I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 510

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Chapter 510

Empress Dowager Xiao had acc.u.mulated so much prestige that she was practically considered a semi-lord in the court as even the Emperor had to give way to her. Although Ye Luyan had risen to prominence in recent years, he did not dare to fight against her. Even in his fight for the throne, he had to marry Empress Dowager Xiao’s niece, Xiao Siyi, and tactfully please the Xiao family by doing so.

If Empress Dowager Xiao ordered him to retreat, Ye Luyan did not dare to disobey. However, the credit that he had worked so hard for would merely be taken away like this. Ye Luyan was unwilling to accept it and decided to regain his place from Ye Luji.

Ye Luji was a failure. Being unable to win Xie Xuanchen was one thing, but embarra.s.sing the Khitan people was another. To have 100,000 men chased and beaten by Xie Xuanchen’s measly army of 8,000 was humiliating. However, they just had to be chased out of their tents by 20,000 men after managing to return to Beirong’s territory.

Ye Luyan gritted his teeth with hatred— his grand plan was ruined by Ye Luji. Otherwise, if Ye Luyan had seized the capital of the Ye Dynasty and apprehended Emperor Xie alive, he would be a unique heroic overlord in all of Khitan history.

Ye Luji should have died long ago and apologise to his Khitan ancestors. Since he himself was not willing to go that far, Ye Luyan had no choice but to take matters into his own hands.

In shooting Ye Luji, Ye Luyan had eliminated a powerful rival for the throne for himself. When Empress Dowager Xiao asked about it when he returned to Xanadu later on, he could easily blame it on Xie Xuanchen.

Anyway, Xie Xuanchen had cut off one of Ye Luji’s fingers and bore a grudge against Empress Dowager Xiao. In front of a battlefield, a sword possessed no eyes, so who would know where the arrows came from?

In defeating the enemy against his throne, Ye Luyan was able to take advantage of the situation and launch a sneak attack on the border. He always felt that he was far-sighted and this time, he would surely be able to severely defeat Xie Xuanchen and give Beirong a sigh of relief. He also felt that it was because Ye Luji was cowardly and stupid that he was repeatedly bested by Xie Xuanchen. If he was the one in his shoes, that wouldn’t have been the case.

As Ye Luyan took advantage of the darkness to escape in a hurry, he finally realised that he had imagined things too simply.

It’s not that Ye Luji was useless. In fact, Ye Luji hadn’t made a single mistake in giving commands and everything went accordingly. The reality was that the enemy was too powerful.

This feeling was so familiar that Ye Luyan couldn’t help but think of the fear of being beaten by a single-handed Xie Xuanchen on the polo field last year. At that time, he thought that he was inferior to the Ye Dynasty’s Prince when it came to polo riding. 

Now after being beaten violently, Ye Luyan finally realised that he was inferior to Xie Xuanchen in all aspects.

Xie Xuanchen was truly a nightmare.


At this moment, the nightmare himself was looking at the sand table in the main tent under bright lights. General Xu, General Chang and some others were gathered around the table, discussing with Xie Xuanchen what to do next.

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I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 510

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I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law Chapter 510 summary

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