Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 881 The Bridge

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Chapter 881 The Bridge


After we got over the strangely h.o.r.n.y Old t.i.tan lady, we continued our formal and normal conversation. It appears that not only was she told about me from long ago by her mother, but also about this weird prophecy of a child between t.i.tans and Dragons. However, because that ended happening prematurely, it wasn't going to be a descendant of the Frost Queen, sadly.

"As we know, the child you two have, which is not present right now. Must probably be that prophesied child." Said Aria.

"What do you mean prophesied child? My little Benladra?" Asked Benladann while feeling worried about her future.

"Fear not, she will not partake any active role in any fight, but she's the bridge that the ancient G.o.ds and the venerable have been waiting for." Aria said.

"Bridge?" I asked.

"Long ago, Tiamat and Ymir planted and raised the World Tree, from it, the fruits of the Realms came, and from the war between G.o.ds and the two t.i.tans of Creation, our world was created as the Realms fused together through the chaos. The bodies of both t.i.tans of Creation merged together into one, making our land… Since then, the Draconic Records was created for the Dragons to help them grow and protect the new world, and the t.i.tan Records were also made for the t.i.tans to draw strength from. Part of my mystical strength is from such place."

"Oh… But what has that anything to do with this?" I asked.

"Patience." She said. "As I said, the two Records were created, and turbulent times happened. The Chaos emerged, the first Venerable, a traitor of all mortals also rose. Oberon, the one that desired to bring the end to all things for his own selfish dream of achieving eternal life and to explore what's beyond our horizon… Dragons and t.i.tans fought against the menaces of the world, Oberon was ultimately defeated by his own brother and the "demons" he summoned… However, the malicious Fairy split his soul apart, and continued living in this world, slowly eliminating each threat to his plans. Over time, more Venerables rose. The majority malicious in nature, but some… were good. My ancestor, an inheritor of the Ancient Bloodline of Ymir was one."

"The bridge is the one person that will connect both Records powers and bring the ultimate strength capable of unifying the world's tribes and also to heal and recover this dying world… Since ancient times that this world, although seemingly alive, has been slowly dying." Aria said.

"What? Dying?" I asked.

"Yes. It still not completely noticeable, but soon enough, the fissures in s.p.a.ce and time might emerge… With the dying world comes the weakening of [Fate]. It all aligns together to an ultimate end we must not let happen. The bridge is the key, and of course, you, the Dragon King." Aria said, as her eyes shone brightly.

"S-So my daughter… She's a porter of the t.i.tan bloodline?" I asked.

"Certainly no. I cannot detect the True t.i.tan Bloodline from Benladann at all, she's a common Ice Giant that has evolved over time through the help of her cultivation and your support." Said Aria. "However, as long as she's just an Ice Giant, it is already possible. To further awaken the t.i.tan Records, it is simply necessary to give the child a small cup of the blood of a t.i.tan, here." Aria immediately brought a small crystal-clear flask, filled with red blood, hers. She gave it to me without hesitation. With the help of the System I inspected it.


[Winter t.i.tan's Pure Blood]

An ancestral blood rich in nutrients, Mana, and Divine Power. Whenever it is consumed by the chosen one, their True t.i.tan Bloodline will awaken, granting special powers. In others, it has a merely very small chance to awaken t.i.tan Bloodline. This is only limited to Giant-type People, which includes Mountain Giants, Ice Giants, and Fire Giants. If drank by a Dragon, the conflicting energies of Dragons and t.i.tans might ultimately hurt the user and drop their cultivation by 1 Rank.


It was authentic, and not poisonous at all- Well, for me it might be detrimental, so I won't drink it. But I guess we won't lose anything by giving this to our little Benladra… And as for Kate, she's not an Ice Giant, more like a Spirit, so I think she's not included into the whole prophecy, thankfully.

"I see, this is authentic." I said while inspecting the blood at close inspection.

"D-Do we really need to give our daughter your blood?" Asked Benladann.

"It is your choice if you want to or not. My ancestor never told my family to force the child to do anything. It was merely a choice." Said Aria. "Ultimately, you can let her grow and decide by herself."

"I see, I guess you're right, there's no point in rus.h.i.+ng that if she won't necessarily take an active role, right?" I asked.

"Indeed, don't worry. My ancestor would never put the life of a child in such a task. She used to love children and took care of many orphans. Her benevolence spread through the world, she healed it and brought the warmth of life to every corner of the world…" She said.

"I see… She really did a lot for everyone, but I have a question before we continue." I said, as I looked back at Rakasha. "Would the Venerable be willing to forgive the Vampire Tribe?"


Aria suddenly fell silent, as she looked down into the table. My question hit her like a truck, but I had to ask it. I wasn't just going to let the Vampires get exterminated by her whenever she's revived. I want to reach some sort of deal with her to not hurt the last Vampire Families. After all, they're Ruby's family.

"For that… I cannot speak on behalf of my ancestor. I do not know the answer." Said Aria. "But personally, I do not resent innocents for the sins of their ancestors. n.o.body should, honestly."


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 881 The Bridge

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