Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 633: Chapter 632-pathetic mutant (4) _1

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Chapter 633: Chapter 632-pathetic mutant (4) _1


Translator: 549690339

The White Lotus saintess turned around and left in desolation. Without looking back, she said, ” I’ll go collect Yu Qingyang’s corpse. You can return to Xiahou divine gate first.

After personally witnessing the friends.h.i.+p between Xia qingchen and Yue Mingzhu, she wanted to be alone for a while.

Xia qingchen knew that Yu Qingyang had let her off during skymoon. In addition to that, the two of them had known each other for a long time.

It wasn’t too much to bury Yu Qingyang’s corpse.

“Come back early.” He said.

The two parted ways.

Xia qingchen headed to the Xiahou divine gate.

The White Lotus saintess returned to the peak.

The organizer left in a hurry. Many powers followed Xia qingchen and the

Nebula sacred land, who had obtained a huge victory, and left, flattering them.

The sword cliff Holy Land had realized that a great disaster was imminent and had long fled.

No one paid any attention to Yu Qingyang’s corpse.

The once-forbidden genius of the sky moon Ridge was now lying in the cold rain, ignored by everyone.


There was one more person!

One of them was a handsome young man with long silver hair and a light blue robe.

Holding a red umbrella, he stood in front of Yu Qingyang’s corpse and murmured, “”What a coward!”

He squatted down and took out a crystal core that was emitting black Qi and placed it on Yu Qingyang’s chest.

An unbelievable scene appeared.

With a creak, Yu Qingyang’s broken neck actually recovered!

His pale face also gradually regained its color.

Not long after, he actually opened his eyes.

Yu Qingyang had been resurrected!

He looked at the person in front of him in confusion and said, “”Who are you?” He could faintly feel that this person was somewhat similar to himself.

“Me? 1 am … Di GUI Yi.’


A sudden clap of Thunder exploded in the sky.

The astonis.h.i.+ng lightning made the smiling red umbrella Man look even more profound.

Yu Qingyang’s mind buzzed and his pupils shrank to the extreme.

Di GUI Yi?

The king ranked number one on the universal board, di GUI Yi?

He had occupied the rank 1 of the universal board for three whole years and no one had been able to break his record.

He was the number one Supreme martial artist of his generation in the entire cool territory!

The number one in sky moon Ridge was not even worth mentioning in front of him.

“Also, I have another ident.i.ty.” “I am Yu Qingyang, the son of Yu Hualong,” di guiyi smiled.

Boom- –

Another bolt of lightning descended from the sky. Yu Qingyang’s ears were deafening.”Whose son are you?”

If di guiyi was Yu Qingyang, then who was he?

what a pathetic mutant! di GUI Yi said with a pitiful look. you know nothing!

“Do you really think that there would be a father who would be so stupid as to send his real son to a barren land to make a life-and-death pact with someone?” he said with the red umbrella in his hand.

Yu Qingyang’s mind was buzzing.

He had been wondering why Yu Hualong never visited him even though he was his son.

Why did he leave me in a wild place like the sky moon Ridge and let me struggle to my own death?

He didn’t even want to show his face in today’s life and death battle.

you’re just a descendant of a human and a demonic beast that my father bought at a high price. You’re a mutant!

After knowing the truth, Yu Qingyang couldn’t accept it. He roared, “”No! This can’t be real! I am the son of Yu Hualong, I am!”

“I want to see my father! I want to see him!” He roared like a madman.

Di guiyi smiled, stretched out one foot and stepped on his chest as if he was stepping on an ant.

No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t break free.

can a real human come back to life if his neck is broken? ” Di guiyi said indifferently.

Yu Qingyang’s heart thumped.

He did remember that his neck had been broken by Xia qingchen.

Why was he still alive?

only mutants have such vitality. Di guiyi said lightly.

He stared at Yu Qingyang’s chest and said, “”0f course, I didn’t come to save you! Although you’re a useless subst.i.tute, you still have some value!” His palm turned into a claw and stabbed into Yu Qingyang’s chest.

He dug out the heart.

What made Yu Qingyang forget the pain was that his heart was not the human heart.

Instead, it was a pitch-black and hideous demonic heart.

after all, it’s a mutant that my father has raised for nearly 20 years. The heavenly demon heart has already matured, so it can’t be wasted. Di guiyi raised his head and swallowed the heart!

With a speed visible to the naked eye, di guiyi’s cultivation rose sharply!

The essence of the mutated species gathered in the heart, which was called the heavenly demon heart.

As long as one could obtain it, one’s cultivation base would increase without any side effects.

Yu Qingyang’s twenty years of cultivation had acc.u.mulated quite a lot.

Naturally, he couldn’t waste it!

“No!” Yu Qingyang struggled and pulled out the painting of the mortal fairy. With the help of the power within, his cultivation base reached the level of a major star!

“Give me back my heart!” Yu Qingyang roared in anger and tried to get up.

useless! di guiyi laughed, ” useless!

With a tap of his foot, he kicked Yu Qingyang to the point where he rolled on the ground, breaking all the bones in his body.

“It’s been hard on you all these years.” Di guiyi laughed, his long and narrow eyes squinted into a line.

He strode towards Yu Qingyang.

your role as a subst.i.tute is over. You can die now. Di guiyi said lightly.

However, halfway through.

He suddenly stopped and smiled, ‘”‘0h? There’s still someone watching?”

He sucked in the air, and a beautiful figure in white was swept up into the air.

After a few rolls, he landed steadily.

“Look, isn’t this my fiancée, Jiang xuexin?” Di guiyi grinned with a trace of greed in his eyes.

“What do you want?” Yu Qingyang was shocked and shouted. She’s innocent!”

Di guiyi chuckled and turned to the White Lotus saintess, “”To tell you the truth, I was against father’s decision to tie the knot for you! Because such a peerless beauty should belong to me, not you, a subst.i.tute.” don’t you touch him, animal!! Yu Qingyang’s eyes were about to pop out.

He had nothing left.

Jiang xuexin was the only person he could not forget in his heart. She was the lover he wanted to protect.

Di guiyi’s smile turned evil, “”0h? You care about her a lot? Then, I’ll do her on the spot, okay?”

He couldn’t bring the White Lotus saintess back.

Yu Hualong didn’t allow it!

However, if he were to occupy the scene, kill it, and then destroy the corpse, it would not be a problem.

The more Yu Qingyang shouted, the more possessive he became.

The White Lotus saintess also felt something was wrong, so she turned around and fled.

However, before he could reach the stairs, he was blocked by di guiyi, who was incredibly fast.

Then, he grabbed his shoulder.

With an evil smile, he tore off the White Lotus saintess’s clothes.

The White Lotus saintess was shocked. She broke free from his restraint at the risk of her shoulder dislocation and retreated 30 meters away.

However, this was the peak of a mountain.

The only way down the mountain had been blocked by di guiyi. There was no way to escape.

“What’s so good about following Xia qingchen? Follow me, di GUI Yi, and you will get whatever you want!” Di guiyi walked over slowly.

The White Lotus Holy maiden coldly spoke, ” I’m only loyal to him!”

These words were the true portrayal of her heart. She only acknowledged Xia qingchen as her husband..

Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 633: Chapter 632-pathetic mutant (4) _1

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Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 633: Chapter 632-pathetic mutant (4) _1 summary

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