Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2203: Then knock him out and take him away

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Chapter 2203: Then knock him out and take him away


Translator: 549690339

mo an crossed his arms and said smoothly, ” “then we’ll investigate it thoroughly first.”

The two of them were youzi’s parents. It was understandable if they came here just to save their child. and the most important thing was not their intrusion, but the gap in the guards of heaven and earth city.

“we have to find out where the defense is flawed, which gave the outside world an opportunity to take advantage of.” Mo Yan also said in a deep voice.

The tone of the two people was that kind of straightforward and direct, without the slightest bit of sloppiness, making people subconsciously obey and trust them.

Everyone whispered to each other and then agreed, ” “Then, will the two of you be in charge of this matter?”

mo yan and mo an thought for a while and nodded.

If the two of them, who were not a big threat, could sneak into heaven and earth City today, the enemy might be able to find an opportunity to sneak in tomorrow!

This was not a joke.

the research inst.i.tute’s opponents were a group of inhumane people. they did countless human experiments and developed some biochemical weapons and even sources of infectious diseases. they sold them to many warring countries or used them in other terrible ways.

That was why there was such a Research Center for Infectious Diseases in heaven and earth City.

Only by knowing one’s enemy and oneself could one win every battle.

Mo Yan stood up and said in a deep and domineering voice, ” ” since no one believes that it’s them, then let’s follow the order. A, check B, B, check C. everyone will check and monitor each other. the final result will be reported to us at the same time. no one is allowed to meet and talk in private in the middle. ”

their division had a ranking in itself, so it was easy to get it done.

“alright, since everyone has agreed, the meeting is over.”

it was already 4:30 in the morning, and the sun was about to rise.

mo an looked out of the window. the ” sky ” was gradually turning gray, and the air was a little chilly.

it was really too similar to the outside world.

he retracted his gaze, stood up, and left with mo yan.

the manager of the infectious disease research center looked at their backs and suddenly froze.

for some reason, he felt that yingying looked a little familiar.

it was as if he had seen it at the research center tonight.

Oh, it should be an illusion.

the manager quickly shook his head and got rid of this strange thought.

the next day, the results were out.

An Xiaowan and Huo Shen had not been infected with any infectious diseases and were in good health.

Out of curiosity, mo an pretended to be investigating a case and went over. He first ran to the door to ask about their actions, then ran to the laboratory and quietly picked up the report to read.

“The same helplessly.” The same symptoms as a grapefruit!

Some of the blood content was different from that of ordinary people. It was much higher.

Mo an immediately put the report on the table and walked to the side as if nothing had happened.

“Brother mo.” the person-in-charge of the laboratory walked up to him with a smile. ” what brings you here? ”

mo an’s eyes turned and he asked indifferently, ” “this man, is there anything abnormal about his body?”

The person-in-charge was stunned. He thought for two seconds and shook his head. I don’t think so.

mo an left after a few more words.

After that, he went back to discuss with Mo Yan how to send youzi and Lan Fang out. However, Mo Yan shook his head. this child won’t leave until he sees his parents.

“then knock him out and take him away.”

Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2203: Then knock him out and take him away

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Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2203: Then knock him out and take him away summary

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