The Villain's Story Chapter [410] My Reason Is Also Valid...Right?

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Chapter [410] My Reason Is Also Valid...Right?

[Before the Academic Convergence, Tower Of Trials event.]

"Where's…my medicine?"

Elton frantically searched all over his room. Trying to find a bottle of capsules that contained his ever-so-precious medicine.

The power of the curse was gripping at his heart, restricting his blood flow and all other bodily functions. Slowly, he was losing the ability to do anything, he slammed his desk in rage, throwing all the paperwork away. It was like a small mountain, and within the mountain, lay his precious medicine.


An excited yell escaped his lips when his eyes found the red bottle of pills. Elton immediately opened the bottle and downed a few pills. He didn't even bother taking them with water, well…he didn't exactly have the leisure to do that.


The pain in his chest disappeared and he could feel his body again, he slumped down on his chair, exhausted.

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l…"

He cursed, opening the b.u.t.tons on his s.h.i.+rt. A chill ran down his spine when he saw the state of his chest.


A black malformed piece of rotting flesh had appeared, the skin around it had died and most of the skin on the front of his upper body was gray, multiple patches of dead skin had appeared, similar to the ones a patient of Psoriasis would have.

"d.a.m.n it all."

He sighed, trying to take deep breaths but even that proved to be such a ch.o.r.e. His chest heaved up and down, and with each small movement, the black ma.s.s would wriggle as well. Causing him a great deal of pain.

"It hurts…so f.u.c.king much!"

He yelled, and then quietened down, silently dealing with the pain that came from his abrupt shout.

He opened up his computer and searched any information he could about the curses of demons. He had done this so many times…but for some reason it gave him some sort of solace. So this had become a habit of his.

[Curse of Demons: Wrath.]

[Curse Of Demons: Greed.]

[Curse of Demons: l.u.s.t.]

[Curse of Demons: Envy.]

[Curse of Demons: Sloth.]

[Curse of Demons: Gluttony.]

[Curse of Demons: Pride.]

The seven deadly sins…one of the special and most powerful attributes that belonged to the demonic kind. Most curses that the demons used fell into the ranks of such sins. They had their power derived from the sins and would continuously absorb the emotions of the afflicted, turning them into a weapon against the afflicted. It was an extremely precious skill, and because of the large rebound, most demons didn't dare use it.

The demon who had used it in the attack of Aror had sacrificed more than a thousand people and dozens of awakened he killed to use it, although it was speculated that he had died as well. The curse was spread over an entire city after all. But Elton was still dubious. He had found no remains or any traces of the demon's body or whereabouts after that. He was of the opinion that maybe the demon had gone into hiding, but he was not sure.

Maybe Alfred Peccator and Anna Peccator managed to kill it…but who knows?


Elton mumbled, finding the name to be quite interesting.

"It's Latin for sinner…strange. Meh."

He thought, but left it. After all, it was just a name. The only significance it held now was that it belonged to Alan Peccator, someone who was considered the strongest first-year in the world.

Ah, what's he talking about…Considered? He 'was' the strongest in the world.

Elton went back to doing his work, as a member of the a.s.sociation and also one of the few members of Elijah's team…he couldn't just do nothing. Elijah was a dunce, and Serena was a yandere.

Those two would be of no help, he had to search for members and other things so that he could be helpful to the group, as well as deal with other external and internal problems. Despite Serena's backing, the formation of their team was met with great opposition.

Now who had the b.a.l.l.s to oppose the daughter of Harrison Soubuelle, The First ranked hero, the leader of the a.s.sociation?? Who was A Yandere that would, and 'has' killed for stupid reasons before? Apparently, a lot of people.

Elton was honestly amazed, he had thought that no one would mess with them because they had the freak on their side but no. He was wrong, very.

Was Harrison's position endangered? Or did people literally give up on Serena? Who knows?

'Most probably the latter.'

Though Elton resumed working, his hands were already tired and he couldn't feel his lower

body(which was mainly his hip and some part of his thighs). His b.u.t.t was numb from sitting all day long. But what could he do?

Life is cruel to those who rest, the World is unforgiving for those who dally.

Little did Elton know, someone was outside the room, hiding his presence and listening to his every word, his pain, with a saddened heart.

Outside the room, with his back resting on the wall, Elijah was silently listening to Elton's constant groans of pain as he worked the night away.

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri informs you this is a bad habit.]


Elijah kept silent, ignoring Agri's words, his heart tightened, worried for Elton.

[Supreme dragon of Fire Agri says " Your heart will worsen even more if you continue to eavesdrop, it is better to leave and train, to better your chances of finding a cure.]


Elijah let out a hollow sigh, his heart was heavy and his eyes were tired. With the Academic Convergence near and the fearsome Tower of Trials, where the hope of his brother's cure was…

He was anxious. Who wouldn't be?... The tower of trials was something that hadn't even been cleared halfway, despite Humanity trying its best.

It was normal to be anxious…right?

Elijah began to head to his room to train a little bit more in his mana breathing technique, he hoped that whatever strength he had.

He would be able to clear it…and get his brother's cure.

Lest Elton dies.

The Villain's Story Chapter [410] My Reason Is Also Valid...Right?

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The Villain's Story Chapter [410] My Reason Is Also Valid...Right? summary

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