Parallel Memory Chapter 508 Returning To Eldoria! [2]

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Chapter 508 Returning To Eldoria! [2]

Inside the Elven's Royal Castle, there were only two people in the meeting room.

"Elara, what about Zero Elea?"

King Tranduil asked Elara. At the moment when the geniuses were out to go to the Luminary Spring, King Tranduil and Elara were having a discussion.

They talked about the geniuses and their potential. Elara already knew about most of them and seemed to have an idea about their power and what they would achieve in the future.

And of course, that includes Hiro and his group which will garner a lot of attention in the future due to their insane talents.

Elara already had a list that was similar to King Tranduil's which kept a record of geniuses with very high potential.

That's when King Tranduil asked about Zero Elea, one of the people who was at the very top of his list.

With his ability to defeat Rank-S - and fight with Elenia, King Tranduil had no doubt that he would be very powerful in the future.

And he a.s.sumed Elara would know exactly how strong he was and would become!

"Zero Elea? Who is that?"

Elara, however, was rather confused and asked. Unlike King Tranduil, Elara didn't have the name Zero Elea on his list. "Huh? Didn't you see anyone with that name?"

King Tranduil asked confusedly.

"Not Really!"

Elara replied.

"But he is very talented and better than many geniuses. In fact, he might become stronger than Mia Frostine when he returns. Even your Hiro Ernest didn't seem as good as him!"

King Tranduil said.

He had a feeling that with the help of Luminary Spring, Zero might just end up becoming the strongest person, however, that was just a feeling and he knew that it would all depend on his luck and talent.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Elara answered. She didn't think that anyone would exceed the talent of Hiro, this was because he had seen the future where Hiro became ridiculously strong.

To the point that Elara expects that Hiro might even go beyond the rank of SSS. Well, that was his guess and he couldn't see that far in the future.

In any case, because of what she had already seen, she was adamant that no one could compare to Hiro and his talent.

Another reason was that she wasn't present most of the time to watch the battle of the geniuses and didn't really see Zero's real power. At most, she would come to watch the battle of Hiro and others whom she knew and wasn't really interested in other people. If she did then even with what she knows, she would have agreed with King Tranduil's statement without any doubts.

Anyway, she didn't believe King Tranduil and thought that he was just ignorant of HIro's power and what he would achieve.

"I'm puzzled why you don't know Zero Elea, even though you know many others. But I truly believe he's got the talent to be one of the strongest. Maybe, just maybe, he's the one who can save us when the calamity strikes."

King Tranduil said. He didn't know why but he just got that feeling.

"In any case, we will know when they come back!"

Elara said. She was also curious to see just who was the person who could make King Tranduil say those words.

"I am also looking forward to it. I hope they bring us some good surprises. Otherwise, all our effort will be in vain!"


"What were you thinking?"

Aranic yelled to the group of geniuses who previously rushed towards those Rank-S monsters and got beaten up. With Amelia and others healing them, they had recovered quickly.


Those geniuses quietly stayed quiet with their heads down. They couldn't retort as they knew that it was their own fault and Aranic was the one who saved them. So without complaining, they were listening to Aranic scolding them. However, if they weren't defeated, they wouldn't have been willing to listen to any of this.

Aranic's stern gaze swept across the group of geniuses, his expression a mixture of frustration and disappointment. The aftermath of the battle against the formidable monsters left the once overconfident geniuses battered and humbled.

"You all, have you learned nothing from the tournament? Always remember there is someone stronger than you." Aranic's voice resonated with authority. "Your newfound powers do not make you invincible. There's a reason we warned you to be cautious and not to act recklessly."

He approached the group, his eyes fixed on those who had been particularly overconfident. The overzealous genius who challenged the Griffin and the others who thought they could easily handle the Hydra and Thunderclaw Dragon were now nursing wounds.

The geniuses, who were once filled with arrogance, now s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably under Aranic's scrutiny. They exchanged glances, without being able to say anything to make their action look better.

"Understanding your own strength and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents is crucial."

"Power without wisdom is a dangerous weapon," Aranic continued, his tone unwavering. "You were lucky this time that we were here to save you, but luck won't always be on your side."

The geniuses, who were once filled with arrogance, now s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably under Aranic's scrutiny. They exchanged glances, without being able to say anything to make their action look better.

"Understanding your own strength and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents is crucial."

Aranic lectured.

Aranic's words were like a cold shower, waking the geniuses from their illusions of grandeur. Zero and others who weren't so hot-headed, just stood by the side and waited for Aranic to finish lecturing them.

Some found it funny, especially those who were weaker than those geniuses. At least, they knew their own limit and didn't recklessly head charge like them and almost kill.

Now those same arrogant geniuses were getting scolded. So they watched those arrogant geniuses getting lectured with a hint of smugness. ƒrē

"Please, keep this in mind and don't make the same mistake again."


Aranic wanted to scold some more but decided against it. Although they had eliminated all the monsters that had attacked them, it didn't mean there wouldn't be more.

This wasn't an ideal place for him to take his time and lecture this group of geniuses.

He could just hope that these words and the consequences of their action would prevent them from being reckless again.

"Okay! Let's move forward. We don't have the luxury of time to dwell on this further," Aranic sighed, his frustration evident. "But remember, the next time you act recklessly, you might not be as fortunate."

Parallel Memory Chapter 508 Returning To Eldoria! [2]

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Parallel Memory Chapter 508 Returning To Eldoria! [2] summary

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