Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters Part 51
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The captain was now confounded, and hardly knew how to act: to persevere appeared useless--to fall back was almost as impossible. A dead silence of a minute ensued. Every one was breathless with impatience, to know what would be done next. The silence was, however, first broken by Jones, the Joe Miller, who was seized up. "Beg your honour's pardon, sir," said he, turning his head round; "but if I am to be flogged, will you be pleased to let me have it over? I shall catch my death a-cold, naked here all day." This was decided mockery, on the part of the man, and roused the captain.
"Sergeant of marines, put Miller and that man Collins, both legs in irons, for mutiny. My men, I perceive that there is a conspiracy in the s.h.i.+p, but I shall very soon put an end to it: I know the men, and, by G.o.d, they shall repent it. Mr Paul, pipe down. Mr Simple, man my gig; and recollect, it's my positive orders that no boat goes on sh.o.r.e." The captain left the brig, looking daggers at me as he went over the side; but I had done my duty, and cared little for that; indeed, I was now watching his conduct as carefully as he did mine.
"The captain wishes to tell his own story first," said Thompson, coming up to me. "Now, if I were you, Simple, I would take care that the real facts should be known."
"How's that to be done," replied I; "he has ordered no communication with the sh.o.r.e."
"Simply by sending an officer on board of each of the frigates to state that the brig is in a state of mutiny, and request that they will keep a look-out upon her. This is no more than your duty as commanding officer; you only send the message, leave me to state the facts of my own accord.
Recollect that the captains of these frigates will be summoned, if there is a court of inquiry, which I expect will take place."
I considered a little, and thought the advice good. I despatched Thompson first to one frigate, and then to the other. The next day the captain came on board. As soon as he stepped on the quarter-deck he inquired how I dare disobey his orders in sending the boats away. My reply was that his orders were, not to communicate with the sh.o.r.e, but that, as commanding officer, I considered it my duty to make known to the other s.h.i.+ps that the men were in a state of insubordination, that they might keep their eyes upon us. He _kept his eyes_ upon me for some time, and then turned away without reply. As we expected, a court of inquiry was called, upon his representations to the admiral. About twenty of the men were examined, but so much came out as to the _reason why_ the head of the snake had been removed--for the sailors spoke boldly--that the admiral and officers who were appointed strongly recommended Captain Hawkins not to proceed further than to state that there were some disaffected characters in the s.h.i.+p, and move the admiral to have them exchanged into others. This was done, and the captains of the frigates, who immediately gave their advice, divided all our best men between them. They spoke very freely to me, and asked me who were the best men, which I told them honestly, for I was glad to be able to get them out of the power of Captain Hawkins; these they marked as disaffected, and exchanged them for all the worst they had on board. The few that were left ran away, and thus, from having one of the finest and best organised s.h.i.+p's companies in the service, we were now one of the very worst. Miller was sent on board of the frigate, and under surveillance: he soon proved that his character was as good as I stated it to be, and two years afterwards was promoted to the rank of boatswain. Webster, the second lieutenant, would not rejoin us, and another was appointed. I must here remark, that there is hardly any degree of severity which a captain may not exert towards his seamen, provided they are confident of, or he has proved to them, his courage; but if there be a doubt, or a confirmation to the contrary, all discipline is destroyed by contempt, and the s.h.i.+p's company mutiny, either directly or indirectly. There is an old saying, that all tyrants are cowards; that tyranny is in itself a species of meanness, I acknowledge: but still the saying ought to be modified. If it is a.s.serted that all mean tyrants are cowards, I agree; but I have known in the service most special tyrants, who were not cowards: their tyranny was excessive, but there was no meanness in their dispositions. On the contrary, they were generous, open-hearted, and, occasionally, when not influenced by anger, proved that their hearts, if not quite right, were not very much out of their places. Yet they were tyrants; but, although tyrants, the men forgave them, and one kind act, when they were not led away by the impetuosity of their feelings, obliterated a hundred acts of tyranny. But such is not the case in our service with men who, in their tyranny, are mean; the seamen show no quarter to them, and will undergo all the risk which the severity of the articles of war renders them liable to, rather than not express their opinion of a man whom they despise. I do not like to mention names, but I could point out specimens of brave tyrants, and of cowardly tyrants who have existed, and do even now exist in our service. The present regulations have limited tyranny to a certain degree, but it cannot check the _mean_ tyrant; for it is not in points of consequence, likely to be brought before the notice of his superiors, that he effects his purpose. He resorts to paltry measures--he smiles that he may betray--he confines himself within the limit that may protect him; and he is never exposed, unless by his courage being called in question, which but rarely occurs; and when it does occur it is most difficult, as well as most dangerous, to attempt to prove it. It may be asked why I did not quit the s.h.i.+p, after having been aware of the character of the captain, and the enmity which he bore to me. In reply, I can only say that I did often think of it, talked over the subject with my messmates, but they persuaded me to remain, and, as I was a first lieutenant, and knew that any successful action would, in all probability, insure my promotion, I determined, to use a nautical expression, to rough it out, and not throw away the only chance which I now had of obtaining my rank as commander.
[Footnote 1: Marines.]
Chapter LVII
News from home not very agreeable, although the reader may laugh--We arrive at Portsmouth, where I fall in with my old acquaintance, Mrs Trotter--We sail with a convoy for the Baltic.
I had written to my sister Ellen, giving her an account of all that had pa.s.sed, and mentioning the character of the captain, and his apparent intimacy with my uncle. I received an answer from her, telling me that she had discovered, from a very communicative old maiden lady, that Captain Hawkins was an illegitimate son of my uncle, by a lady with whom he had been acquainted about the time that he was in the army. I immediately conceived the truth, that my uncle had pointed me out to him as an object of his vengeance, and that Captain Hawkins was too dutiful and too dependent a son not to obey him. The state of my father was more distressing than ever, but there was something very ludicrous in his fancies. He had fancied himself a jacka.s.s, and had brayed for a week, kicking the old nurse in the stomach, so as to double her up like a hedgehog. He had taken it into his head that he was a pump; and, with one arm held out as a spout, he had obliged the poor old nurse to work the other up and down for hours together. At another time, he had an idea that he was a woman in labour, and they were obliged to give him a strong dose of calomel, and borrow a child of six years old from a neighbour, to make him believe that he was delivered. He was perfectly satisfied, although the child was born to him in cloth trousers, and a jacket with three rows of sugar-loaf b.u.t.tons. Aye, said he, it was those b.u.t.tons which hurt my side so much. In fact, there was a string of strange conceptions of this kind that had acc.u.mulated, so as to drive my poor sister almost mad; and sometimes his ideas would be attended with a very heavy expense, as he would send for architects, make contracts, &c., for building, supposing himself to have come to the t.i.tle and property of his brother. This, being the basis of his disease, occurred frequently. I wrote to poor Ellen, giving her my best advice, and by this time the brig was again ready for sea, and we expected to sail immediately. I did not forget to write to O'Brien, but the distance between us was so great that I knew I could not obtain his answer probably for a year, and I felt a melancholy foreboding how much I required his advice.
Our orders were to proceed to Portsmouth, and join a convoy collected there, bound up the Baltic, under the charge of the _Acasta_ frigate, and two other vessels. We did not sail with any pleasure, or hopes of gaining much in the way of prize-money. Our captain was enough to make any s.h.i.+p a h.e.l.l; and our s.h.i.+p's company were composed of a mutinous and incorrigible set of scoundrels, with, of course, a few exceptions. How different did the officers find the brig after losing such a captain as...o...b..ien, and so fine a s.h.i.+p's company! But there was no help for it, and all we had to do was to make the best of it, and hope for better times.
The cat was at work nearly every day, and I must acknowledge that, generally speaking, it was deserved; although sometimes a report from the sergeant of marines of any good man favoured by me, was certain to be attended to. This system of receiving reports direct from an inferior officer, instead of through me, as first lieutenant, became so annoying, that I resolved, at all risk, to expostulate. I soon had an opportunity, for one morning the captain said to me, "Mr Simple, I understand that you had a fire in the galley last night after hours."
"It is very true, sir, that I did order a stove to be lighted; but may I inquire whether the first lieutenant has not a discretionary power in that point? and further, how it is that I am reported to you by other people? The discipline of this s.h.i.+p is carried on by me, under your directions, and all reports ought to come through me; and I cannot understand upon what grounds you permit them through any other channel."
"I command my own s.h.i.+p, sir, and shall do as I please in that respect.
When I have officers I can confide in, I shall, in all probability, allow them to report to me."
"If there is anything in my conduct which has proved to you that I am incapable, or not trustworthy, I would feel obliged to you, sir, if you would, in the first place, point it out;--and, in the next, bring me to a court-martial if I do not correct it."
"I am no court-martial man, sir," replied he, "but I am not to be dictated to by an inferior officer, so you'll oblige me by holding your tongue. The sergeant of marines, as master-at-arms, is bound to report to me any deviation from the regulations I have laid down for the discipline of the s.h.i.+p."
"Granted, sir; but that report, according to the custom of the service, should come through the first lieutenant."
"I prefer it coming direct, sir;--it stands less chance of being garbled."
"Thank you, Captain Hawkins, for the compliment." The captain walked away without further reply, and shortly after went down below. Swinburne ranged up alongside of me as soon as the captain disappeared.
"Well, Mr Simple, so I hear we are bound to the Baltic. Why couldn't they have ordered us to pick up the convoy off Yarmouth, instead of coming all the way to Portsmouth? We shall be in to-morrow with this slant of wind."
"I suppose the convoy are not yet collected, Swinburne; and you recollect there's no want of French privateers in the channel."
"Very true, sir."
"When were you up the Baltic, Swinburne?"
"I was in the old _St George_, a regular old ninety-eight; she sailed just like a hay-stack, one mile ahead and three to leeward. Lord bless you, Mr Simple, the Cattegat wasn't wide enough for her; but she was a comfortable sort of vessel after all, excepting on a lee-sh.o.r.e, so we used always to give the land a wide berth, I recollect. By the bye, Mr Simple, do you recollect how angry you were because I didn't peach at Barbadoes, when the men _sucked the monkey?_"
"To be sure I do."
"Well, then, I didn't think it fair then, as I was one of them. But now that I'm a bit of an officer, I just tell you that when we get to Carlscrona there's a method of _sucking the monkey_ there, which, as first lieutenant, with such a queer sort of captain, it is just as well that you should be up to. In the old _St George_ we had seventy men drunk one afternoon, and the first lieutenant couldn't find it out nohow."
"Indeed, Swinburne, you must let me into that secret."
"So I will, Mr Simple. Don't you know there's a famous stuff for cuts and wounds, called balsam?"
"What, Riga balsam?"
"Yes, that's it; well, all the boats will bring that for sale, as they did to us in the old _St George_. Devilish good stuff it is for wounds, I believe; but it's not bad to drink, and it's very strong. We used to take it _inwardly_, Mr Simple, and the first lieutenant never guessed it."
"What! you all got tipsy upon Riga balsam?"
"All that could; so I just give you a hint."
"I'm much obliged to you, Swinburne; I certainly never should have suspected it. I believe seamen would get drunk upon anything."
The next morning we anch.o.r.ed at Spithead, and found the convoy ready for sea. The captain went on sh.o.r.e to report himself to the admiral, and, as usual, the brig was surrounded with b.u.mboats and wherries, with people who wished to come on board. As we were not known on the Portsmouth station, and had no acquaintance with the people, all the b.u.mboats were very anxious to supply the s.h.i.+p: and, as this is at the option of the first lieutenant, he is very much persecuted until he has made his decision. Certificates of good conduct from other officers were handed up the side from all of them; and I looked over the books at the capstern. In the second book the name struck me; it was that of Mrs Trotter, and I walked to the gangway out of curiosity, to ascertain whether it was the same personage who, when I was a youngster, had taken such care of my s.h.i.+rts. As I looked at the boats, a voice cried out, "O, Mr Simple, have you forgot your old friend? don't you recollect Mrs Trotter?" I certainly did not recollect her; she had grown very fat, and, although more advanced in years, was a better-looking woman than when I had first seen her, for she looked healthy and fresh.
"Indeed, I hardly did recollect you, Mrs Trotter."
"I've so much to tell you, Mr Simple," replied she, ordering the boat to pull alongside; and, as she was coming up, desired the man to get the things in, as if permission was quite unnecessary. I did not counter-order it, as I knew none of the others, and, as far as honesty was concerned, believed them all to be much on a par. On the strength, then, of old acquaintance, Mrs Trotter was admitted.
"Well, I'm sure, Mr Simple," cried Mrs Trotter, out of breath with climbing up the brig's side; "what a man you've grown,--and such a handsome man, too! Dear, dear, it makes me feel quite old to look at you, when I call to mind the little boy whom I had charge of in the c.o.c.kpit. Don't you think I look very old and ugly, Mr Simple?" continued she, smiling and smirking.
"Indeed, Mrs Trotter, I think you wear very well. Pray, how is your husband?"
"Ah, Mr Simple, poor dear Mr Trotter--he's gone. Poor fellow! no wonder; what with his drinking, and his love for me--and his jealousy--(do you recollect how jealous he was, Mr Simple?)--he wore himself out at last.
No wonder, considering what he had been accustomed to, after keeping his carriage and dogs with everybody, to be reduced to see his wife go a _b.u.mming_. It broke his heart, poor fellow! and, Mr Simple, I've been much happier ever since, for I could not bear to see him fretting. Lord, how jealous he was--and all about nothing! Don't you want some fresh meat for the gun-room? I've a nice leg of mutton in the boat, and some milk for tea."
"Recollect, Mrs Trotter, I shall not overlook your bringing spirits on board."
"Lord, Mr Simple, how could you think of such a thing? It's very true that these common people do it, but the company I have kept, the society I have been in, Mr Simple! Besides, you must recollect that I never drank anything but water."
I could not exactly coincide with her, but I did not contradict her.
"Would you like the Portsmouth paper, Mr Simple?" taking one out of her pocket; "I know gentlemen are fond of the news. Poor Trotter used never to stir from the breakfast table until he had finished the daily paper-- but that was when we lived in very different style. Have you any clothes to wash, Mr Simple,--or have any of the gentlemen?"
"I fear we have no time, we sail too soon," replied I; "we go with the convoy."
"Indeed!" cried Mrs Trotter, who walked to the main hatchway and called to her man Bill. I heard her give him directions to sell nothing upon trust, in consequence of the intelligence of our immediate sailing.
"I beg your pardon, Mr Simple, I was only desiring my head man to send for your steward, that he might be supplied with the best, and to save some milk for the gun-room."
"And I must beg your pardon, Mrs Trotter, for I must attend to my duty."
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