Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness Chapter 517: Remembering the Heaven Lock Technique

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Chapter 517: Remembering the Heaven Lock Technique


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Hao was shocked at the inscriptions on the wall.

Although he recognized many of the words on it, there were still many things he couldn’t understand.

However, he could vaguely comprehend the Heaven Lock Technique.

‘This person is truly an extraordinary genius. The theory and the technique are simply unimaginable.’

But Jiang Hao didn’t understand. Was it really possible?

If someone’s talent was locked, could others then obtain that talent? If someday the Heaven Lock Technique was unraveled, would the talent revert to its previous place or person?

There were too many questions.

‘I wonder what the original intention of the person who created this technique was.’

If it was simply to achieve a higher realm, this wasn’t needed.

As Hong Yuye said, talent could only represent a part of the person. How far one could go depended on oneself.

A person who could create such a technique must have walked a long and difficult path and didn’t need to cultivate talent themselves.

Perhaps they needed something else.

There was a loud sigh.

Jiang Hao was taken aback for a moment. He looked away from the wall.

From the corner of his eye, he saw someone standing beside him.

His heart dropped, and he quickly turned to look.

He was sure he had seen someone there, but, in the next moment, the figure disappeared.

It was at this moment that the light ahead exerted pressure and made it difficult for him to move.

He instinctively wanted to activate the Hong Meng Heart Sutra to resist it, but soon gave up on the idea.

At that time, no matter how he explained it, it would be useless.

For now, he could only act like a Golden Core Realm cultivator and resist the pressure with the Hundred Revolutions of the Heavenly Note.

The terrifying pressure made him bend down.

But he did not collapse. He persevered.

He knew that it wouldn’t be long before the sect’s powerful individuals were here.

Sure enough, a white figure appeared.

She unfolded a treasure that looked like white cloth and covered the entire wall.

The light dissipated, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.

“Move aside. No one is allowed to leave from here.”

The stern voice of Elder Baizhi echoed.

In an instant, Jiang Hao felt his body return to normal. He then stepped back.

After retreating, he saw that Senior Brother Zheng and the others were already lying on the ground.

Whether it was Foundation Establishment or Golden Core Realm, they couldn’t bear the pressure.

And they struggled to get up and followed Jiang Hao as he retreated.

They all looked at their manager with a strange look in their eyes.

No one dared to mock him anymore. What had just unfolded had left them baffled.

Zheng s.h.i.+jiu and others were astonished.

The reasons they had casually come up with as an excuse had actually come true!

“Step back. Stand behind me.” Zuo Cheng had also arrived.

The light had made him fearful. He saw the light and glimpsed the contents of the wall.

However, in the blink of an eye, he felt a roaring sensation in his brain and couldn’t look directly at it.

Fortunately, Elder Baizhi had arrived.

When they retreated far enough, Zuo Cheng turned to look at Jiang Hao.

Cleaning the wall, unexpectedly cleaning out something so terrifying.

He felt somewhat fortunate that he had reported him cleaning the walls before. Otherwise, something as important as this would have gone unreported.

That would have been his negligence on his part.

Although he really wanted to ask Jiang Hao about it, this wasn’t the right time.

Moreover, Elder Baizhi would definitely ask him.

Now, they just needed to wait patiently.

The commotion was beyond his expectations, but fortunately, nothing unusual happened.

Except for some bubbles, Jiang Hao hadn’t done anything impactful.

In these four months of effort, his cultivation and lifeblood had increased significantly.

While waiting for Elder Baizhi, he glanced at his interface.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[Age: 32]

[Cultivation: Late Stage of the Soul Ascension Realm]

[Cultivation Method: Heavenly Sound Hundred Revolutions, Hong Meng Heart Sutra]

[Divine Ability: Nine Revolutions Death Subst.i.tution (unique), Daily Appraisal,

Clear and Pure Heart, Reappearance of Hidden Spirit, Divine Might, Revival of

Withered Tree, Heavenly Cauldron]

[Lifeblood: 63/100 (can be cultivated)]

[Cultivation: 66/100 (can be cultivated)] [Divine Abilities: 2/3 (cannot be obtained)]

He had reached sixty.

He only had a few points when he arrived, but now, he had over sixty.

Four months here were equivalent to more than a year of cultivating divine flowers.

Not only that, but he had also obtained more than a year’s worth of white and green bubbles.

He even had quite a few Spirit Swords.

When the time came, he could sell them again.

Now, he was less than forty points away from advancement. If everything went smoothly, he would reach the peak of the Soul Ascension Realm by the end of the year. He would then surpa.s.s Senior Brother Bai Yi.

The only regret was that the wall in the Sea Fog Cave wouldn’t produce something of the same quality as Heaven Lock anymore.

Even though there were records, it couldn’t compare to the content of Heaven Lock.

It was truly extraordinary.

Regarding the part of the Heaven Lock content, he couldn’t understand it, but he could remember the Heaven Lock Technique.

After going back, he would spend some time trying to find out more about it.

If one could lock someone’s talent at will…

Then it would be a disaster for the entire cultivation world.

It was understandable why people wanted the Sacred Bandits gone.

After that, they waited in place for Elder Baizhi.

After a long time, the white cloth on the wall disappeared.

Elder Baizhi appeared before them.

“It disappeared,” someone whispered, “the content on the wall has disappeared. ”

At this point, the crowd noticed that after the white cloth was removed, all the words had vanished.

However, the previous scene was imprinted in their minds.

If they hadn’t witnessed the scene of the golden light blossoming, they might have thought that it was a trick of their eyes.

Someone would arrive and praise the efforts of the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator.

But now…

They couldn’t possibly tell themselves that everything had just been an illusion. Not after this.

“Greetings, Sect Master.” Jiang Hao and the others bowed respectfully. The Acting Sect Master was the Sect Master for all intents and purposes.

Jiang Hao addressed her that way, and others followed suit.

Baizhi didn’t mind. They could either call her Elder or Sect Master.

“Who discovered the thing on the wall?” she asked.

“It was me,” Jiang Hao respectfully said.

“Come with me.”

Baizhi instructed Zuo Cheng to ask the others for details.

They arrived at the wall. “Tell me about the appearance of the light,” said Baizhi calmly.

She didn’t ask him why he was cleaning the wall because she knew he wouldn’t tell her the truth.

“When the words were wiped out, a light appeared,” Jiang Hao said truthfully.

“And then?” Baizhi n asked.

“I just continued wiping, and more words appeared,” said Jiang Hao

Baizhi’s face remained unchanged. “Did you feel anything during that time?”

“I didn’t feel anything. Just…” Jiang Hao hesitated.

“Just?” Baizhi pressed.

“After wiping it, I thought I heard a sigh. It felt like someone was standing beside me. But when I turned to look, I found no one there. At that moment, the pressure from the light was so immense that I couldn’t even stand upright.

After that, you arrived, Elder Baizhi.”

Jiang Hao did not hide anything. All of what he said was known to everyone here..

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness Chapter 517: Remembering the Heaven Lock Technique

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Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness Chapter 517: Remembering the Heaven Lock Technique summary

You're reading Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness Chapter 517: Remembering the Heaven Lock Technique. This novel has been translated by Updating. Author: Red Chilli Afraid Of Spiciness, Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy, Pà Là De Hóngjiāo, 怕辣的红椒 already has 234 views.

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