Scandal Supermodel Chapter 850

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850 Waist circ.u.mference is not a secret

Basically, she would represent the fas.h.i.+on trend and rise in status in the second year. Whether it was an actor or a model, the following year would definitely be smooth sailing.

previously, an xue had gotten it once, and then her endors.e.m.e.nt and runway show fees rose. very quickly, she had really walked into fas.h.i.+on week the next year and shot up to the throne of supermodel.

However, it wasn’t easy to get first place in the fas.h.i.+on week, as the big brands were competing with each other.

especially in an era where models were called clothes racks and the fas.h.i.+on industry couldn’t beat the entertainment industry.

A show was about to begin.

an xiaowan sat below, looking at the stage where the final calibration of lights was being done. However, she suddenly realized that after Susan said something to the person next to her, she quickly waved at her.

she quickly bent over and walked over.

“Xiao Wan, I heard that there was a dispute backstage just now. Three supermodels fought and they all fell and injured themselves!” Susan lowered her voice, her eyes unable to hide the excitement. three people are missing at once. Everyone’s time for this show is very tight, and there’s no way to put on the clothes for these three people.

an xiaowan was stunned, and then, a flame ignited in her eyes.

most importantly, one of the models has a very thin waist. I asked around, but no one could pull it off. su shan raised her eyebrows and looked at an xiaowan. ” let’s go. bring me your waist data. i have a way to make you go! ”

Su Shan’s social network was quite wide and complicated. Although she couldn’t get an admission ticket for an Xiaowan, today, she happened to have someone she knew who could take the path.

furthermore, an xiaowan was also needed by fangzheng!

this sudden accident was truly a wonderful coincidence!

Once an Xiaowan stepped onto the stage of Jiuli Fas.h.i.+on Week, her status would be truly different!

the two of them quickly made their way backstage.

When they arrived, the chaotic fight had just ended. The reporters had all been driven out and were not allowed to film. the three models were more or less injured, and their faces were full of anger. they were helped out.

susan waved at an anxious man, and the man quickly let them in and brought them to the general manager.

” lorier’s clothes. she can wear them. ”

The person-in-charge raised his eyes and glanced at an Xiaowan, frowning slightly. name.

“an xiaowan, she’s the spokesperson of joseph page.” The anxious man quickly explained.

Although an Xiaowan was not very famous, the t.i.tle of Joseph page’s spokesperson was still quite scary.

the general manager looked at her appearance and then at her figure. although he felt that she was not famous enough, he still nodded. ” bring her to try on some clothes. if she’s okay, then go. if she’s not, then forget it. ”


However, just as an Xiaowan took the clothes, another group of people appeared backstage.

This time, it was an Xue!

“I think I’m more suitable.” an xue chuckled and walked elegantly to the general manager.

those who could make it to the fas.h.i.+on week were naturally all top international brands.

as the former number one supermodel, an xue had naturally been to these clothing brands. At that time, her social status was extremely high, and it would take a lot of energy and money to invite her. After that, he even had to see if she was free.

Therefore, the person in charge had heard of an Xue’s name a long time ago, and he recognized her immediately.

“Miss an Xue is here too?” his gaze flickered.

an xue smiled, her face full of confidence. ” my waist size, it should not be a secret. ”

Scandal Supermodel Chapter 850

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Scandal Supermodel Chapter 850 summary

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