The First World War Part 8

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1 Sidney Fay, Sidney Fay, The Origins of the World War The Origins of the World War (2 vols, New York, 1934), vol. 2, p. 31. (2 vols, New York, 1934), vol. 2, p. 31.

2 Imanuel Imanuel Geiss, July 1914 Geiss, July 1914 (London, 1967), p. 64. (London, 1967), p. 64.

3 Stanoje Stanojevi, quoted in Samuel Williamson and Russel Van Wyk, Stanoje Stanojevi, quoted in Samuel Williamson and Russel Van Wyk, July 1914 July 1914 (Boston, 2003), p. 20. (Boston, 2003), p. 20.

4 Kurt Peball, Kurt Peball, Conrad von Hotzendorf. Conrad von Hotzendorf. Private Private Aufzeichnungen Aufzeichnungen (Vienna, 1977), p. 148. (Vienna, 1977), p. 148.

5 Gerhard Ritter, Gerhard Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre: the problem of militarism in Germany The Sword and the Sceptre: the problem of militarism in Germany (4 vols, London, 1971-73), vol. 2, p. 229. (4 vols, London, 1971-73), vol. 2, p. 229.

6 Williamson and Van Williamson and Van Wyk, July 1914, Wyk, July 1914, p. 57. p. 57.

7 Ibid., p. 102. Ibid., p. 102.

8 Fay, vol. 2, p. 204. Fay, vol. 2, p. 204.

9 Geiss, Geiss, July July 1914, p. 78. 1914, p. 78.

10 Keith Wilson (ed.), Keith Wilson (ed.), The Rasp of War: The Letters of H. A. Gwynne to the Countess Bathurst The Rasp of War: The Letters of H. A. Gwynne to the Countess Bathurst (London, 1988), p. 15. (London, 1988), p. 15.

11 Williamson and Van Williamson and Van Wyk, July Wyk, July 1914, p. 123. 1914, p. 123.

12 Slavka Mihajlovic, Slavka Mihajlovic, Oblaci nad gradom 1914-1918 Oblaci nad gradom 1914-1918 (Belgrade, 1955). (Belgrade, 1955).

13 Josef Redlich, Josef Redlich, Schicksalsjahre osterreichs Schicksalsjahre osterreichs 1908-1919. Das politische 1908-1919. Das politische Tagebuch Josef Redlichs, Tagebuch Josef Redlichs, ed. Fritz Fellner (2 vols, Graz, 1953), vol. 1, p. 240. ed. Fritz Fellner (2 vols, Graz, 1953), vol. 1, p. 240.

14 Geiss, Geiss, July 1914, July 1914, p. 289. p. 289.

15 Graydon A. Tunstall, Graydon A. Tunstall, Planning for War against Russia and Serbia: Austro-Hungarian and German Military Strategies, 1897-1914 Planning for War against Russia and Serbia: Austro-Hungarian and German Military Strategies, 1897-1914 (Boulder, CO, 1993), p. 221. (Boulder, CO, 1993), p. 221.

16 Rudolf Jerabek, Rudolf Jerabek, Potiorek Potiorek (Graz, 1991), p. 93. (Graz, 1991), p. 93.

17 R. A. Reiss, R. A. Reiss, How Austria-Hungary Waged War in Serbia : Personal Investigations of a Neutral How Austria-Hungary Waged War in Serbia : Personal Investigations of a Neutral (Paris, 1915), p. 46. (Paris, 1915), p. 46.

18 Jerabek, Jerabek, Potiorek, Potiorek, p. 165. p. 165.

19 John R. Schindler, 'Disaster on the Drina: The Austro-Hungarian Army in Serbia, 1914', John R. Schindler, 'Disaster on the Drina: The Austro-Hungarian Army in Serbia, 1914', War in History, War in History, vol. 9 (2002), p. 187. vol. 9 (2002), p. 187.

20 A. A. Brusilov, A A. A. Brusilov, A Soldier's Soldier's Note-book 1914-1918 (London, 1930), p. 96. Note-book 1914-1918 (London, 1930), p. 96.

21 Manfred Rauchensteiner, Manfred Rauchensteiner, Der Tod des Doppeladlers. osterreich-Ungarn und der Erste Weltkrieg Der Tod des Doppeladlers. osterreich-Ungarn und der Erste Weltkrieg (Graz, 1993), p. 136. (Graz, 1993), p. 136.


1 Wolfgang Mommsen, Wolfgang Mommsen, Max Weber in German politics Max Weber in German politics (Chicago, 1984), p. 69. (Chicago, 1984), p. 69.

2 Lloyd George, Lloyd George, War Memoirs War Memoirs (2 vols, London, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 26. (2 vols, London, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 26.

3 James Joll, James Joll, Second International Second International (London, 1975), p. 168. (London, 1975), p. 168.

4 John Rohl, 'An der Schwelle zum Weltkrieg: eine Dok.u.mentation uber den "Kriegsrat" vom 8. Dezember 1912', John Rohl, 'An der Schwelle zum Weltkrieg: eine Dok.u.mentation uber den "Kriegsrat" vom 8. Dezember 1912', Militargeschichte:Mitteilungen, Militargeschichte:Mitteilungen, vol. 1 (1977), no. 21, p. 100. vol. 1 (1977), no. 21, p. 100.

5 Helmuth von Moltke, Helmuth von Moltke, Erinnerungen-Briefe-Dok.u.mente, 1877-1916 Erinnerungen-Briefe-Dok.u.mente, 1877-1916 (Stuttgart, 1922), p. 308. (Stuttgart, 1922), p. 308.

6 Robert T. Foley, Robert T. Foley, Alfred von Schlieffen's Military Writings Alfred von Schlieffen's Military Writings (London, 2002), p. 198. (London, 2002), p. 198.

7 Gerhard Ritter, The Gerhard Ritter, The Schlieffen Schlieffen Plan (London, 1958), p. 166. Plan (London, 1958), p. 166.

8 Nicholas Stargardt, Nicholas Stargardt, The German Idea of Militarism The German Idea of Militarism (Cambridge, 1994), p. 36. (Cambridge, 1994), p. 36.

9 John Home and Alan Kramer, John Home and Alan Kramer, German Atrocities 1914: A History German Atrocities 1914: A History of Denial (London, 2001), pp. 145-6. of Denial (London, 2001), pp. 145-6.

10 Joseph Bedier, Les Joseph Bedier, Les Crimes allemands d'apres des temoignages allemands Crimes allemands d'apres des temoignages allemands (Paris, 1915), p. 12. (Paris, 1915), p. 12.

11 Ernst Rohm, Die Ernst Rohm, Die Geschichte eines Hochverraters Geschichte eines Hochverraters (Munich, 1933), p. 33, quoted by Dieter Storz in Wolfgang Michalka (ed.) (Munich, 1933), p. 33, quoted by Dieter Storz in Wolfgang Michalka (ed.) Der erste Weltkrieg Der erste Weltkrieg (Munich, 1994), p. 252. (Munich, 1994), p. 252.

12 Aubrey Herbert, Aubrey Herbert, Mons, Anzac and Kut Mons, Anzac and Kut (London, 1930), p. 45. (London, 1930), p. 45.

13 Pierre Rocolle, Pierre Rocolle, L'hecatombe L'hecatombe des des generaux generaux (Paris, 1980), p. 98. (Paris, 1980), p. 98.

14 Dr Antoine, Dr Antoine, Au village pendant la guerre Au village pendant la guerre (Paris, 1924), p. 25. (Paris, 1924), p. 25.

15 Guy Pedroncinci, Guy Pedroncinci, Les Mutineries Les Mutineries de de 1917 1917 (Paris, 1967), p. 23. (Paris, 1967), p. 23.

16 s.h.i.+mon Naveh, In pursuit s.h.i.+mon Naveh, In pursuit of military excellence of military excellence (London, 1997), p. 76. (London, 1997), p. 76.

17 E. L. Spears, E. L. Spears, Liaison 1914 Liaison 1914 (London, 1930), p. 417. (London, 1930), p. 417.

18 Henri Barbusse, Henri Barbusse, Under Fire Under Fire (London, 1929), p. 156. (London, 1929), p. 156.

19 'Correspondance entre Romain Rolland et Jean-Richard Bloch 1914-1919', 'Correspondance entre Romain Rolland et Jean-Richard Bloch 1914-1919', La Revue Europe, La Revue Europe, nos. 95-103 (1953-4), pp. 4-5. nos. 95-103 (1953-4), pp. 4-5.

20 Romain Rolland, Romain Rolland, Au-dessus Au-dessus de de la melee la melee (Paris, 1915), pp. 39-42. (Paris, 1915), pp. 39-42.

21 Hermann Lubbe, Hermann Lubbe, Politische Philosophie Politische Philosophie in in Deutschland Deutschland (Munich, 1974), p. 186. (Munich, 1974), p. 186.

22 Anna Woebcken (ed.), Anna Woebcken (ed.), Im Western. Briefe eines Deutschen Frontsoldaten Im Western. Briefe eines Deutschen Frontsoldaten (Oldenburg, 1929), p. 23. (Oldenburg, 1929), p. 23.

23 Eric Lahayle (ed.), Eric Lahayle (ed.), Carnets de guerre d'Alexis Callies (1914-1918) Carnets de guerre d'Alexis Callies (1914-1918) (Chateau-Thierry, 1999), p. 185. (Chateau-Thierry, 1999), p. 185.


1 Melvin Page, Melvin Page, The Chiwaya War The Chiwaya War (Boulder, CO, 2000), p. 101. (Boulder, CO, 2000), p. 101.

2 Quoted in I. E Clarke (ed.), Quoted in I. E Clarke (ed.), The The Great Great War with Germany, 1890-1914 War with Germany, 1890-1914 (Liverpool, 1997), p. 202. (Liverpool, 1997), p. 202.

3 Quoted in Michael Howard, Quoted in Michael Howard, The Lessons of History The Lessons of History (Oxford, 1991), pp. 84-5. (Oxford, 1991), pp. 84-5.

4 Frederick R. d.i.c.kinson, Frederick R. d.i.c.kinson, War and National Reinvention: j.a.pan War and National Reinvention: j.a.pan and and the Great War, 1914-1919 the Great War, 1914-1919 (Cambridge, MA, 1999), p. 35. (Cambridge, MA, 1999), p. 35.

5 The words of Tanaka Guchi, ibid., p. 51. The words of Tanaka Guchi, ibid., p. 51.

6 Hans Werner Neulen, Hans Werner Neulen, Feldgrau in Jerusale Feldgrau in Jerusalem.Das Levantekorps des kaiserlichen Deutschland (Munich, 1991), p. 113. (Munich, 1991), p. 113.

7 Andrew Gordon, The Andrew Gordon, The Rules of the Game Rules of the Game (London, 1996), p. 391. (London, 1996), p. 391.

8 Richard Hough, Richard Hough, The The Great Great War at Sea War at Sea (Oxford (Oxford, 1986), p. 96. 1986), p. 96.

9 Hans Pochhammer, Hans Pochhammer, Before, Jutland Before, Jutland (London, 1931), p. 214. (London, 1931), p. 214.

10 Page, The Page, The Chiwaya Chiwaya War, p. 32. War, p. 32.

11 Ludwig Deppe, Ludwig Deppe, Mit Lettow-Vorbeck durch Afrika Mit Lettow-Vorbeck durch Afrika (Berlin 1919), p. 393. (Berlin 1919), p. 393.

12 Richard Meinertzhagen, Richard Meinertzhagen, Army Diary 1899-1926 Army Diary 1899-1926 (Edinburgh, 1960), p. 82. (Edinburgh, 1960), p. 82.

13 Ibid., p. 166. Ibid., p. 166.

14 Joe Lunn, Joe Lunn, Memoirs of the Maelstrom: a Senagalese oral history of the First World War Memoirs of the Maelstrom: a Senagalese oral history of the First World War (Portsmouth, NH, 1999), p. 137. (Portsmouth, NH, 1999), p. 137.


1 Quoted in Geoffrey Lewis, 'The Ottoman Proclamation of Jihad in 1914', Quoted in Geoffrey Lewis, 'The Ottoman Proclamation of Jihad in 1914', in Arabic and Islamic Garland: Historical, Educational and Literary Papers Presented to Abdul-Latif Tibawi in Arabic and Islamic Garland: Historical, Educational and Literary Papers Presented to Abdul-Latif Tibawi (London, 1977), p. 164. (London, 1977), p. 164.

2 Ulrich Gehrke, Ulrich Gehrke, Persien Persien in der in der deutschen Orientpolitik deutschen Orientpolitik (2 vols, Stuttgart, 1960), vol. 1, p. 1. (2 vols, Stuttgart, 1960), vol. 1, p. 1.

3 Carl Muhlmann, Carl Muhlmann, Deutschland und die Turkei 1913-1914 Deutschland und die Turkei 1913-1914 (Berlin, 1929), p. 39. (Berlin, 1929), p. 39.

4 Carl Muhlmann. Carl Muhlmann. Oberste Heeresleitung und Balkan im Weltkrieg 1914-1918 Oberste Heeresleitung und Balkan im Weltkrieg 1914-1918 (Berlin, 1942), pp. 22-3. (Berlin, 1942), pp. 22-3.

5 Henry Morgenthau, Henry Morgenthau, Amba.s.sador Morgentbau's Story Amba.s.sador Morgentbau's Story (New York, 1919), p. 32. (New York, 1919), p. 32.

6 Yigal Sheffy, Yigal Sheffy, British Military Intelligence in the Palestine Campaign British Military Intelligence in the Palestine Campaign 1914-1918 (London, 1998), p. 61. 1914-1918 (London, 1998), p. 61.

7 Georges Kopp, trans. R. Jouan, Georges Kopp, trans. R. Jouan, a bord du a bord du 'Goeben' 1914-1918 (Paris, 1931), p. 46. 'Goeben' 1914-1918 (Paris, 1931), p. 46.

8 Gotthard Jaschke, 'Der Turanismus der Jungturken. Zur osmanischen Aussenpolitik im Weltkriege', Die Gotthard Jaschke, 'Der Turanismus der Jungturken. Zur osmanischen Aussenpolitik im Weltkriege', Die Welt des Islams, Welt des Islams, vol. 22 (1941), p. 5. vol. 22 (1941), p. 5.

9 Felix Guse, Die Felix Guse, Die Kaukasusfront Kaukasusfront im im Weltkrieg Weltkrieg (Leipzig, 1940), p. 7. (Leipzig, 1940), p. 7.

10 Gerard Chaliand and Yves Ternon, Gerard Chaliand and Yves Ternon, Le Genocide des Armeniens Le Genocide des Armeniens (Brussels, 1984), p. 47. (Brussels, 1984), p. 47.

11 Ibid., p. 54. Ibid., p. 54.

12 Martin Gilbert, Martin Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill 1874-1965, Winston S. Churchill 1874-1965, (8 vols, plus companion vols, London, 1971-88), vol. 3: (8 vols, plus companion vols, London, 1971-88), vol. 3: Companion Companion part I, p. 361. part I, p. 361.

13 John Gooch, John Gooch, The Plans of War: The General Staff and British Military Strategy, c. 1900-1916 The Plans of War: The General Staff and British Military Strategy, c. 1900-1916 (London, 1974), p. 259. (London, 1974), p. 259.

14 Robert Rhodes James, Robert Rhodes James, Gallipoli Gallipoli (Basingstoke, 1989), p. 4. (Basingstoke, 1989), p. 4.

15 Wilhelm Groener, Wilhelm Groener, Lebenserinnerungen Lebenserinnerungen (Gottingen, 1957)), p. 224. (Gottingen, 1957)), p. 224.

16 Morgenthau, Morgenthau, Amba.s.sador Morgenthau's Amba.s.sador Morgenthau's Story, p. 210. Story, p. 210.

17 Kevin Fewster (ed.), Kevin Fewster (ed.), Gallipoli Correspondent Gallipoli Correspondent (Sydney, 1983), p. 70. (Sydney, 1983), p. 70.

18 Jock Philips, Nicholas Boyack and E. P. Malone (eds), Jock Philips, Nicholas Boyack and E. P. Malone (eds), The Great Adventure: New Zealand The Great Adventure: New Zealand Soldiers Soldiers Describe Describe the First World War (Wellington, 1988), p. 37. the First World War (Wellington, 1988), p. 37.

19 Tim Travers, Tim Travers, Gallipoli 1915 Gallipoli 1915 (Stroud, 2001), p. 199. (Stroud, 2001), p. 199.

20 Jean Giraudoux, Jean Giraudoux, Carnet des Dardanelles Carnet des Dardanelles (Paris, 1969), p. 97. (Paris, 1969), p. 97.

21 Travers, Travers, Gallipoli, Gallipoli, p. 229. p. 229.

22 Fewster, Fewster, Gallipoli Correspondent, Gallipoli Correspondent, p. 153. p. 153.

23 David Omissi (ed.), Indian David Omissi (ed.), Indian Voires of the Voires of the Great Great War: Soldiers' Letters, War: Soldiers' Letters, 1914-1918 (Basingstoke, 1999), p. 160. 1914-1918 (Basingstoke, 1999), p. 160.

24 Carl Muhlmann, Carl Muhlmann, Das deutsch-turkiscbe Waffenbirndnis Das deutsch-turkiscbe Waffenbirndnis im Weltkriege (Leipzig, 1940), p. 71. im Weltkriege (Leipzig, 1940), p. 71.

25 Colmar von der Goltz, Colmar von der Goltz, Denkwurdigkeiten Denkwurdigkeiten (Berlin, 1932), pp. 421-2. (Berlin, 1932), pp. 421-2.

26 John Buchan, John Buchan, Greenmantle Greenmantle (London, 1917 edn.), p. 16. (London, 1917 edn.), p. 16.

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