Scandal Supermodel Chapter 1209

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1209 Xia duo was the only one in the cave


“I’ll get even with you guys when I come back.” si linghan’s harsh words made the four men’s faces turn bitter.

they weren’t simple people, but they had been played so many tricks behind their backs. how could they bear it? this was simply touching a tiger’s whiskers!

The person behind this must be found out!

However, no matter how fast they were, it still took them two hours to get there.

at midnight, the air became colder and colder.

as the few of them walked in, they all felt a slight chill.

all of a sudden, si linghan glared at his four pig-like teammates.

don’t worry, brother si, ” the four of them quickly said. we left them blankets and flashlights before we left.

he followed the original path and groped his way up the mountain in the dark, all the way to the cave.

the four men shut their mouths and hurriedly nudged si linghan, letting him take the lead and be the hero who saved the beauty.

to her surprise, huo shen, who was standing beside her, lifted his leg and kicked away all the branches and wood at the door with lightning speed.

After the loud noise, a cloud of dust rose.

huo shen did not even hesitate for half a second. he took the flashlight and stepped in.

The pitch-black cave was terrifyingly cold.

He walked in for more than ten meters before he saw a wheelchair and some tools scattered beside it.

He looked around and noticed a pet.i.te figure in the corner, s.h.i.+vering.

Huo Shen took a deep breath and quickly strode away. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of her.

However, there was no one else around.

“where’s an xiaowan?” Huo Shen squatted down and suddenly grabbed Xia duo’s shoulder.

xia duo seemed to be shocked. she let out a low cry and quickly shrank into a smaller ball.

the next second, huo shen’s wrist was blocked by si linghan’s large hand. Then, he picked up the pet.i.te and pitiful Xia duo in his arms and quickly walked out of the cave.

“Little duo er, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid,”

Si linghan’s voice was hoa.r.s.e when he spoke. He hugged her tightly and patted her back as if he was comforting her.

However, the man behind her had a dark expression.

huo shen’s n.o.ble and elegant aura suddenly turned into a murderous aura like that of the king of h.e.l.l. He grabbed si linghan’s shoulder coldly, forcing him to stop in his tracks.

“where’s an xiaowan!”

His voice was serious and cold. His voice was slightly loud, causing the little woman in his arms to tremble slightly again.

Si linghan was furious. He glared at her coldly. you dare to shout at me again!

“How is it?” However, Huo Shen was not afraid at all. He sneered, and his handsome face was filled with a bloodthirsty coldness. His aura did not lose to si linghan’s at all. “if i can’t find an xiaowan, don’t even think about taking a step out of here!” he said coldly.

The two men with completely different styles, yet equally outstanding and equally terrifying, had gone from being partners for a moment to an enemy-like stalemate in an instant.

a terrifying aura spread out from between the two of them.

Everyone’s heart skipped a beat, and they couldn’t help but lower their heads.

just as the battle between si linghan and huo shen was about to start, xia duo trembled and looked up with tears in her eyes.

she was afraid of the dark, and she was even more afraid of being alone in an unfamiliar environment.

But, Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan is gone?

“when i woke up, i was the only one here, yingluo,”

Scandal Supermodel Chapter 1209

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Scandal Supermodel Chapter 1209 summary

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