Parallel Memory Chapter 446: Encounter With Other Race

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Chapter 446: Encounter With Other Race

"Greetings, thou humans! I am Seraphina, and in the company of Uriel and Gabriel, we chanced upon thy presence in our venture through the city and deemed it most fitting to extend our salutations unto thee!"

Seraphine said.

Seraphina was a vision of ethereal beauty, with an otherworldly presence that captivated those around her. Her most striking feature was her silver hair, cascading down in silky waves to her waist.

Her eyes were the color of a clear summer sky, a mesmerizing shade of ethereal blue that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages within their depths.

Seraphina's entire presence exuded grace and poise, as if she were a celestial being walking among mortals.

In the presence of Seraphina, one couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. Zero also sensed immense power from her. She was at least Rank-S or maybe even higher.

The group reciprocated the greeting, somewhat taken aback by the eloquence and formality of Seraphina's speech.

Hiro responded, "Uh, hi there! I'm Hiro, and these are my friends. Nice to meet you, Seraphina, Uriel, and Gabriel."

"Oh! Hiro Ernest! I have heard of thee!"

Seraphine replied with excitement in her face. Hiro, as the someone who has been hailed as the greatest talent in the human domain was obviously also known to other races. Although they didn't know about Hiro as much as humans.

Hiro, feeling a bit overwhelmed but trying to maintain composure, asked, "You've heard of me?

Seraphina smiled warmly at Hiro's surprised expression. "Indeed, young Hiro, thy reputation as a great talent precedes thee. Stories of thy prowess and achievements have reached our ears even in the far realms where the Aasimar reside."

Hiro blushed slightly, feeling a mix of pride and humility at the recognition. He was used to his fame among humans, but encountering beings from other races who knew of him was a new and somewhat surreal experience.

"Oh, well, I'm honored that you've heard about me. But please, call me Hiro."

Seraphina's companions, Uriel and Gabriel, also greeted the group warmly. Uriel had a regal presence, with golden hair that seemed to glow softly and eyes that sparkled like stars.

"Indeed, it is an honor to make thy acquaintance."

Gabriel, on the other hand, had a warm and gentle demeanor, with a soothing aura that put the others at ease

Gabriel's gaze fell upon Amelia, Mia, Lisa, Sylvia, and Misha, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Thou art accompanied by quite a charming group of maidens, it seems."

Sylvia stepped forward, introducing herself and the rest of the girls. "I'm Sylvia, and these are Lisa, Amelia, Mia, and Misha. We're just a group of friends exploring Eldoria together. It's a pleasure to meet you, Seraphina, Uriel, and Gabriel."

"It doth delight me to make thy acquaintance, all!"

Gabriel replied.

Seraphine also looked towards the girls and looked especially longer at Mia. She may see Mia as a threat just like Zero had a feeling of threat from Seraphine.

Amelia, on the other hand, looked at them with curiosity as she had learned about them in Church. She was told that Aasimar are beings that have disguised themselves to look like the messenger of G.o.ddesses and should beware of them.

Amelia indeed could see why they were taught as such. Seraphine looked just like the angel that is described in the book.

"Anyway, we shall cross paths once more! At the moment, We art on our way to the Great Tree!"

Seraphine said.

As Seraphina and her Aasimar companions continued on their way to the Great Tree, the two groups bid each other farewell.

"They were all so kind! I hope that other people are also so kind! I would like to talk with them more."

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Sylvia said. She thought that her encounter with other races would be cold and filled with tension, however, her encounter with Seraphine and others had changed her mind.

Now she was looking forward to knowing other races and making friends with them. Who knows, in the future, they could all live in peace with each other. Or at least that is what she thought.

"Don't let down your guards! They were very powerful and could kill you easily. Although they seem friendly, don't forget that our races had once gone to war with them. The Aasimar population is very low and it was because humans once tried to annihilate them. I don't believe that they had any good feelings towards our race."

Zero warned Sylvia, pouring cold water on her head. He didn't want to sound harsh but their appearance has rather made him remember some nasty memories.

"Huh? Zero, are they powerful? They didn't seem that strong to me! And it had been so many years since it had happened, they must have forgotten about that."

Sylvia said.

She didn't sense much power from Seraphine. If it was someone who is strong like Professor Mia, she could already tell that Professor Mia is absolutely stronger than her.

However, she didn't feel so by Searphine's presence, rather her presence showed she was weaker than her.

And she didn't think Searphine would mind the past as they appeared to be very kind and nice.

"She is likely Rank-S! Though I can't tell her actual rank. She must be using some kind of skill to hide her strength."

Zero explained.


Sylvia still couldn't believe Zero and looked at others.

"Zero is right! She was incredibly powerful! Maybe even stronger than me, however, she was definitely not weaker than me. Don't forget what type of people are gathering here!"

Mia added.

She, despite being Rank-S couldn't really measure Seraphine's rank. It could be because Searphine is ranked higher than her or she has some kind of skill to help her hide her rank.

Anyway, considering that only geniuses of each race were invited excluding Willian and his group, it made sense if Searphine was a super strong genius from Aasimar.

"So be careful! And they might appear nice but we will never know what they are thinking about. So, always be cautious around others."

Sylvia nodded. Same for others who also thought that maybe the races that they will meet will be friendly like Aasimar.

They had also forgotten where they were. It was not their home where they would be protected. And it was also not easy to forget the past when it involves almost being extinct.

Anyway, although the meeting with Aasirmar went without any problem, one thing that they realized was that the people sent by other races are also extremely strong!

Parallel Memory Chapter 446: Encounter With Other Race

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