighed. "Though, I hope that whenever we reach that future… there won't be wars or battles anymore. I want a future where she can grow in peace, without fearing her death at every corner."

"Yeah, same. I also want my girl to just be happy when she grows up, without having to worry about some insane old men and women wanting to destroy the world just because they want to go to outer s.p.a.ce or something." Sighed Benladann.


Suddenly, a small pink fox sitting over my head roared at Benladann.

"Is she wrong though?" Sighed Miranda.

"W-Well, not really but still…" Sighed Belle. "Well, my mother doesn't want to destroy the world at least…"

"We know she's an exception, and those exceptions are the ones we must seek for help, those that want to keep this world stable and alive, and not those utterly insane enough to destroy it, absorb it, or something even crazier…" I sighed. "Oberon is really bats.h.i.+t crazy."

"Well, it wouldn't be good if we just talk about this all the time, right?" Benladann said. "For now, how about we join the two little girls? They're calling for us."

In the distance I could see Benladra and Kate waving their little arms, they seemed to be calling us to go help them. I nodded and ran towards their side as fast as possible, and we ended spending the next two hours just enriching the soil and planting seeds. Benladra's ability easily enhanced the seeds and they immediately grew into tiny plants over the soil. I suppose even Alfheim-only plants can grow in my divine realm.

However, after we finished, there was just another surprise we had to get over with, and that was the branch of the tree I wanted to plant for a while. With Benladra and Kate, we moved to another zone of the backyard where there was a beautifully enhanced open field of soil. I had previously prepared this place just for this tree.

"Now, we are planting this branch!" I said.

"Bwanch?" Benladra looked at the branch as her eyes grew s.h.i.+nier. "Wooow!"

"Right? It is very strong! You can feel the life energy on it, right?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Benladra said while nodding. "Papa, I help plant…!"

Oh?! She called me papa instead of "babah". It seems her ability to speak is improving!

"Pwant…" Kate looked at the branch, she seemed uninterested on it, and mostly curious about why her sister had such a reaction to a small stick.

With my two girls, we moved towards the open soil and put the branch in there, I did my best to mold the dirt around so the branch kept itself standing… And then, we showered it with magic. I used [Earthy Harvest] as much as possible and even added divine power to it, all while Benladra also added her divine power through her smaller spells into the branch. Kate was just looking curiously.


The branch suddenly gained so much brightness that it flashed with white light, showering us all with its potent brightness. However, amidst this divine brightness, I was able to see something incredible. The branch was growing! Its roots quickly began to spread out into the underground of the soil, and it was also growing upwards, larger, and thicker, with many branches that quickly grew green and healthy leaves. The entire tree was emanating a strong aura of pure life and nature!



Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 862 Planting The Lesser Yggdrasil Tree Branch

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 862 Planting The Lesser Yggdrasil Tree Branch summary

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