Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 677: Asking for the elixir (1)

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Chapter 677: Asking for the elixir (1)


Translator: 549690339

Fang cuihong took out her ident.i.ty token with a bitter smile and said, “”General, please take a look.”

Zhao Fei ‘e glanced at the other party’s ident.i.ty token, and his face was still ashen. “What does that mean? It can only mean that you stole the ident.i.ty token of Fang baiqi’s cavalry, so your crime is even more severe!”

Helplessly, Fang cuihong could only explain, “”General! This general has taken Lord Xia’s Secret pill, which is why I’ve regained my youth. If general does not believe me, you can summon the other hundred brave cavalry of the yunlan battle group. They have seen it with their own eyes and can testify for this general.”

“Return to youth? How laughable … Wait, who gave it to you?” Zhao Fei ‘e originally wanted to sneer.

Was he dreaming?

But when he realized where the pill came from, his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat!

Xia qingchen, Lord Xia! Fang cuihong called out his name with respect from the bottom of her heart.

Zhao Fei ‘e was stunned. Xia qingchen gave it to him?

His expression flickered with a bit of disbelief, and he said, “”What kind of pill did he give you?”

Fang cuihong felt strange. Why would he ask this?

Shouldn’t he be asking if there were any more? He said it as if general Zhao had seen it before.

“It’s a snow-white pill,” she answered honestly.

Snow White?

Zhao Fei ‘E’s eyes flickered with uncertainty. He clenched his right fist and muttered, “”d.a.m.n it, you lied to me!”

The snow-white pill was the true secret medicine that could rejuvenate one’s youth. Xia qingchen had used the rare materials he had gathered to successfully concoct it, but he didn’t give it to her. Instead, he gave her a low-quality pill with mixed colors!

It was simply detestable!

the one I took was of inferior quality, and the effect will last for a year. Lord Xia still has four more genuine moonlight dew, and the effect will last for ten years!

Zhao Fei ‘e was even angrier!

It turned out that the things that Xia qingchen had given him couldn’t even be compared to low-quality goods. He had even better things hidden away!

“The surface of that pill is mottled in color, and there are many potholes. In terms of quality, it doesn’t seem to be as good as a low-quality one.” Fang cuihong recalled.


Zhao Fei ‘E’s mind rumbled, and he immediately said, “”Is it grayish-white?”

Fang cuihong subconsciously nodded.

“How did you know, general?”

Zhao Fei ‘e sat in a daze. How could she not know? That was because she had one!

However, she had abandoned it and thrown it to the medicine King’s disciple!

“Are you sure it’s a higher grade secret medicine?” Zhao Fei ‘e returned to her senses and asked with a strange look in her eyes.

Fang cuihong replied,”yes!” Lord Xia even ate one himself! Now, there’s only one left.”

The last one?

Zhao Fei ‘e finally couldn’t sit still and quickly asked, “‘Xia qingchen … Oh, where is young master Xia?”

Because he had gotten up in a hurry, he knocked over the table, and all kinds of important military doc.u.ments scattered on the ground.

However, she didn’t care and hurriedly walked out.

“He’s, he’s in the tent!” Fang cuihong was stunned and thought to herself,’as a beautiful witch, does the general still need moonlight dew?’

Hearing this, Zhao Fei ‘e immediately rushed to the yunlan Legion’s camp.

“We pay our respects to general Zhao!” The two guards on duty at the door were shocked when they saw Zhao Fei ‘e rus.h.i.+ng over. They called out respectfully.

Zhao Fei ‘e was as Swift as the wind. She lifted the curtain and saw Xia qingchen currently on the Round Table in the tent, drawing an exceptionally complicated square pattern.

Zhao Fei ‘e was dazzled by just one look.

He didn’t have the time to pay attention to what Xia qingchen was up to. He hurriedly said, “”Young master Xia, do you have any more moonlight dew?”

Xia qingchen didn’t even lift his head.

Zhao Fei ‘E’s heart relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face.”Give me another one. I’ve misunderstood you,”

“I’m sorry, that’s for the Bai xiaoji.” Xia qingchen didn’t show any mercy to her just because she was a general.

“I’m the general in charge of the Northwest Legion,” Zhao Fei ‘e hurriedly said.”Why don’t you give it to me instead of them?”

In terms of status, she was more qualified to get the moonlight dew than these hundred cavalry.

Xia qingchen put down his brush and stared at Zhao Fei ‘e, his might flowing. I, Xia qingchen, have never gone back on my words in my entire life. How can I break my promise because of you? ”

besides, I’ve already given you one. What’s the point of asking for more? ” Xia qingchen retorted.

Zhao Fei ‘e looked embarra.s.sed. He was actually being reprimanded by a junior!

But she was in the wrong and couldn’t flare up, so she could only say, “”Then I’ll prepare another set of materials. May I trouble young master Xia to do it again?”

Xia qingchen picked up his pen again and no longer looked at her. He said calmly, “”Who do you think I am? You want me to refine medicine just because you want me to? Please find someone better!”

“Xia …”

“I’m very busy, you can’t send me off!” Xia qingchen bent his waist and drew the pattern seriously.

Zhao Fei ‘e stared at Xia qingchen for a good while, feeling that he wasn’t facing a young man with a low status.

Instead, he was an old monster with a temper!

It was only now that she realized the value of the moonlight dew. It could only be encountered by luck and not sought. She might not have the chance to get another one in the future.

Helplessly, she could only look for the moonlight dew that she had given up.

“I hope that little girl hasn’t been lost.” Zhao Fei ‘E’s heart tightened. He immediately led a group of people to the bamboo forest of the medicine King.

Xia qingchen’s brush paused for a moment and he mumbled to himself, ” I forgot to tell her that if the pill is taken after three days, she can’t take it again. If the protective film on the surface is damaged, she can only take it for half a day.

The moon essence dew’s multi-colored and pockmarked appearance was actually a layer of medicine.

Its function was to lock in the essence of the moonlight dew and not let it flow away.

However, the protection effect would only last for three days.

After three days, the essence would still slowly drain away through the cracks.

Once the essence was lost, the residue in the pill would react with each other and brew a poison, becoming a highly toxic medicine.

Once consumed, one would definitely be poisoned.

Although it was not a particularly strong poison, without some healing skills, it was easy to die.

sigh, I’d better get someone to catch up with her and inform her. If she’s really poisoned to death, it’ll be another problem. Xia qingchen mumbled.

Zhao Fei ‘e galloped on his horse.

After traveling for a hundred miles, they quickly arrived at the bamboo forest of the herb King.

She stood in front of the bamboo forest and saw a figure looking at the medicine hut. She bowed and said, ” I’m Zhao Fei ‘e from the Northwest Army. Greetings, yaow.a.n.g.

Yaow.a.n.g was focused on making pills and didn’t even turn his head,”What is it?”

Zhao Fei ‘e looked left and right. may I ask if yaow.a.n.g’s disciple, Chen yingyao, is here? ” she asked.


Yaow.a.n.g frowned and walked out of the bamboo forest,”Didn’t my disciple look for you?”

“I didn’t!” Zhao Fei ‘e said, confused.

Yaow.a.n.g looked at the sky. it shouldn’t be. She’s been gone for half a day. She should’ve reached the Northwest army camp by now.

A journey of a hundred miles should be completed in a short while.

“Why is Chen yingyao looking for me?” Zhao Fei ‘e had a bad feeling.

“Your pill is a quasi-spiritual medicine, it’s ill-gotten gains. I’ll have my disciple return it to you!” Yaow.a.n.g said. Why don’t you go back and wait for a while? perhaps something happened midway and she couldn’t send it in time.”


Was that the legendary quasi-spirit medicine?

However, what followed was a huge worry!

Chen yingyao already knew the true grade of the pill. With her greedy nature, she had asked her to return the pill alone and had not delivered it for a long time …

The more Zhao Fei ‘e thought about it, the more he shuddered.

This girl wouldn’t take it all for herself, would she?

Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 677: Asking for the elixir (1)

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Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor Chapter 677: Asking for the elixir (1) summary

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