Company Of Adventures - Merchant Prince Part 41

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P. 5 16. "JJ'e run our newspapers": P. 500. "I've madei lot": Roy Kenneth Thomson, testimony Thomson quoted in Newman, at Kent Commission hearings, "Table Talk of Roy Thomson." 13 April 1981.

P. 5 0 1. "n.o.body has any sympa -P. 516. a transitionfrom light: thy": RovThomson quoted ibid- Harold Evans, Good Times, Bad P 5 02. "Mr Thomson, you really Times, p. 7.

are cheap!": Roy Thomson story P. 5 16. "Each one has tofind from James B. Lamb, Press Gang: Kenneth Thomson quoted in Post- War Life in the World of ArthurJohnson, "Two papers die Canadian Newspapers, p. 166. as Thomson, Southam tighten P. 503. "MyJavorite color:" Roy belts," Globe and.11ail, 28 Aug.

Thomson story from Newman, 1980, p. 2.

"TableTalk of Roy Thomson." P. 520. "1 wisbyou luck": Fred P. 500. "1 could do without culture ":Eaton, quoted in "Store Wars"

Roy Thoinson quoted ibid. (script for TV show), p. 18.

R 5 09. "They say business is th cP. 5 2 1. "Idon't like all this ": law": Roy Thomson quoted ibid. Kenneth Thomson, quoted in Richard Conrad, "Thomson P. 5 10. "Most people wouldsay closes big deal-for wine,"

Roy Thomson quoted ibid. Toronto Star, 5 April 1979, P.'5 I On. "My wij~ made me ": p. At.

Kenneth Thomson quoted in P. 522. "George, Iwant to dosome "The most cost-conscious exec- shopping": Marilyn Thomson, utive, " Financial Post Magazine,quoted in George Whitman's 18 Sept. 1988, p. 8. unpublished journal; remainder of account of Thomsons'north P. 512. Disliking Ken Thomson' - ern journey from same source.

Richard Gwyn, "Dullness at the Top Dulls Many Thomson CHAPTER18 Papers," Toronto Star, 14 April DISASTER AND 1981, p. 7. DELIAT-RANCE P. 5 13. a vicious organization: P. 5 3 0. " 9 ~'re absolutely Clifford Pilkey quoted in David delighted": John A. Tory, quoted MacFarland, "The Accidental in Winifred n.o.bel, "The Bav Tyc.o.o.n," Sat.u.r.da ' y Night, Octo-tightens up inventories," Finan ber 1980, p. 28. cial Post, 22 Dec. 1979.


P. 5 3 3. Iftbere is an example: P. 5 74. "1 don't think its appropri Yorkton Securities studN quoted ate": a.n.a.lyst quoted by Terry in Investors Digest, 14june 1983,Brodie in "Shakeup at the Bay,"

1). 1138.Financial Times of Canada, 8 June 1987.

1). 5 3 3. "n.o.body knows wbdt women ": Marilyn Brooks quoted EPILOGUE in Barbara Aarstemsen, "Rough t.i.tnes in the Rag Trade," Report R 578. "the soul-sharpeningsatis on Business Magazine, Oct. 1988, J~ction ": Harry J. Boyle quoted 1). Peter C. Newman, Sometimes a Great Nation, p. 2 1.

P. 545. Ifthe HBC is alive: Sir P. 5 8 1. The honoured old initials: Eric Faulkner in letter to author,W Kaye Lamb quoted in Peter Easter Sunday, 1988. C. Newman, Caesars oj'the P. 5 5 0. Do vou believe that theWilderness, he, p. xxi.

removal: Barry Critchlev and P. 5 84. "the Company havefir Brian Baxter, "HBC executives cighi~jears":Josepb Robson dipping their ballpoints in quoted in Peter C. Newman, poison," Financial Post, Company ofAdventurers, he, p. 145.

24 Oct. 1988.

P. 584. "cloak to protect the trade":

CHAPTER 19North West Company agent.

LAST LORD OF THE BAY quoted in Newman, Caesars of P. 558. "David, m ' y grandson ":the Wilderness, p. xix.

Roy Thomson, quoted in Rus- P. 586. an oilman's dream: "From sell Bradclon, Roy Thomson of' Beaier Skins to Deep-Freezers Fleet Street, p. 3 5 6. and Oil," Fortune, Aug. 19i8, Pp. 5 6 3 -64. "the best pirture inP.

the world": Lord Clark, quoted ACKNOAXLEDGEMENTS in Donn Downey, "British rue loss of art treasure to Canadian,P. 5 Q0. '~our extrovert English Globe and,Wail, 3 May 1989, Man or woman ": John Le Carr6, p. A8.The Secret Pilgrim, p. 120, APPENDIX FOUR.


This listing is a selection from the main texts and journal articles consulted (luring the writing of this volume. The Chapter Notes in Appendix Three provide further information for those pursuing research, or for readers curious about the sources of the quotes used in the book.

Allen, Ralph. Ordeal by Fire: Asch, Michael I. "Some Effects Canada, 1910-1945. Canada of the Late Nineteenth Cen History Series, Vol. 5. tury Modernization of the Fur Toronto: Doubleday: Popular Trade on the Economy of the Library, 1961.Slavey Indians." Western Canadian Journal ofAnthropol Anderson, James Watt. Fur ogy, 6, no. 4 [1976]: 7ff.

Trader's Story. Foreword by Lord Tweedsmuir. Toronto: Atwood, Mae, ed. In Rupert~ Rverson Press, 196 1.

Land: Memoirs of Walter Traill.

Anderson, William Ashley. Angel Toronto: McClelland and ofHudson Bay: The True Story Stewart, 1970.

ofMaud Watt. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1961.

Annesley, Pat. "The Lady Awak- Baikie, Margaret. "Labrador ens." Equity, November 1985: Memories." In Them Days 108-10. [n.d.].

Artibise, Alan E J. "Boosterism Ballantyne, R.M. Hudson's Bay, and the Development of or Every-day Life in the Wilds of Prairie Cities, 1871-1913." In NorthAmerica. London: R. Douglas Francis and Black-wood, 1848.

Howard Palmer, eds., The Prairie West: Historical Read- Banfield, A.WE "The Barren ings. Edmonton: Pica Pica Ground Caribou." [Ottawa]: Press, 1985, pp. 408-34. Canada, Department of Resources and Development, ed. Town and City: Northern Administration and Aspects of Western Canadian Lands Branch, [n.d.l.

Urhan Development. Canadian Plains Studies no. 10. Regina: Barr, William. "On to the Bay."

Canadian Plains Research The Beaver, Autumn 1985: Centre, 1981. 43-53.



Barris, Thco,lore. Fire Canoc: "Bill Cobb Retires After 37 Prairie Steamboat Davs Revis- Years' Service." .1 loccasin ited. Toi onto: McCI(Iland and T,lv,[~rapb, June 1965: 2 6-2 Stew-art. 1977. Birdwvc, Clarence. "The Birth Batten, jai k. CanadaUovcs llest-ot an Industry." The Bcave); ward, IS8011890. Canadas September 1941; reprintcd, Ill.u.s.trated Heritage. -loronto: Autumn 1980: 12--13.

lack McClelland N.S.L. Nat kiral Science of Canada, 1977. Bliss, Michael. Northern Enter pi ise: Five Centurie's ofCanadian "Beaver House." The Reaver Business. Toronto: McClelland [19281. and Stewart, 1987.

Beavis, L.R.W "t.i.tania, Queen - - - - . Banting: A Biography.

of the ( 'lippers." T& Beave?; Toronto: McClellancland September 1942: 35 -37. Stewart, 1984.

Begg, Alexander. History ofthe Bone, Jack. "Ernie Lyall, the Nortb-[Vest. 3 vols. lbronto, 'Arctic Man."' Northwest 1894.Evplorer, i, no. 4 (September Berger, Carl, ed. Impe? ialisni and1086): 29-30.

Nationali.,-tn, 1884-1914:,-l Bonriccastle, R.H.G. A Gentle Conflict in Canadian l'hougbt. manAdventurer: TbeArctic Issues in Canadian I listorv. Diaries oj'Ricbard Bonnycastle: Toronto: Copp Clark, 1909. see entry under Robertson, Heather.

and Ramsay Cook, eds. Thc [Vest and the Nation: Bou le, John. The Imperial Essays in Honour of WL. Alor- Achievenient: The Rise and ton. Toronto: McCh Iland and T-awforniation ofthe British Stewart, 1976.Empire. Orig. publ. 1974. Har inondsworth,Nliddles.e.x, Eng Berton, Pierre. The Loa 5pike: land: Penguin Books, 1977.

The Great Railway, 1881-1885.

roronto: AlcClelland and Bo" sfield, Hartwell. Louis Riel: Stewart, 1971.7 be Rehel and the Hero.

T)ronto: Oxford Universitv The National Dream: Press, 1971.

The Great Railwi~y, 1871-1881.

Toronto: McClelland and d. The Letters of Stewart, 1970.Charles John Brvlkff, 1879-1882: Hudsons Bay - e d. Historic I leadlines:Company Land Commissioner 14 Century ofCanadian News Introduction by Alan Wilson.

Dramas. Canadian Ill.u.s.trated I MRS, Vol. 3 1. Winnipeg: Library. 'Ibronto: McClelland Hudsons Bay Record Society, -and Stewart, 1967. V) 7 7.


- - - , ed. Tbe Letters of Bruce, jean. Phe Last Best West.

Charlesjohn Brydges, Toronto Montreal Win 1883-1889: Hudson's Bay Com- nipegNancouver: Fitzhenry & pany Land Commissioner. Intro- Whiteside in a.s.sociation with duction byj.E. Rea. HBRS, the Multiculturalism Pro Vol. 33. Winnipeg: Hudson's gramme, Department of the Bay Record Society, 198 1. Secretary of State, 1976.

- - - , ed. Louis Riek Selected Bruernmer, Fred. Seasons ofthe Readings. New Canadian Eskimo: A Vanis.h.i.+ng Way of Readings. Toronto: Copp Life. Orig. publ. 1971. Paper Clark Pitman, 1988. back, 'Foronto: McClelland Braddon, Russell. Roy Thomson of and Stewart, 1978.

Fleet Street. Orig. publ. 1965. Bryant, James. Department Store London and Glasgow: Disease. Toronto: McClelland Collins Fontana Books, 1968. and Stewart, 1977.

Briggs, Asa. A Social History of Bryce, George. The Remarkable England. Orig. publ. 1983. History ofthe Hudson ~ Bay Harmondsworth, Middles.e.x, Company. London: Sampson England: Penguin Books, Low, Marston, 19 10.


Budgell, Leonard. "Recollec Brock, Paul. "She Prowls the tions ofRigolet." In Them Arctic." TheSkipper, Septem- Days 60 Years Ago (ed, Doris ber 1965.Saunders], August 1975: 4-24.

Brody, Hugh. LivingArctic: Burch, Ernest S., Jr. "Marriage Hunters oftbe Canadian North. and Divorce Among the London Boston: Faber and North Alaskan Eskimos." In Faber in collaboration with Paul Bohannan, ed., Divorce the British Museum and and After. An a.n.a.lysis ofthe Indigenous Survival Interna- Emotional and Social Problems tional, 1987.ofDivorce. Garden City, N.Y.: - - - . The People's Land. Doubleday & Co., 1970: Whites and the Eastern Arctic. 152-81.

Harmondsworth, Middles.e.x, Burgess, Lois M. "Influences England: Penguin Books, Affecting the Transfer of 1975. Ruperts Land: Some Aspects Brooks, J. Chadwick. "HBC and of the Att.i.tudes of Five Gov 'The Old Lady': The Com- ernments and Peoples to the pany's a.s.sociation with the Transfer of Rupert's Land Bank of England Has Been from the Hudson's Bay Com Continuous Through Two pany to Canada, July 15 th, Hundred Years." The Beaver, 1870." Master's thesis, Uni March 1934: 32ff. versity of Ottawa, 1963.


Burpee, Lawrence J. Sandford Carmichael-Galloway, Andrew Fleming, Empire Builder Lon- Strome Ayers. "Who resem don: Oxford Universitv Press, bles the Scots? What a silly 1915.question." Globe andVlail, 26 November 1999.

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cence, 187011880. Canada'~ Copland, A. Dudley. Coplalook: Ill.u.s.trated Heritage. Toronto: Chief 7~-ader, Hudson ~ Bay Jack McClelland N.S.L. Nat- Company, 1923-1939. Win ural Science of Canada, 1977. nipeg: Watson & Dwyer Colombo, John Robert, ed. Publis.h.i.+ng, 1985.

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Naskapi Independence and the Caribou. Montreal: Creighton, Donald. John A.

Centre for Northern Studies Macdonald: The Old Chieftain.

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