The Villain's Story Chapter [610] Trip!(3)

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Chapter 610: [610] Trip!(3)


The rest of the week went by really quick, tomorrow was the day when they would depart towards Lanekia, the home world of the frost dragons.


Thinking about that planet, Alan fell into thought. He didn't know what it looked like at all. Well, the name already gave him a lot of hints. Firstly, it was definitely named after Lanesha, The one who ruled over it.

The second was, since it was the home of the frost dragon's, it had to be very cold. The mana of the frost element would be dense there, enough to freeze a person many times over. He may not have a hard time, but his companions would.

He hoped Lanesha would give them a blessing or an artifact to help resist the cold...because if he was being honest, he didn't think anything that could resist the cold of that world could be found on Earth. Gigantum, maybe, but never the home of the frost dragons. But that wasn't the reason why he was thinking so hard on this.

"Why do I feel like I know what it looks like, have been there...?"

He was having that strange feeling, like he had been on that world before. But it couldn't be. He never even had a nightmare about it... So why did he feel as if he had personally visited that planet? Like he had lived there.


Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he was a frost dragon? But he couldn't let that occupy his mind. He was currently filling in a lot of forms. He was going for a really long trip after all, he thought it would be best to notify Sir Oliver instead of disappearing all of a sudden. Like he had done most of the time.

Thankfully, after mentioning where and what he was doing, as well as the timely a.s.sistance of Sir Oliver's spirit, he was lucky to have gotten out of it unscathed. Sir Oliver accepted it easily. He just had to fill a few forms.

That didn't take him too long. He was worried if whether Elaine would get courageous enough to attack the students of Twilight again, especially more so because Alan, Kazikato, and Alexander would be gone. Thankfully, he didn't think she would grow enough of a spine, and Lanesha had already given him her confirmation that nothing like that would happen. "But..."

Just in case, he left a message to Lucas, who should be able to handle it if he wasn't goofing off. Of course, his method of handling would be...special. But he was his best bet if something happened. He hadn't met Master in a while. He was planning to pay a visit, but apparently the man had gone out on a mission.

"He's that old and still does that stuff..."

Remarkable, it really was. Anyway, with most of the stuff done, he opened his desk drawer and took out a notebook, and wrote the following things he needed to achieve during this trip.

[1: Aura breathing technique.]

That was his first priority, not only was it one of the main reason's he was going, but also because he felt himself to have stagnated in his bloodline. The bloodline of the Fire bird, the Phoenix, was much greater than just an overpowered regeneration factor. There were many abilities he could not use because aura limited him. The transformation of the Phoenix was not potent as well due to his aura limitation. He wanted to progress in his bloodline...

That was merely the first thing.

[2: Make sure they aren't useless.]

The second one was the growth of his party, and whoever was going with him. Out of them all, Alexander and Kazikato weren't worth his attention, They were good enough as it is. Maxwell as well. He wasn't a fighter, and that was ok. He handled the other matters of the Guild and the group. This could even be considered a vacation for the man if he liked cold climates. The others however... He wanted to see how good Emma was as a healer, How good had Edward gotten? Those two had a unique scent to them and also because Maxwell spent a lot on them, sending them to a suitable party and dungeons all the time.

His money(Maxwell's) better not have gone to waste!

The other one was about Alice, daughter of the guild master Richard himself.

To be honest, it was hard knowing how long it had been since they saw one another. Alan knew she was now a first year in s.h.i.+eld... But according to the rumors, she was always stuck in a lab or something that had been made specifically for her. This was actually a privilege most alchemy students enjoyed at s.h.i.+eld. Since it was considered a delicate craft they would have their private work stations.

They could not even attend All they had to do was submit a report with results every month or so. Sir Oliver was lax on them. Alan was a bit jealous.

He didn't really want to test her fighting capabilities. She was like Maxwell, not really a fighter. He was mostly planning to check how much progress she had made in alchemy.

Last was Sabrina...


He didn't know what to do with her, it would be great to spend some time with her... He didn't know why she had to be brought along, but was still thankful he got to spend time with her.

"Lanesha will probably tell."

She must have had her reasons...

[4:Create my own sorcery.]

This one was still vague, he had no idea what he was supposed to do and where to start. He needed someone's help in this, most likely Lanesha.

Last but not least.

[3:Acquire that d.a.m.n armor.]

The final and most crucial reason he was doing this. Actually, it was the main reason. It was to acquire a legacy treasure of House s.h.i.+valkulan, one that Ariel had crafted herself long, long ago. One that was the symbol of... Him.

Alan closed his notebook, and closed his eyes as well, intending to take a good nights rest.

The Villain's Story Chapter [610] Trip!(3)

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The Villain's Story Chapter [610] Trip!(3) summary

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