The Villain's Story Chapter [355] Climb the Tower!

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Chapter 355 [355] Climb the Tower!

"Daniel Khorsch, Elijah Ardor, and Henry Fornum are some of the first who have cleared the first floor and are advancing steadily!"

Harrison announced the names of the Partic.i.p.ants who pa.s.sed the first floor in order. The crowd cheered loudly.

Daniel, as expected was the first one to pa.s.s the first floor. Given his prior experience, it was only Natural. He pa.s.sed the first floor in record time. The others who had experienced the tower before were also fast, but Elijah and Henry defeated them easily. Henry's wind affinity was strong so he immediately realized something was wrong with the clouds, whilst Elijah had slipped and fell accidentally.

Well, the intensity and condition to clear the trials was different for everyone…So it can be said that Elijah lucked out. If he fell at the beginning of the trial, he would have failed. The tower would have not recognized his efforts and disqualified him.

The audience watched the large screens in front of the Tower with amazement and curiosity. This was a unique feature of the Tower, It would broadcast the trials of the ten people in the lead. No one knew why this feature was there, but they were glad it was.

After all, who would watch the event if they couldn't see the trials being challenged?

This was the reason the Tower of Trials was an event in the convergence. Furthermore, Special items had been made which could enable one to view the point of view of their favorite challenger, these items were given to the challengers, and displays linked to the items were present in the seats of the audience.

Furthermore, because clearing the trials could take a long time, lodging arrangements for the paying were made as well, as well as special websites for others to watch from home, by paying a price.

The event drew in the most money, so the higher-ups invested a lot to make it comfortable and desirable.

The top 10 challengers the Tower showed were as follows.

The first was Daniel, who was blitzing through the first 10 floors because of his prior experience.

The second was Yelena Flare, The rank 1 of the second year in the s.h.i.+eld, and also Kyle's sister. Thankfully, she turned out better than Kyle.

The 3rd and 4th rank were Henry Fornum and Alan Peccator respectively, who were shooting through the floors with a pace faster than most. They were even dominating those who had experience with the Tower.

It was astonis.h.i.+ng, that the Tower exerted a mysterious force on its challenger that stopped them from speaking about the trial information, The things the Broadcast and displays showed were also limited, and the important information about the tower couldn't be revealed.

Many awakened tried to tell their experiences but the Tower stopped them, even if they weren't in the Tower, all those who had entered it had this effect. None coils escape.

It blocked everything that would give someone an advantage over the other...

It was as if it was sentient!

Alan had some serious compet.i.tion though, Elijah was just barely behind him, no…it could be said that they were neck and neck! They were both overtaking one another constantly.

Henry was just a little bit further ahead.

The seventh and eighth spots were occupied by the top students of Eden, whilst Kurosaki Ren and another student from Eden occupied the ninth and tenth respectively. s.h.i.+eld was dominating the rankings.

The others were behind, far behind. The main focus of the audience was of course on the Top 10 climbers.

Everyone had fans, even Alan had some for some reason.

Most of his Fans were the people who were saved because of him in Aror, although their presence in the Colosseum was low, their online presence was nothing to scoff at.

Although it was shocking, Alan also had a fan club…somehow.

Of course, nothing could beat Daniel Khorsch's fanbase, who were mostly fangirls screaming at the top of their lungs.



Truly, it was h.e.l.l for the poor unfortunate souls who were seated near them.

Even noise-canceling headphones didn't block out the roars of those lionesses in heat.

It was a special kind of torture.

But what could be done? Nothing. That fanbase was crazy.


The noise was so loud it even woke Kazikato from his deep slumber. And that was a notable achievement. Even Alan struggled to wake Kazikato up when he was sleeping, his nose never worked, and he had to beat him until he woke up.

"So annoying…"

Edward complained about the noise. As a demi-human, his ears were sensitive, this was h.e.l.l for him.

Both of them exuded an aura of death, this was not intentional. They had been dealing with Ariel's gruesome training for quite a while, so it was only natural. Kazikato had stopped his leakage, but Edward struggled to do it. Ariel had forcibly awakened his body using her powers and subjected both to training so gruesome they had become brothers in arms that shared at least 10 years of hards.h.i.+p.

They both had been kicked out of the Twilight Room because the aura of death they exuded was harmful to the others.

"Why aren't you climbing that tower?"

Asked Edward, he wondered why Kazikato was abstaining from challenging the tower. If he did, no doubt he would be just behind Alan, then Twilight would have two people in the top 10.

"What's the point…The boss would win in the end anyway, and who knows if there's a trial where you have to right other challengers… Just thinking about Fighting the boss now sends s.h.i.+vers down my spine…"


Edward was left speechless…had he heard what he just heard?

Was Alan that terrifying…to this guy?

To kazikato? It was unbelievable.

He had seen what Kazikato could do…but not what Alan could do.

He looked at Alan's broadcast once again, it had been quite a while and Alan had reached the 9th floor.

Now he was 3rd, just behind Elijah and Daniel. The rankings had changed.

He focused his eyes on Alan, unaware that he too would soon know…

Why Kazikato both respected and feared Alan Peccator.

The Villain's Story Chapter [355] Climb the Tower!

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The Villain's Story Chapter [355] Climb the Tower! summary

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