Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2030: The antibodies in youzi's body

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Chapter 2030: The antibodies in youzi’s body


Translator: 549690339

She had destroyed all the medicines and fOrmulas from back then. No one would know about it!

However, Yingluo why did she waste her time on this child?

he saw the aftermath of the experiment?

It was almost exactly the same as the child she had come into contact with back then.

that was the only case of this experiment that seemed to have succeeded at first glance. in the end, this side effect appeared.

it was the same for those animals.

after so many years, she still had not found the antidote. She tried her best to get everyone to partic.i.p.ate in the research, but it was to no avail.

she even ignored the refutations of others and used herself to test the medicine without anyone knowing.

As a result, her memory had been a little chaotic over the years. She couldn’t even find the coordinates of the island.

The head doctor did not continue to reveal anything and only ordered in a deep voice, ” “carry this child to my room.”

“Yes, master,” Ian fang agreed. then, he carried pomelo and placed him in the ward behind the chief physician’s research room.

she arranged for an infusion for pomelo and personally inserted the needle. then, she let Ian fang watch over him while she drew a little blood from pomelo and sent it to the laboratory for research.

She had to confirm the illness first, a hundred percent sure.

then, she could use the results of her research on pomelo.

Although it couldn’t cure him completely, it could at least make the interval between his episodes longer and make his organs age longer and slower. After a full three hours of research, she walked out and pursed her lips.

indeed, it was the result of the experiment back then. But the difference was that there seemed to be an additional antibody in his body.

Moreover, his organs were not failing rapidly.

these comatose reactions were like a fight between antibodies and the disease, leading to an unbearable result.

how did this happen?

in fact, she had once thought of using animals that had successfully survived but suffered from sequelae to reproduce with normal animals. according to the laws of nature, during the process of reproduction, it was very likely that there would be healing antibodies hidden in the DNA of the descendants.

she had made many attempts to achieve this, but all of them had failed.

those infected animals were basically impotent. even if he used the embryonic cultivation method, he would not succeed.

“master physician, you’ve been busy since you came back from there. it’s time for yingying to eat.” Ian fang carefully knocked on the door from the outside and spoke softly.

after all, once the head doctor went out on a mission, she would not eat until she returned.

However, she had been busy ever since she came back.

In total, he had not eaten for 24 hours. Her body was not in good condition to begin with, so how could she withstand this?

“Take out the 444-half-antidote that I’ve sealed up before.”

Seeing the master doctor open the door, Lan Fang thought that she was going to eat. He didn’t expect her to give such an order.

He hurriedly agreed, but his heart was filled with doubt.

why did the master doctor mention the 1+44 experiment so often? That experiment had been over for so many years, and it had disappeared without a trace.

Although the blue team did not partic.i.p.ate in the matter back then, they had also heard of it.

he thought that after so many years, a human experiment that was destined to fail would be useless even if the antidote was developed. After all, those animals and people should have been dead long ago. The master doctor turned around and walked back into the ward.

the child on the hospital bed was still so adorable.

somehow, gong jie felt that something was very familiar..

Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2030: The antibodies in youzi's body

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Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2030: The antibodies in youzi's body summary

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