Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 895 The Power Of The Unique Skill [Captain]

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Chapter 895 The Power Of The Unique Skill [Captain] —–

Although n.o.body would believe us we told them, we were currently having a curry lunch inside the legendary Frost Tower. I had not just prepared that though, as I’ve also made grilled meat from wyvern monsters I’ve caught before, alongside some flying squids that were also grilled and made into skewers accompanied by veggies and fish. Additionally from her ability to enhance boats, Charlotte had the power to do something more. Apparently, she gained it just now after she ranked up so much. Unique Skills can often develop new powers when the user grows stronger, so this wasn’t abnormal.

”I just got the ability to summon s.h.i.+ps…” She said flabbergasted.

”What?!” I asked.

”Let’s see… s.h.i.+p Summoning!”


Suddenly, an enormous magic circle emerged in the floor, as everybody suddenly stopped eating and saw the enormous s.h.i.+p we left in the sea emerge here. The room was so big that the s.h.i.+p itself was able to inside without any problems.

”T-This is insane, you can just summon it anywhere?!” Asked Benladann.

”Yes, and it seems to have gained a few other perks!” Charlotte said slightly fascinated, as she suddenly waved her hand and a barrier emerged over her s.h.i.+p. I a.n.a.lyzed it, and saw the s.h.i.+p gained a [Unsinkable Barrier], which made it so no matter what, it was impossible to sink with this s.h.i.+p. It also protected it from attacks by reducing 70% of all damage dealt to the s.h.i.+p, just like that.

However, it cannot properly protect anybody on board unless they get inside the s.h.i.+p, but it only blocks 70%, the other 30% still will eventually destroy the s.h.i.+p, so it is not completely indestructible, and this barrier seems to draw Mana from Charlotte as well.

”This barrier can block a ton of damage… But the best thing is that I can use this to store stuff! I can even withdraw it…!”


”And make it come back!”


Charlotte showed us how she was able to “withdraw” the s.h.i.+p to somewhere else, not the outside world, but literally a different s.p.a.ce, and then make it come back at will without any issues. The potential was in that she could store stuff inside the s.h.i.+p and simply withdraw it. The s.h.i.+p withdrawing function worked like my Inventory, and anything stored there would remain stored and frozen in time.

This way, she quickly brought a ton of fish she had saved in there and decided to share it with us. We had a lot of her fish for our lunch, which was the one I used to make the seafood skewers that everybody loved when dipped in soy sauce and sweet soy sauce.

”This is pretty amazing, you can do a lot of stuff, Charlotte.” Said Benladann while enjoying the seafood skewers.

”Hahah… It is nothing much, I am just trying to get used to these fantastical powers I was born with.” Charlotte said with embarra.s.sment while scratching her head.

”You might be able to develop new abilities in the next trial if we complete it.” I said while nodding. “I wonder what else you could unlock… It would be nice if you could make the s.h.i.+p fly through the skies! Like that, we could travel anywhere even easier. Fuyu moves way too slow to be honest.”

”Huh? Move through the skies?! That’s a bit too crazy…” Said Charlotte. “But it does sounds fun! And who’s Fuyu?”

”Fuyu is a floating ice castle.” Said Miranda while drinking some tea.

”EH?!” Charlotte asked, completely left flabbergasted. She didn’t knew what to even say.

”Miranda! Don’t tell that to Charlotte like that!” Benladann reprimanded Miranda.

”Eh? Ah! I forgot… I really thought she was already part of the crew though…” Miranda sighed.

”Ah, okay, well, whatever.” I sighed.

”S-So you own a floating ice castle?! Well, seeing how you’re a dragon G.o.d, that’s amazing!” She said.

”Oh right, I guess you already know all of that, so this isn’t actually that shocking.” I sighed.

”YEAH! It’s amazing though! The Frost Queen also had a floating castle!” Charlotte said. She seemed to be an avid fan of this venerable.

”Is that so? Well, I am glad you think its great. I had created Fuyu even before I became a G.o.d though, she slowly evolved and turned into my Divine Realm.” I said.

”D-Divine Realm?! So the castle has a whole internal s.p.a.ce inside?” Asked the girl.

”Yeah, like the tower here. This s.p.a.ce is abnormally large.” I said while sighing.

”Now that things have come to this, I suppose I should already accept your contract offer, Sir Drake. Following someone such as you, who even holds the t.i.tle of Dragon King would be an honor! I’ve always been looking for a contractor that I could spend the rest of my life working for, maybe you’re my chosen one, the captain of the crew!” She said happily. She was such a big sailor and pirate fan that the idea of having a strong captain excited her.

”S-Sure, if that’s what you want… I’ll make sure to pay you well, and I’ll keep protecting you, so don’t worry.” I said with a nod, rea.s.suring her.

”Okay, thanks a lot, Sir Drake!” Charlotte said, feeling more pumped up for the next trial.

She was honestly quite cute, like a little daughter. And quite honestly, she’s also the best boat ridder I could had ever found, someone like her with such an ever-evolving Unique Skill will one day soar the skies. She’s the perfect ally to help us travel the world’s oceans as well, which are dangerous even for beings at my level.

I’ve already heard that there are Rank 7 or beyond Divine Beasts roaming there, monsters so strong they gain divine powers, legendary beasts known as Sea Snakes also roam such places, said to be remnants of true Water Dragons that grew corrupt due to the miasma of the sea, and turned into terrifyingly strong monsters.

The sea is truly an amazing place, and we’ll explore it on its due time. But for now, we shall advance and continue towards the next trial.

”Let’s go, everybody, it’s time!”

The doors opened, as they led us to the second challenge.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 895 The Power Of The Unique Skill [Captain]

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 895 The Power Of The Unique Skill [Captain] summary

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