Company Of Adventures - Merchant Prince Part 40
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P. 320. "the portable-h.o.a.rding- Steensel, ed " People ofLight and house school": Vilhjalmur Dark, P. 57.
Stefansson quoted in Frank Rasky, The North Pole or Bust: P. 3 2 8. We landed at Fort Resolu Explorers ofthe North, 1). 386. tion: Paul Davoud, in interview with author.
P. 3 2 0. We soon found: J ohn Mikkelborg, in "Reindeer from P. 3 2 8. Sure. We paid: an Inuk at Lapland," The Bay, 1949-50, Fort Rae, quoted in Richard p. 3 7.Finnic, Canada Moves North, P. 3 2 2. "a native cannot live onp. 103n.
white man ~jbod": Dr Frederick P 3 3 0. They had carefully studied: G. Banting's observations on the H.M. Ross, in A Manager~ Tale, Inuit, quoted in Michael Bliss, p. 184.
Banting: A Biography, p. 173.
P. 323. take overfull control of P. 3 32. In a country where old lard tbefur trade: Banting, in letter pails: Graham Rowley, quoted in to O.S. Finnic, HBCA A-92 photo display at Northwest Can. 2 5 1.Territories Pavilion, Expo 86, Vancouver.
R 323. the native should be encour aged: Banting, ibid. P. 3 ; 2. There was a big war: Octave Sivanertok, quoted in R 3 2 3. It is obvious: Governor photo display at Northwest Charles Sale, letter to W. W. Territories Pavilion, Expo 86, Cory, 28 Feb. 1928, HBCA Vancouver.
A-92 Can. 2 5 1.
P. 3 3 3. Endemic upper respiratory P 324. 2000 MILES OFF. adver- diseases: R.G. Williamson, in tis.e.m.e.nt in The Beaver, March interview with author.
P. 3 ; 6. The Mountie told me: P. 3 24n. Indeed, I won't.- Rev. Get-Matthew Innakatsik, quoted in aid Card, quoted injean G.o.dsell, photo display at Northwest I Was No Lady, p. 190. Territories Pavilion, Expo 86, R 324. You had time: Laco Hunt, Vancouver.
in Barbara Hunt, ed., Rebels, P. 3 3 7. One by one, they appeared: Rascals & Ro-yalty, p. 2. Jean G.o.dsell, in I ff7as No Lady, R 3 2 5. 1 suddenly realized: p. 8i.
Gilbert LaBine, quoted in Peter C. Newman, Flame ofl'ower, P. 33 8. These are not cold sculp p.156.tures:James Houston, in "Inuit Sculpture: The Spirit in the P. 326. "That is a bad tbing": anStone," Town and Country, May Inuk, quoted in Maja Van 1984.
V 338. Oshaweet,)A,, ajamous P. 3 47. "1 know people were bap E'skinio car-,,cr: Houston, quotedpier in the old da - ys": William in Sol Littman, "The Souvei,ir Kuptana, quoted in photo dis That Grew," !Vacleans, Septc ru- play at Northwest Territories her 197~, 68C-081). Pavilion, Expo 86, Vancouver.
1) , 340. 'They wen strongly against11. 147. "Idon't know": JimmN the move: Ben Sivertz, in inter- Kdabuk, quoted by Stuart view with author. I Iodgson, in interview with author.
1). 342. to lay downftesh produce:P. 347. [The Hudson's BaN Marvin Tiller, in presentation toCompanyl made easier live'v: Min the NWT Council, 27 May nie Freeman, in "Living in Iwo," Inuit Toda-v, 8, Oct. 1980, reprinted in M. Zaslow, ed., .4 P. 3 41. We are probably regarded:Century oj'Canadas Arctic Islands, Richard Murray, in letter to 1880-1980,p.272.
Lord Amory, 2 Dec. 1966, HBCA, Uncla.s.sified, DD G7B. CHAPTER 13 THE LORDS AND THE.
P. 342. When I lived in an ArcticGOOD OLD BOYS tradingpost: A. lanner, in "The End of Fur Trade History, 11 Pp. 3 54-5 5. to go whoring in the Queen's Quarterly, 90, no. I East: Richard Murray, quoting (Spring 1983).Philip Chester, in interview with author.
P. 344. "The image ofthe cla.s.sit P. 3 5 5. 1 conj~ss we are: David Eskimo": S. Hall, in The Fourth Kilgour, in letter to Lord World: The Heritage ofthe Arctic Amory, 2 5 Nov. 1966, David and Its Destruction, p. 12 2. Kilgour personal files.
P. 3 45. The Hudson's Bay Com - P. 3 5 5. When a North American: pany helped the government:Joe Harris, quoted in David Josh Teemotee, in undated letter Kilgour letter to Lord Amory, to author.2 March 1966, David Kilgour personal files.
P. 3 45. 1 wasjust starting out asp 356. It wa.s.soon clear: Albert Chiefat Rupert: Chie Bi y Diia- Hochbaum, in letter to author, mond, in interview with author. 31 May 1985.
P. 346. Igot to know: Ben Sivertz,P. 3 56. 1 once asked: Sir William in interview with author. Keswick, in interview with author.
P. 340. The Company took a lot,k at our needs: Diamond, in interview P. 3 5 6. 1 was going to say: J. G .
with author.Links, in inter-view with author.
P. 356. Wefrankly had. Lord Pp. 3 69-7 0. checked the girls'
Amory, in interview with author. work stations: Dora Darby, in P. 3 5 7. One frail old proprietor:interview with author.
Links, in interview wii h author.P. 3 7 0. He was a peculiar sort of chap: Bob Chess.h.i.+re, in inter P. 358. During the 1930s: Sir Ericview with author.
Faulkner, in interview with author.P. 371. 1 look to tbefuture: Sir Robert Kindersley, quoted in P. 359. We all bated boi rowing: SirPhilip G.o.dsell, Arctic Trader, William Keswick, in interview p. 175.
with author.
P. 3 72. For a while: ibid., P. 360. a gateway through which: pp. 166-67.
William E. Curtis, in Chicago Record Herald, quoted in Peter P. 3 7 2. As I gazed at the flickering C. Newman, The Canadian lights: ibid., p. 172.
Fstablisbment, Vol. 11, The P. 3 74. The consequence ofthis lay Acquisitors, p. 299. out:James Bryant, Department P. 362. cautious, canny, reac- Stoi e Disease, pp. 183 -84.
tionary: W.L. Morton, Manitoba: P. 3 7 8. democracy has its valu A History, p. 501. able and strongftatures: G.W.
P. 3 62. of no practical value: PhihpAffiro, quoted in Allan Levine, Chester, in letter to Patrick Ash-unpublished MS on George ley Cooper, 10 June 1940, Allan, p. 6.
HBCA Uncla.s.sified. CHAPTER14 P. 3 6 3. The actual bene its: TRANS-ATLANTIC BLOOD Richard Murray, in letter to FEUD Lord Amory, 12 Dec. 1966, P. 3 8 2. Many of them had HBCA Uncla.s.sified DDG 7B. acquired: Anne Morton, "Charles P. 3 6 3. the Canadian Committee ofElton and the Hudson's Bay the Hudson's Ba : Kilgour, in let-Company," The Beaver, Spring y 1985, p. 25.
ter to Lord Amory; 28 Dec. 1966, David Kilgour personal files. P. 3 82. Amongst his cbiefweak curios_ nesses: comment on P. J. Parker P. 365. more ofan historical in Lord Ebury, Report to C.V ity: Philip Chester, in letter toSale, 8 July 1930, HBCA William Keswick, 11 Aug. 1955, Uncla.s.sified 1-7-1 Admin NA.
HBCA Uncla.s.sified DD CG2.
P. 383. Mr Chester is, in my opin P. 3 68n. 10 letters, that is includ-ion: ibid.
ing tbefir.vt three: C.V Sale, let- ter to Jean Mormet, 7jan. 1916, P. 3 8 3. jullpoweis ofattorney for AFG 5 629.the due exercise thereof- Memo to 634 APPENDIX THREE.
Canadian Committee from C.V. P. 3 90. As soon as I arrived: Ash Sale, 27 Aug. 1930, Uncla.s.sified ley Cooper, "Memorandum of Cc Vol. X 10, fo. 118. Canadian Vsit - 193 L" HBCA #1041292.
P. 3 8 3. There seemed afterwaniv to be some misconception: George P. 3 90. great and thoughtless Allan, Calgary Speech, 28 Dec. extravagance: Ashley Cooper, 193 1, Uncla.s.sified CCO files Uncla.s.sified, DD G3, P.A.
1-7-1 Admin NA Cdn Cooper 2 9 12 3 1, attached to Committee.PA. Cooper to G.W. Allan, 21 Jan. 1932.
P. 3 86. For my shortcomings: C.V Sale, quoted in Anne Morton, P. 390. Like taking hold: Frank "The Looking-Gla.s.s Vision: The Walker, describing Philip Minute Books of the Hudson's Chester, in interview with BayCompany, 1914-1931." author.
P. 392. Not on the Sabbath.': P. 387. 1 alone selected: MontaguElizabeth Chester, regarding Norman to Charles L. Nordon, Philip Chester's family in inter 29june 1931, HBCAA 10 & 11. view with author.
P. 3 8 7. Your task is to rebuild:P. 3 94. "Ij*there ~ kids in the house Montagu Norman to Patrick Fred Herbert, bailiff, quoted by Ashley Cooper, quoted in John Enright in interview with London Record, 31 May 1952. author.
P. 3 8 8. Are we to devote ourselves:P. 39i. Why must I besurrounded: Patrick Ashley Cooper to Gen- Philip Chester, quoted by Ron eral Court, 29 July 193 1, pain- Sheen in interview with author.
phlet, p. 16.P. 3 95. You know, whenever I look P. 3 88. No. It cannot be both: at YOU: Philip Chester, quoted Patrick Ashley Cooper, ibid, p. 17.ibid.
P. 3 89. It was pure~y an oversight:Pp. 395-96. You! You! I told - you George W Allan, letter to Ash- what to do: Philip Chester, ley Cooper, 30julv 1931, H13CA quoted by Bob Chess.h.i.+re, in DD GS3-Chairman, C.C. interview with author.
1931-35.P. 3 9 7. While I was a tough bird: P 3 89. a pot oftea: Ashley Philip Chester, letter to E.F.
Newlands, 7 Dec. 1960, HBCA Cooper, quoted in James Bryant, EA 35, Box 3, Chester's Misc.
Department Store Disease, p. 108.Correspondence, 1945-75.
P. 390. 1 was dismayed.- Ashle) P. 397. living on Mount 0~ympus: Cooper, quoted in Tom Mahony John English describing Philip and Leonard Sloane, The Great Chester, in inter-view with Merchants, p. 2 13. author.
P. 397. He used to brief. Pete P. 408. Make a wreath: Captain Buckley describing Philip Thomas Smellie, quoted ibid., Chester, in interview with p. 142.
P. 409. On his triumphant return: P. 399. 1 was given a seat: PhilipAshley Cooper described by Chester in letter to GAV. Allan, Philip Chester, unpublished 6 May 1933, Series B. history of the Hudson's Bay P. 40 In. we are, ofnecessity: Company.
George W. Allan in letter to P. 412 n. removing and tampering: Ashley Cooper, 9 Aug. 1933, Pullen story from "London HBCA DD G3 - Chairman, CC Letter," The Beaver, June 194 1, 1931-35. p.54.
P. 404. Extraordinary. I have lots:P. 413. the greatest soldier. Vis Ashley Cooper, quoted by Sir count Alanbrooke, described in William Keswick, in interview Robert Blake, "Key Figures of with author.the Second World War" (review P. 404. 19 3 3 was a year ofdepres-of biography of Manbrooke), sion and losses: Philip Chester, Ill.u.s.trated London News, June "The First 250 Years," unpub- 1982,p.92.
lished history of the Hudson's P. 415. Yes, Patrick, I'm sure: Bay Company.Conrad S. Riley, quoted by Bob Pp. 405-6. Sir George Simpson in Chess.h.i.+re in interview with his 30-foot canoe: R.H.H. author.
Macaulay, Trading into Hudson's Bay, p. 19.P. 416. go whoring in the East: Philip Chester, quoted by P. 406n. Possibly arranged: PhilipRichard Murray, in interview Chester, unpublished history of with author.
the Hudson's Bay Company.
P. 419. "1 got your letter": letter P. 406. It is no exaggeration: quoted in Tom Mahony and Macaulay, Trading into Hudson's Leonard Sloane, The Great Bay, p. 39. Wercbants, p. 30.
Pp. 407-8. We ... leave you: Ashley Cooper, quoted in R.Aj. CHAPTER15 Phillips, Canada ~ North, CANADIAN AT LAST pp. 78-79.P. 427. Max~ idea ofrealdebauch P. 408. They kind oftent up: ery: Bell described byjim Cole Captain Thomas Smellie, man, quoted injearmine Locke, quoted in Roland Wild, Arctic "Max Bell," Star Weekly, 12 Feb.
Command, p. 146. 1966, p. 16.
P. 42 8. 1 put on a clean white ~hirt:R 440. Tbc atmosphere was indeed WJ. Keswick, in letter to Elmer extraordinary: Richard Murray to Woods, t5jamiary 1953, 11BCA W.J. Keswick, 17 November Uncla.s.sified DD G8A. 1959, H11CA DD G7.
P. 428. At times he shouted: Bell1). 440. the most h.e.l.lishly modern: described by "j. Keswick Richard Murray, quoted in Sev in letter to Elmer Woods, ruour Freecigood, "Fludsons 18 March 1953, 1 IBCA Bav: Return to Greatness,"
Uncla.s.sified, DD G8A. Fortu n e, An gust 1958.
P. 429. 1 must reth-esoon: Sir Pp. 442-43. Those wbeatfarmers Winston Churchill, quoted in ftom Winnipeg: Aird Nesbitt, Richard Nixon, In the Arena, quoted in Robert Moon, "Nes p. 361.bitt of Ogilvie's: Montreal taste maker," Executive Magazine, P 429. thespectacle of'that September 1966, p. 38.
immense estatejanies [Jan] Mor ris, Farewell the 7i-umpets, p. 547.P. 443. thcsick man: I IBC described in Roger Croft, P. 430. any such position wouhl he"Retailing, with a dash of glamor incompatible: Elmer Woods to oil: the new HBC is a longterm Wi. Keswick, 30june 1955, attraction," Financial Times of HBCA Uncla.s.sified DD G8A. Canada, 5 Jan. 1967, p. 1.
P. 430. 1 have received the P. 443. Astroll through any Bay attached.- W.J. Keswick to H13C [department store unit]: The Bay directors, HBCA Uncla.s.sificd described in 1950s and 1960s in DD G8A.James Bn1ant, Department Store P. 43 0. Ile is a marvel: ViscountDisease, p . 111.
Alaribrooke on Churchill, P 447. This summer marked: quoted in Lord Moran, Winston Arthur Ray, "York Factory: Churchill.- The Srrugglefor Sur- The Crisis of Transition"
vival, 1940-196~, p. 695. 1870-1880," The Beavo; P. 43 2. This honour will he appre-Autumn 1982, p. 35.
ciated: Sir Winston Churchill, P. 448. as quiet~y and as innocently quoted in "Sir Winston, the aspossible: Sir William Keswick, Grand Seigneur, has to hesi- letter to Richard Murray, 17 tate, " Johannesburg Star, June 1964, HBCA Uncla.s.sified, 28 April 1956. DD G7A 1964.
P. 43 3. 1 cannot attempt to descrihe:P. 449n. I am now coming to life: Philip Chester to W.J. Kes,~% ick,Lord Amory, letter to Richard 4 Februarv 195.4, IIBCA DD Murray, 14june 1967, HBCA G 4A. Uncla.s.sified, DD G7C.
P. 454. transftr is a historical CHAPTER 16 move: Richard Murray, letter to McGTVERIN'S RUN Lord Amory, 5 Dec. 1967, HBCA Uncla.s.sified DDCG 4. Pp. 47 7-7 8. 1 talkedfor aboutforty minutes: Philip Chester, "The Pp. 45 6- 5 7. bad not only failed:Fi rst 2 5 0 Years, " unpublished Richard Murray, letter to Lord MS history of the Hudson's Bay Amory, 17 Feb. 1970, David Company [n.p.j.
Kilgour personal files. P. 47 8. There might be something: P. 457. not only is there a lack:Lord Amory in letter to Richard Lord Amory, letter to David Murray, 21 Oct. 1968, HBCA Kilgour, 2 March 1970, David Uncla.s.sified, DD CG7, Simp Kilgour personal files. sons File.
P. 45 7. We reached exactly the rightP. 48 6. a professional son ofa b.i.t.c.h: conclusion: David Kilgour, letterDonald R. Katz, The Big Store: to Lord Arnory~ 9 March 1970, Inside the Crisis and Revolution at David Kilgour personal files. Sears, p. 882.
Pp. 457-58. During the unheroic CHAPTER17 years: Lord Amory, letter to YOt TNG KEN David Kilgour, 12 March 1970, David Kilgour personal files. P. 498. "there is a limit": Kenneth Thomson quoted in Robert P. 458. Your'for thefire andashes"Lewis, "Looking for missing exchange: Richard Murray, letter links," Maclean's, 22 Dec. 1980, to Lord Amory, 2 5 March 1970, p. 16.
David Kilgour personal files. P. 499. "1 can't imagine": Ken P 458. It is incredible: Richard neth Thomson quoted in John Murray, letter to Lord Amory, 27 Partridge and Dan Westell, June 1970."Thomson merger to create vast acquisition opportunities," Globe P. 459. G.o.dforbid that I vhould beand Mail, 16 March 1989.
involved. David Kilgour, letter to Richard Murray, -13 Julv 1970. P. 499. "1 regret giving up": Roy Thomson quoted in Peter C.
P. 46 1. The die is cast: H BC Newman, "Table Talk of Roy Adventurer, quoted in'rom Thomson," Maclean ~, Dec.
G ireen, "Company of Adventur- 1971, p. 41.
ers votes for New World," Win nipeg Tribune, 29 May 1970. P. 499n. "It wouldn't have suited P. 462. At tbispoint.- Te)L Enemarkme": Roy Thomson quoted ibid.
regarding the HBC Charter P. 500. "Madam, I've paid patriation ceremony, in letter toenough": Roy Thomson quoted author, 7 Jan. 1983. in Norman Peagam, "CaDadian 638 APPENDIX THREE.
Dynasty: Like Fattier, Like Son' P. 515. isn't the circulation: Rus No, But All Goes Well in sell Braddon, Roy Thomson of Thonison Empire," WallStreet Fleet Street, p. 3 5 1.
_7ournal, 27 May 1080, pp. 1, 14.
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