Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 36

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29. Buprestis kingii (n.s.) B. elytris striatis nigro-violaceis testaceo-quadrifasciatis haud bidentatis, thorace punctato nigro-aeneo lateribus testaceis.

Obs. This species comes perhaps too near to some of the darker varieties of B. variabilis, of the true appearance of which scarcely any idea can be formed from the figures of Donovan. Our insect bears a remarkable similarity to a Surinam Buprestis, with serrated elytra.

30. Buprestis bimaculata. Lin. Syst. Nat. 2 662. 16. Oliv. Ins. 2 32, table 12, figure 140.

Obs. This is an East Indian Insect; and, as Captain King collected a few species in the Isle of France, this is probably one of them.

31. Buprestis fissiceps. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 458, table 23, figure 4.

32. Buprestis lapidosa (n.s.) B. cuprea scabrosa thorace lineis duabus parallelis longitudinalibus elevatis, elytris integris subac.u.minatis substriatis inter tuberculos punctatis, corpore subtus aeneo.

33. Elater xanthomus (n.s.) E. ater antennis apicem versus dilatatis serratis, thorace punctato ca.n.a.liculato, elytris punctatis striatis p.u.b.escentibus basi late auratis dimidiatis.

Obs. This insect is about four lines long, and entirely black, except the upper half of the elytra.

34. Elater nigro-terminatus (n.s.) E. luteus cavite antennisque atris, thorace convexo macula longitudinali sub-ac.u.minata a margine antico ultra medium attingente, elytris punctato~striatis apice late nigris, anoque nigro.

Obs. This insect is about the same length with the former, having its feet and underside entirely yellow, excepting the head and a black a.n.a.l spot, something like the letter V.

35. Lycus serraticornis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. volume 2 1ll. 6.

36. Lycus septemcavus (n.s.) L. ater thorace parabolico fossulis septem, quatuor anticis fere aequalibus, posticarum media angusta lanciformi, duabus lateralibus latis antice emarginatis. Scutello quadrato nigro; elytrls rubris marginatis lineis quatuor elevatis, interst.i.tiis duplici serie punctorum transversorum crenatis.

37. Lycus rhipidium (n.s.) L. ater antennis fiabellatis; thorace angulis porrectis obtusis, fossulis septem, posticarum trium media longitudinali lanciformi; scutello quadrato nigro; elytris rubris marginatis lineis novem elevatis, quatuor alternatim majoribus, interst.i.tiis crenatis.

38. Telephorus pulch.e.l.lus (n.s.) T. capite thoraceque nigro-nitidis, hujus margine postico late rufo, elytris viridi-caeruleis tomentosis punctatis ad suturam marginatis, corpore pedibusque nigris abdomine subtus rufo.

39. Malachius verticalis, (n.s.) M. rufo-testaceus vertice antennisque apice nigro-nitidis, thorace testaceo. elytris fascia humerali mediaque violaceis, postpectore pedibus anoque nigris.

40. Clerus cruciatus (n.s.) C. testacea tomentosa, capite thoracis lateribus elytrorumque maculis duabus longitudinalibus, quarum postica latiori, nigris, elytris striato-punctatis apice rufescentibus, antennis piceis. pedibus palpisque pallidis.

41. Oedemera livida. Oliv. Ins. 50, table 1 figure 2.

Dryops livida. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 68. 3.

42. Oedemera lineata. Oliv. Ins. 50, table 1 figure 4.

Dryops lineata. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 68. 4.

Obs. I suspect this insect to be merely a variety of the former species.

43. Oedemera punctum (n.s.) Oe. flavo-nitida antennis obscuris, fronte puncto atro-nitido impresso, thorace lunula utrinque atro-nitida impresso, scutello flavo, elytris nigro-fuscis limbo et sutura testaceis, geniculis tibiis tarsisque nigris.

44. Lagria tomentosa. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. volume 2 page 70. 9.

45. Lagria rufescens. Dej. Cat. 72.

46. Cistela securigera (n.s.) C. subtus picea supra brunnea p.u.b.escens, antennis apice palporumque articulo ultimo securiformi nigris, elytris punctis crenatis striatis.

47. Amarygmus tristis.

Cnodulon triste. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 13. 4.

Obs. The characters of this genus are given by Fabricius under the head of Cnodulon, but the true Cnodulon of M. Latreille is a native of St.

Domingo, and a different genus of which the characters are to be found in the Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum. The genus has, however, been of late more accurately investigated by Dalman, in his a.n.a.lecta Entomologica, and he has given it the name of Amarygmus.

48. Amarygmus viridicollis (n.s.) A. convexiusculus capite thoraceque viridi-caeruleis, elytris cupreis striato-punctatis, corpore subtus chalybeo pedibusque nigris.

49. Amarygmus velutinus (n.s.) A. atro-nitidus glaberrimus labri margine rubro, elytris nigro-aeneis punctorum striis minutissimis.

Obs. This beautiful insect is one of the largest of a genus which contains a great number of species.

50. Adelium calosoioides. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 420. 57.

table 22. figure 2.

51. Adelium caraboides. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 466. 17.

52. Phalidura mirabilis.

Curculio mirabilis. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 469. 21. table 23, figure 9.

Obs. The characters of this most singular genus Phalidura are chiefly to be found in the broken clavate antennae, short thick rustrum, connate elytra, and singular a.n.a.l forceps of the male.

53. Phalidura kirbii (n.s.) P. nigro-fusca clypeo subfurcato utrinque ca.n.a.liculato, thorace confertim noduloso, elytris lineis elevatis interst.i.tiis crenatis lateribusque punctato-striatis.

54. Phalidura draco (n.s.) P. atrofusca vertice concavo cruce impresso, clypeo emarginato, thorace depresso utrinque dilatato dentato margine antico tuberculato tuberculourmque lineis quatuor duabus mediis longitudinalibus, elytris punctis elevatis scabrosis utrinque dentibus acutis seriatim armatis, lateribus seriatim nudulosis medioque linea tuberculorum sub-duplici instructo.

Obs. This and the following species are not true Phalidurae; at least neither appears to have the a.n.a.l forceps, but as they come close in affinity to the genus Phalidura, I have not for the present ventured to give them a new generic name.

55. Phalidura marshami. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 436. 77.

Obs. This insect appears to be a Chrysolopus in M. Dejean's Catalogue.

56. Hybauchenia nodulosa (n.s.) H. atra capite laevi vel punctis minutissimis impresso, clypeo ca.n.a.liculato, thorace irregulariter noduloso, elytris sutura laeviori punctis que elevatis striatis striis duabus a sutura alternatim majoribus.

Obs. I regret that I am not able to give the detailed characters of this genus at present. I shall merely, therefore, say that it has the broken clavate antennae of Phalidura, only they are here longer than the head and thorax taken together. The body is very convex:, having the thorax as wide as the abdomen, subquadrate, with very convex sides. Abdomen joined to thorax by a distinct peduncle. Elytra very convex, with almost perpendicular sides. Feet long, with rather incra.s.sated femora.

57. Chrysolopus spectabilis.

Curculio spectabilis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 537. 184.

58. Chrysolupus echidna (n.s.) C. atrofuscus vertice trilineato, thorace punctis scabro medio concavo subcarinato lineis utrinque elevatis, elytris crenatis seriebus spinarum duabus interiori anum versus abbreviata; spinis anticis depressis obtusis, posticis acutis.

C. echidna. Dej. Cat. 88.

59. Chrysolopus tuberculatus (n.s.) C. fuscus vertice lineato, thorace punctis scabro medio ca.n.a.liculato, elytris punctis seriatim impressis, tuberculorumque seriebus tribus minutis interiori abbreviata; tuberculo postico suturali maximo.

60. Chrysolopus quadridens.

Curculio 4-dens. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 536. 175.

Obs. The three last species can scarcely be considered to belong to the same genus with C. spectabilis; but I follow M. Dejean until the whole family be more accurately investigated.

61. Gastrodus crenulatus.

Curculio crenulatus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 518. 64.

Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 36

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