Parallel Memory Chapter 456: The Genius Of Human Race

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Chapter 456: The Genius Of Human Race

"Then let the fight begin!"


As soon as the referee signaled the fight, Lydonn rushed towards Hiro with his full speed. Lydonn wanted to end this fight as soon as possible.

From what he had seen, humans were weak and he believed that Hiro wouldn't be able to take a single hit from him.


However, different from what he expected, his advance was easily stopped by Hiro. He used his sword to stop Lydon's claw.


Lydonn was surprised. Not only did Hiro stop his attack but he was surprised by his speed. Lydonn is most proud of his speed which is even greater than other geniuses of the same rank.

However, now he met someone for the first time who had managed to surpa.s.s his speed despite being the same rank as him.

Not only him but the spectator was also surprised. First of all, their expectation of the fight was low and secondly what occurred just now happened so fast that most of them didn't even see Hiro until he was face to face with Lydonn.


Hiro swiftly slashed his sword which was aimed towards Lydonn's arms. Lydonn tried to dodge it but was a bit late, prompting him getting a cut on his shoulder. However, it was only a light cut and nothing to worry about.


Lydonn swiftly retreated, creating some distance between him and Hiro. He licked his wound and a.s.sessed Hiro more carefully. He could no longer underestimate Hiro and knew that he was a threat.


Hiro didn't waste any time. He knew that he needed to maintain his momentum and keep Lydonn on his toes. With a swift motion, Hiro dashed forward again, his movements almost a blur.

Lydonn had expected this and had prepared himself this time. He dodged Hiro's attack and countered with a series of quick strikes. However, Hiro's reflexes were just as fast. He parried each blow with precision, his sword dancing in the air.


The two fighters engaged in a fast-paced exchange, their movements a mesmerizing display of skill and agility. The spectators were drawn into the intensity of the battle, witnessing a human genius holding his own against a skilled opponent from another race.

"How? How could a human keep up with me?"

Lydonn questioned after realizing that he couldn't overwhelm Hiro with his speed. As for the power, he has less strength than Hiro and with every confrontation, it was him who was pushed back.

"Then I will no longer hold back!"

Lydonn said. It seems that he still has something up his sleeves and Hiro kept his guard up. He has never underestimated Lydonn, just as he never underestimated any opponent he has fought till now.


Lydonn decided to up the stakes. He began to channel his innate therianthrope abilities, his body morphing into a more beast-like form. His claws grew longer and sharper, his senses heightened. With this transformation, he looked almost like a monster wolf.


Once again, Lydonn approached Hiro at his full-speed. However, this time he was almost 1.5 times faster than he was at first.

[ "Star Swift" ]

Realizing how fast Lydonn had become, Hiro also used Star Swift to increase his skill.


Once again Hiro blocked Lydonn's attack. However, Lydonn didn't stop and continued to press on.


Hiro faced the challenge head-on. He continued to use his impeccable swordsmans.h.i.+p to deflect and counter Lydonn's attacks. Hiro was easily able to take on Lydonn's attack without much trouble.

The clash between Hiro and Lydonn escalated into a whirlwind of steel and fury. Their movements were a blur, each strike and parry resonating through the arena. The spectators were on the edge of their seats, captivated by the intensity of the battle.

Lydonn's transformation had indeed increased his speed and power, making him a formidable opponent. But Hiro's power was beyond what Lydonn had and soon enough it was clear that Lydonn couldn't defeat Hiro.

Lydonn continued to get weaker and slow, on the other hand there was no such sign from Hiro.

"You're no ordinary human," Lydonn growled, his beast-like voice carrying a tinge of respect. After having fought with Hiro, he had a new profound respect for humans.

However, that didn't mean that he was giving up. To show his respect, he was going to use his last trump card and also his strongest attack.

"Thanks! You are also strong!"

Hiro replied. Although in reality, if Hiro fought with everything he had, he could have ended the fight in seconds, even so he knows that Lydonn is quite strong.

[ "Savage Fang a.s.sault" ]

Lydonn used his strongest attack and Hiro also didn't hold back.

[ "Void Destruction" ]

Although not his strongest skill, it was still very powerful. If Hiro used something more powerful, he felt that Lydonn might die, which he obviously doesn't want.


The arena was engulfed in a storm of energy and force, the very air trembling with their combined might.

The spectators watched in awe as the two attacks collided, creating a shockwave that rippled through the arena. Only then did they know why they were called geniuses.

The ground beneath them trembled, and the force of the impact sent a burst of wind and debris in all directions.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the clash of power reached its peak. The arena was bathed in blinding light, obscuring the view of the battle for those watching.

And then, the light began to fade, revealing the aftermath of the clash. The ground around Hiro and Lydonn was scorched and cracked, evidence of the sheer force they had unleashed.

"I-I have lost!"

Lydonn muttered before losing consciousness and falling to the ground. He gave everything but still wasn't able to land a single hit on the human geniuses.

It became clear that Hiro had emerged victorious. Lydonn laid unconscious on the ground while Hiro was standing without a single cut on his body. It was like Hiro didn't even fight.

This was a big shock to every spectator and also a lesson for them to never underestimate Humans. After watching this fight, it would be a surprise if they still thought that humans were weak.

Amidst the shock, the referee's voice echoed through the arena, "Winner! Hiro Ernest from the Human Race!"

Parallel Memory Chapter 456: The Genius Of Human Race

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Parallel Memory Chapter 456: The Genius Of Human Race summary

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