The Villain's Story Chapter [583] A talk between two supremes.

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Chapter [583] A talk between two supremes.

[So, how is it like having a kid? Do you think a son is better, or a daughter?]

Lanesha was a bit taken aback by this kind of question, she thought this money hungry supreme would be here for profits.

But then again, she understood him. Although the question was a bit strange, it wasn't really that out of pocket considering the current situation.

[It's been getting boring lately, I wanted to try something different in this iteration, perhaps raise a kid?]

The goat like man's form changed, he now had a handsome, middle-aged face with a fine beard, but his horns were still there. He didn't bother to change them. A cup materialized in his hand, being filled with a mysterious drink.

Lanesha paid no thought to it, and silently sighed.

'I knew someone would come because of this, but I didn't expect it to be him, of all people.' Lanesha thought, as she stared at the man in front of her.

The Supreme of Gold and Wealth, Lakur, continued to drink his tea, patiently waiting for an answer from Lanesha.

'I guess... I have to do it.'

[It's quite an exhausting experience, in some cases.]

Lakur raised an eyebrow at this, but didn't say anything, prompting Lanesha to say more.

She wasn't lying, although she wasn't really his parent, she did treat him like a son or something along the lines. If she didn't, why would she give him so many gifts? The breathing technique, the spear she gave him as a gift on his birthday, and also the many times she helped? Although indirectly.

She hated her limitations, and envied Elijah and the connection he had with his own guardian dragon, Agri. She wished she could do the same for Alan...but alas, it wasn't that easy. It wasn't a matter of strength. Agri may have been stronger than Lanesha, but Alan didn't just have her as a guardian dragon, Suleras was there as well, Someone stronger than Agri.

It was...because of the darn system Elijah possessed, which made many things easier for well as a shackle he readily embraced.

[He did have some annoying moments, and tantrums sometimes, but it was still a nice experience. The thrill you get when he surprises you or does something even you won't expect. Besides, it's fun to watch over him and his journey. A great escape from...]

She didn't finish the last word in her sentence, but Lakur already knew what it would, it is, and he was glad she didn't trigger his PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). A common one most Supreme beings had in these times.

Lakur moved his eyes down, although he appeared to be staring at an empty abyss, he was actually looking at Alan, and a hint of surprise took over his eyes.

But then came suspicion.

[You can check his soul to confirm. I can tell you it isn't what you're thinking.]

His heart began to beat faster, in fear, and he began to sweat profusely, but it all vanished when he looked at Alan a bit more deeply.

He heaved a sigh of relief and slumped back in his throne. Not caring whatever sight of him he was showing to the being of equal status sitting opposite to him.

[Strange... Because of who is the head of your honorable house... I did not think her Highness Ariel would ever allow you to be...married.]

[Why? Did you think I gave birth to him using that old method? There was a high chance I would be unable to help him if that was the case.]

Lakur, however, had other thoughts.

[Oh please, That kid's grandmother is one of the few primordial beings that can be counted on one hand, of a species that has seven fingers, he has a special relations.h.i.+p to the guardian of the World Tree in Elvenheim, His uncles are all supreme beings, and...his father is someone truly special. Not that his mother is any less. With all of this, you could help him, no matter what elemental dragon he was.]

Lanesha chuckled, but didn't refute his statement. Certainly, Her, and now Alan's background was incredibly special. Dragon's gave birth in two ways, either by joining their mana with another dragon, their one and only spouse, or give birth by themselves.

The first method would result in a child that had both elements of his parents, or just one element of their parents. And the other method was completely random.

The first was like how many species functioned in reproduction, where the child would get their parent's genetics, but the latter was different. In the other method, the parent dragon would simply condense their mana into an egg, which would hatch later on. The problems with this was that the parent had no blood or direct relations.h.i.+p with the dragon that was born, or with other dragons born from the same parent dragon through the same method.

Their elemental affinities would be random, their composition and the type of dragon would be random. This was perhaps a mechanism to prevent the extinction of their species...not that a species like their could ever be brought to extinction.

'Perhaps that went too far,' She retracted her thoughts, considering the fact that her mighty species had been brought to extinction...along with many others at the same time multiple times. She heaved a dry laugh.

Lakur noticed her smile and was engrossed in his thinking.

He looked down once more after he inquired some details, looking not at Alan but at the Planet he was on, Earth. And his body s.h.i.+vered in fright, and he quickly retrieved his gaze. Lanesha felt sorry for him, she herself didn't look at Earth like that because of...

[G.o.dd.a.m.n, this accursed planet. So beautiful but gave birth to something...someone so disgusting.]

Lanesha coughed, and Lakur apologized. She continued to keep a mean eye on him, as if daring him to say something like that again.

[Ah, I apologize, I forget you and Suleras's tried so hard to fix those two. On that note, You know who is probably sleeping, What is the Jade Snake doing?]

His question was something she didn't like hearing. She snapped back.

[Mind your own f.u.c.king business.]


Lakur was a bit confused, he didn't know what she really meant because he was unfamiliar with the curse terms of Earth. However, he laughed soon enough.

[Oh come on, you cannot tell me that you still cling to hope? Hope that perhaps things can change? It can't. Don't be like the idiot Ardoris is.]

[You call him an idiot, yet still say his name with utmost respect.]

[Does he not deserve it?]

[Funny, the same planet the calamity is born where he is from as well, the same

planet you were-]

[Alright, Alright! I get it!]

He interrupted her and covered his face.

[It's good to have hope, I had it during my days as a merchant. But even still... How long can the chalice still work? Perhaps this is the last iteration... So I should hurry with my own child,

I'd like to have a daughter.]

Lanesha looked at Alan, and asked.

[What will you do with her? Ple-]

[I will let her live.]

She heaved a sigh of relief, and of regret at the same time. She knew why he was saying something like this. Something that went against their prideful nature.

[I will give her whatever I can, I will not bother her to learn about my position, my empire

that I built with my own hands, one that I did many things to make stable and make it powerful, I will let her live her life like she wants too. Does she want to explore the universe in the limited time she has, I will not put any stress on her. She does not have to succeed a

useless position like mine.]

Lanesha turned her head down, looking at Alan with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Children of Supreme's lived troubled lives, they always had expectations they needed to meet, and other such burdensome duties. Hearing it from someone who was once obsessed so much about


[I will...let her do whatever she wants...and when the day draws near, when her time is coming

to an end, with this universe...I will kill her with my own hands.]

Lanesha raised her head, the same sad expression cemented on her face.

[I will not let my child, my own blood, experience the h.e.l.l we could not stop. I will not let her face the fate of the Dragon Emperor's daughter, to have her soul extinguished. I will kill her in a painless way before something like that happens...I will erase her soul.]


[Yes, so that even if the chalice has some power left to rewind... I will not spend another century or two wallowing in you and Suleras do, to this day.]

She didn't say anything, but simply stared at Alan back on Earth, whatever she was thinking...

Lakur knew.

[Don't make the same mistake once more. If he truly is your son, one you love, let him enjoy

his life...and end it with your own hands before h.e.l.l rains loose. He has the element of chaos, courtesy of his father... And despite my...suspicions...] He glanced at Lanesha, trying to discern something...but then...

He took a deep breath, inwardly laughed at himself, and continued.

[End his life before the Abyss gets to him, and tortures his soul like it did to many others.]

Lanesha grit her teeth, and held the helms of her dress tightly. Lakur did not stop her, but continued to look down at Earth with a blank look, trying to calm the emotions in his heart. He quickly changed the subject.

The Villain's Story Chapter [583] A talk between two supremes.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [583] A talk between two supremes. summary

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