Scandal Supermodel Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Out Of Patience


The servants shook their heads. An Xiaowan did not say where she was going.

But suddenly, one servant timidly said, “I saw Ms. An book a cab to Xing Yi Hospital.”


Huo Shen’s steps paused. a.s.sistant Luo, who was following Huo Shen, lowered his voice and said, “Isn’t that the hospital where Gong Li is admitted? The hospital is flooded with fans every day because of him.”

Huo Shen’s face darkened.

The atmosphere in the house suddenly became thick and suffocating for no apparent reason.

a.s.sistant Luo’s eyes darted about nervously before he said, “Young Master Huo, I will get Ms. An to immediately come back.”

“No need,” Huo Shen said indifferently and proceeded to the master bedroom.

Earlier in the afternoon, he was working when he took out his phone and saw the new notifications in his WeChat Moments.

Huo Shen didn’t have many friends on his WeChat. The only one he added recently was An Xiaowan.

He tapped on the new notification icon to view the Moments post. His eyes narrowed.

And then he immediately drove back to the villa.

But coming back, he found An Xiaowan had gone to Xing Yi hospital, where Gong Li was admitted.

Right after posting a picture of herself in the steamy bathtub on Moments, she ran off to meet another man?

Huo Shen’s face was bitterly cold, and his expressions rigid like iron.

At that moment, the entire villa felt like it was. .h.i.t by a blizzard, freezing everything in its way. a.s.sistant Luo shuddered, and the servants shrunk back in fear. No one dared to utter a word as they watched Huo Shen close the door.

It was a few moments later that it suddenly dawned upon a.s.sistant Luo.

The hospital where Gong Li was admitted!

Can it be that An Xiaowan went to visit Gong Li?

Realizing that the situation was not right, a.s.sistant Luo secretly felt anxious for An Xiaowan.

If it was true that An Xiaowan went to see another man behind Huo Shen’s back, unfortunately, things would not be so simple anymore. As a mistress, she needed to manage her relations with anyone of the opposite s.e.x. Furthermore, Huo Shen was severely obsessed with his things being clean and untainted. He was stubbornly intolerant of any blemishes.

Since Huo Shen said it was not necessary to call her back, no one dared to disobey him.

Still, a.s.sistant Luo could not help, and he discreetly took out his phone and sent a message to An Xiaowan.

Back at the hospital, An Xiaowan was done visiting Gong Li, when she suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet.

She lightly stomped her feet to chase away that feeling and then took out her phone.

Her post on Moments had no new notifications.

Just then, she received a new message.

It was a.s.sistant Luo’s number. The message was rather strange too. “Ms. An, I heard you went to the hospital. Are you unwell?”

An Xiaowan stared at the message, not understanding what it was truly about.

When she left the villa, she did not tell anyone where she was going. When Huo Shen was not around, her movements were not of anyone’s concern. Yet, a.s.sistant Luo knew she had gone to the hospital, and he even messaged her to ask about it.

As she walked out of the hospital, she kept feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly a thought struck her, and she abruptly stopped in her tracks.

a.s.sistant Luo would not check on her movements without reason. Unless, Huo Shen wanted to know, or… he had already headed home.

An Xiaowan body suddenly shook, panic spreading to every nook-and-cranny of her body, piercing right through her soul.

With each pa.s.sing second, the man sat like a lifeless statue in the study room of the villa, and his patience evaporated bit-by-bit on his face.

In the kitchen, the cook began preparing a sumptuous meal for the night.

Suddenly, the man in the study room pushed the door open and walked out in long strides.

He took his coat, intending to leave the villa.

His handsome and brooding face was calm, but it was calm before the storm.

However, as he reached the living room, the main door of the villa flung open.

Scandal Supermodel Chapter 28

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Scandal Supermodel Chapter 28 summary

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