I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 466

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Chapter 466

Mu Mingtang didn’t expect Xie Xuanchen to come back so abruptly. She calmed down and asked, “Is the Prince injured?”

“There isn’t anyone who is talking about it, so I do not think so. Though, I heard that His Highness had won another great victory this time. His Highness and the Beirong people met in Meng Mountains, fighting for two days and two nights. The corpses of the Beirong people were scattered all over the fields and the rivers were dyed red.”

The servants were all very excited. They gathered around Mu Mingtang and talked about the news they heard. Mu Mingtang listened for a while and felt somewhat relieved to learn that Xie Xuanchen was not injured.

As long as he wasn’t hurt, it wouldn’t be too late to ask him about the rest when he returned.

Mu Mingtang told the maids, “Go and prepare dinner. The Prince will not be back until very late. Keep the fire on the stove so the food doesn’t get cold.”

The servants accepted the order and went away happily. Mu Mingtang then tested the water temperature and felt that the water was not cold yet, so she planned to continue taking a bath.

The servant was surprised when she saw Mu Mingtang’s actions, “Your Highness, His Highness has already entered the city. Do you still intend to take a bath now?”

“Why the hurry?” Mu Mingtang had been with the army for a long time and was now very experienced with the way they approach things, “He had just returned and there are still many things to arrange. Military affairs delivery, head counts and placements of the wounded. In other words, he will be very busy tonight. By the time I wait for his return, it’s going to be more than dark outside. If there’s anything that needs to be done now, we should do it so we don’t waste time.”

The servant was convinced after hearing this and served Mu Mingtang with her bath. At this time, Xie Xuanchen left his subordinates and the chatty Senior Governor before rus.h.i.+ng to Mu Mingtang’s residence.

The battle at Meng Mountains was very fierce, which severely damaged the location’s vitality. The main force of the enemies were almost wiped out, leaving only less than 20,000 people. During the first attack, Ye Luji could be said to have underestimated the enemy and his loss was the result of being caught off guard by Xie Xuanchen. This time, however, he was defeated miserably. With this battle, Ye Luji’s self-confidence was completely defeated. He no longer had any chance to take any other opportunity and was deathly afraid of Xie Xuanchen.

The 100,000-strong army was basically depleted and the remaining 20,000 people escorted Ye Luji away in embarra.s.sment. They completely gave up with their plans of attacking the Ye Dynasty and just wanted to return to Beirong as soon as possible.

Xie Xuanchen didn’t pursue them after that. Why should he? There were still 300,000 people from Hejian and Zhongshan waiting for them in the north. Ye Luji only had 20,000 people left and he was seriously injured. Could he escape at that point?

Despite that, the Ye Dynasty’s side also suffered heavy casualties in this battle. Of course, compared with the Beirong soldiers, the casualties suffered by Xie Xuanchen’s side were negligible. But after ten days of fighting outside, the men and horses were tired. A tired army was of no use, so it was not too late to return to the city to rest for a moment before coming up with the next plan.

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I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 466

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I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 466 summary

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