Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 35

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The collection consists of one hundred and ninety-two species, of which one hundred and thirty belong to the cla.s.s Mandibulata, fifty-eight to Haustellata, and four to the Arachnida. Eighty-one of the species are new, and the extent to which each order of winged insects has been collected, will be best understood from the following summary.



108 Coleoptera : 40 Lepidoptera.

8 Orthoptera : 2 h.o.m.optera.

5 Neuroptera : 8 Hemiptera.

9 Hymenoptera : 8 Diptera.

Total 188 Species.

This number is, of course, not sufficient to allow any general remarks to be founded on the collection, and the following Catalogue is, therefore, merely descriptive.



1. Panagaeus quadrimaculatus. Oliv. Enc. Meth. Hist. Nat.

Obs. There is a wretched figure of this insect given in the fourth volume of Cuvier's Regne Animal.

2. Paecilus kingii (n.s.) P. atronitidus, antennis tomentosis obscuris, basi et apice piceis, labri margine antico palpisque rufo-piceis, thorace linea media longitudinali vix marginem postic.u.m attingente fossulaque utrinque postica, elytris striatis vix atro-aeneis tibiis ad apicem tarsisque atro-piceis.

3. Gyrinus rufipes. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. page 276. 13.

Obs. The description of this species, as given by Fabricius is very vague; but as it applies tolerably well to the insect collected by Captain King, I have not thought proper to give it a new name.

4. Silpha lacrymosa. Schreiber, in Linnean Transactions 6 194. t. 20, f.


5. Creophilus erythrocephalus.

Staphylinus erythrocephalus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 593. 19.

6. Hister cyaneus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 1 page 88. 13.

7. Hister. speciosus. Dej. Cat. page 48.

8. Pa.s.salus polyphyllus (n.s.) P. ater depressiusculus, antennis s.e.x-lamellatis, vertice tuberculis tribus, intermedio majore compressa linearum superiorem duarum elevatarum transversarum dissecante, thoracis lateribus rufo-ciliatis, elytrorum striis lateralibus punctatis.

9. Pa.s.salus edentulus (n.s.) P. ater convexiusculus antennis triphyllis, verticis cornu elevato incurva ca.n.a.liculato apice emarginato, tuberculo utrinque acuto, elytrorllm striis subpunctatis, mandibulis concavis extus dentatis.

Obs. This insect is much less in size than the former, and is more convex.

10. Lamprima aenea. Horae Entom. 1 page 101. 3.

11. Dasygnathus dejeanii. Horae Entom. 1 page 141. 1.

12. Trox alternans (n.s.) T. capite antice linea angulati elevata marginato, thorace lineis quatuor mediis elevatis, exterioribus interruptis tuberculisque utrinque duobus inaequalibus, elytris tuberculis striatim dispositis, striis alternatim majoribus.

13. Melolontha festiva. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 171. page 63.

Obs. This most beautiful insect ought to be considered as the type of a new genus near to Serica.

14. Diphucephala sericea. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 463.

Obs. This genus I had named Agrostiphila in my ma.n.u.scripts, but M. Dejean has since published it under the name of Diphucephala.

15. Diphucephala splendens (n.s.). D. viridis nitidissima antennis palpisque nigris, capite antice thoracisque lateribus subpunctatis, media ca.n.a.liculato, elytris punctis rugosis seriatim dispositis, corpore subtus hirsutie incano.

An Melolontha colaspidoides, Schon. App. 101. ?

16. Cetonia variegata. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 157. 112.

C. luctuosa. Lat. in Cat. Mus. Gall.

Obs. This insect is an inhabitant of the Isle of France, and was probably collected by Captain King during his stay in that island.

17. Cetonia australasiae. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, table 1.

18. Cetonia dorsalis. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, table 1.

19. Anoplognathus viridiaeneus. Horae. Ent. 1 page 144. 1.

20. Anoplognathus viriditarsis. Leach. Zool. Miscel. 2 44.

21. Anoplognathus rugosus. Kirby, Linnean Transactions 12 405.

22. Anoplognathus inustus. Kirby, Linnean Transactions 12 405.

23. Repsimus aeneus.

Melolontha aenea. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 166. 30.

24. Repsimus dytiscoides. Horae. Entom. 1 page 144. 2.

25. Buprestis macularis.

Buprestis macularia. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 8.

26. Buprestis imperialis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 204. 98.

27. Buprestis suturalis. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 8.

28. Buprestis variabilis. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 7.

Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 35

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Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 35 summary

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